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Joined 15 years ago

  • 19
  • 577
  • 233
  • Midnight in Paris - Woody Allen's Latest Masterpiece

    Midnight in Paris - Woody Allen's Latest Masterpiece

    5 years ago

    Midnight In Paris, 2011 by Woody Allen - Mega1 reviews her newest favorite of Allen's films - a real love affair with and in Paris starring Owen Wilson, Rachel MacAdams and all those 1920's and 1890's artist celebrities. Great story with beauty, wit and wisdom.

  • The Global Golden Rule or The Quantum Golden Rule

    The Global Golden Rule or The Quantum Golden Rule

    14 years ago

    When asked to express my philosophy of life this morning in the forums - I just realized that the only philosophy I've ever really needed is the Golden Rule.  Now that I am older and realize that the world of action and wisdom doesn't stop with...

  • 38

    Tiny Houses - Part 5 of Fantasy Homes series

    13 years ago

    Tiny houses are all the style now for many people who want to try living in less space - with less things! Part 5 of the Fantasy Homes series by Mega1

  • Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band at Dead on the Creek Music Festival 2010

    Peter Rowan Bluegrass Band at Dead on the Creek Music Festival 2010

    13 years ago

    A Saturday in the California hills listening to hillbilly music at the Dead on the Creek Music Festival is close to heaven for this Kansas girl! You may as well know that bluegrass music is still very much alive and so are the people who love it so....

  • Aroused! - Part 3

    Aroused! - Part 3

    14 years ago

    Ben Jolsey is seeking treatment for his erectile dysfunction and the greater problem of his loss of interest in sex. He has just visited Dr. Jay, who specializes in sexual dysfunction, and in this session has remembered the circumstances surrounding...

  • Wacky Advice - Week 5 or so

    Wacky Advice - Week 5 or so

    14 years ago

    You waited so patiently and now you wil be REWARDED! Big time! Here are more of those wildly wacky answers to some equally wacky questions and if it isn't really advice, are you going to complain? No. I think not. If you're actually reading this you...

  • Wacky Advice For Your Perfectly Wacky Predicaments - Week Three

    Wacky Advice For Your Perfectly Wacky Predicaments - Week Three

    14 years ago

    Wherein wacky advice givers, TheGlassSpider and Mega1 forge on with colors flying and continue answering in spite of practically impossible to answer questions. Here’s our latest batch of questions and we sincerely hope that the very length of...

  • Wacky Advice for Your Perfectly Wacky Predicaments

    Wacky Advice for Your Perfectly Wacky Predicaments

    14 years ago

    "We are the 3-D of the advice world" self-explanatory You can pose your wacky (or serious) questions; don't expect a serious answer no matter what. Two experts in the field of World Wackyness and Wacked World Wearyness (TheGlassSpider and Mega1)...

  • Thanks For the Memories - Virtual Museums

    Thanks For the Memories - Virtual Museums

    12 years ago

    I have just discovered Virtual Museums - online collections of stupendous things and memorabilia and things to obsess on. These are wonderful, fabulous places to visit for images that will inspire you and for ideas to write on. I know I will be...

  • Reply to Rumi

    Reply to Rumi

    14 years ago

        There is half a full moon hanging out The ocean is bringing back yesterday’s sand Speak old mountain Your beauty is not hidden Even in the dawn Love fades    Only when we lack the courage After the winds Countless...

  • February - the beat goes on

    February - the beat goes on

    14 years ago

    February in my world It passes so quickly, and I don’t know why. Every year I have great plans for February that never come to pass. There are less days in the month. That’s a good excuse. Valentine’s Day, so special to so many is just...

  • Straw Bale and Adobe Home: Part 4 of Fantasy Homes Series

    Straw Bale and Adobe Home: Part 4 of Fantasy Homes Series

    12 years ago

    Straw bales and adobe make some very beautiful homes with great energy reduction and relatively inexpensive building costs. In Part 4 of my Fantasy Home series I take a look at the functional and spectacular designs of some straw bale and adobe homes.

  • 20

    Houseboat Homes - Part Two of the Fantasy Homes Series

    14 years ago

    About the same time I was fantasizing about treehouse homes in the early 1970s (see my hub Part 1 of Fantasy Home Series ) I moved from the mountain forests to a small coastal town in Marin Co. California...

  • Treehouse homes

    Treehouse homes

    13 years ago

    Interior - what I call the "bubble" Once upon a time, back in the 70’s, all us happy hippy children just danced and sang and refused to grow up, remember? And if you would have asked any of us what kind of house we dreamed about having...

  • ESL - English as a Second Language

    ESL - English as a Second Language

    14 years ago

    If you’re an English speaking person and you don’t travel to other countries then you probably have no idea what it is really like to be in a foreign land where you do not know the language and trying to learn while you start a new life....

  • The Zen Art of Creative Nagging - for Beginners

    The Zen Art of Creative Nagging - for Beginners

    15 years ago

    I’ve asked you a thousand times . . . Ok. WHY have you asked me a thousand times? If I didn’t do it on the tenth try, am I EVER gonna do it? Asking someone a thousand times, is it ever a good idea? Well, yes, it is almost always a very good...



    15 years ago

    The Bobcat in the meadow A bobcat visited our meadow the other morning and stayed for about 20 minutes hunting and basking in the sunshine. This was not the first time I've watched a bobcat, but this one had very distinctive markings...

  • Image Conscious - Do We Have TIME for This?

    Image Conscious - Do We Have TIME for This?

    15 years ago

     Image Consciousness - What did he/she look like? You know how everyone’s so “image conscious” “in this country” ? How, say, you’re the victim of a mugger, first thing the cops ask, is “what did he look like?” What? What did he...

  • How to Give Up Alcohol

    How to Give Up Alcohol

    14 years ago

    On the day you may wake up and realize you have been feeling very sick for so long that you can’t remember what it was like to feel healthy, peaceful and happy, you may suddenly realize that it may be alcohol has made you so very sick, and you...


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