What is a Liberal? What is a Conservative?

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  1. mega1 profile image80
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    I really wonder what people mean when they ask if I'm a Liberal! Is it fair to categorize someone based on the stuff we write in these forums?  And if you consider yourself a Conservative (which is not any political party by the way) does that mean that you have to dislike intensely anyone who considers themselves a Liberal?  Ok, get ready, get set, ATTACK!madmadmad 





  2. mega1 profile image80
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    OK, come and get me! I'm leaving the door open - all you who want to label and "believe" people are either one thing or another, come on!  I'm keeping my mind open for another hour - don't make me have to come over there!

  3. Jeffrey Neal profile image68
    Jeffrey Nealposted 14 years ago

    There was a thread on this not long ago started by rhamson.  I think it was something about is it fair to label...

    The labels are just a matter of convenience, but by no means the final word on what someone is about.

    And, if someone seems to you to have "intense dislike" for you, is that your problem or theirs?

  4. Beth Solomon profile image60
    Beth Solomonposted 14 years ago

    What's also confusing and annoying is that most people are not straight conservative or straight liberal.  I'm personally fiscally conservative and socially liberal, so pretty much every politician annoys me these days.

    I also don't like when people brand another as liberal or conservative based on where they live, or their views on one topic.  Politics, like life, are complex.

  5. jiberish profile image80
    jiberishposted 14 years ago

    I'm conservative, but don't agree with either party.

  6. habee profile image93
    habeeposted 14 years ago

    I'm conservative in some areas, liberal in a few, and a moderate in most. I'm also Libertarian in some areas:

    conservative: small government, gun ownership

    liberal: against the death penalty, legalizing marijuana

    libertarian: personal freedoms

    Moderate on most other issues.

  7. SoftCornHippo profile image61
    SoftCornHippoposted 14 years ago

    how bout when your friends are like, RADICAL, andyou aren't really, but then people think you are - so - like I hear people on Fox sying Obama's friends are COMMUNIST so that makes him really bad or something.  I think pretty much people will say anything they want to and when they label somebody else - especially publicly when they have something to gain by stirring things up - that is dispicable.  huh.  but also I hate labels of every kind - I've never understood why people would stand up and say like "I'm proud to be conservative!" or liberal or fascist or whatever - because what does anything like than mean, when people have about a hundred different definitions for those labels.  meaningless bull....i say

  8. mega1 profile image80
    mega1posted 14 years ago

    I figured this was not a new subject in hubville.  I have only recently gotten sensitive to this kind of labeling - possibly because I am more exposed to it living in a house where every afternoon the TV is blaring out O'Reilly and chronies on Foxnews who seem to gleefully label and enjoy dissing "liberals" I had never heard this word used so often or in such strange context.  It's making me wonder if these labels ever get defined in any real way that everyone will agree to.  I think not - its like open-season.  And not very productive as far as real dialogue goes.  Its like talk radio on tv only you have to watch their blood pressure rise while they rant.  In fact, half the time I think they're just reading a script and going thro the actions without really believing in it.  sigh.

  9. profile image0
    Brenda Durhamposted 14 years ago

    Conservatism, in the dictionary, means resistance to change in traditional ways.   I'm definitely resistant to Obama's stupid changes!  ha

    I dunno the exact definitions or labels for conservative and liberal....

    I only know that I use those terms to define, basically, RIGHT and WRONG,  on both the social plane and the moral one.

    Guess which one is RIGHT??   You got it---conservatives!

    And I don't think anyone can call themselves conservative unless they stand up against the homosexual agenda and the abortion agenda, as well as advocating for honesty and patriotism and accountability from our leaders as well as themselves.

  10. Bibowen profile image87
    Bibowenposted 14 years ago

    I think it was Lincoln who said that a conservative is someone who believes that nothing should ever be done for the first time...

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image79
      Uninvited Writerposted 14 years agoin reply to this


    2. mega1 profile image80
      mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I am puzzling this out - I wish I knew what it meant.


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