How can person say they have faith in God if its not based on his truth ?

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  1. localbizcoach profile image59
    localbizcoachposted 14 years ago

    How can person say they have faith in God if its not based on his truth ?

    People either have religion and know God like they know George Washington or they have relationship and know God like they know there best friend. Faith is knowing God will do what he said he will do BUT If a person does not know what God said (the bible) then there faith is based on what  ? there religion or there relationship ? twisted truth or absolute truth ?

  2. profile image0
    jcmmanuelposted 14 years ago

    A counter-question could be: how can we speak of the "truth" of the Bible as if we have a complete understanding of it? We all know that our own interpretations of bible verses may be wrong. But faith in God is not based on "insight". It is not "insights" that save people. Faith is an act that starts with commitment in love, and repentance. Insight is something for later in most cases. And we always have to question things, life is a quest. This is how God intended it to be, apparently. Hope this helps...

  3. profile image0
    brotheryochananposted 14 years ago

    Truth in gods word is ever growing. Things people believe are correct may change eventually, but in the meantime they have faith that god will by his spirit will lead them into all truth and he will.
    I don't think we can debate truth of gods word with faith. Faith is the evidence of things unseen, a promise that is yet to come.
    Heaven is not dependant on how we deciphered genesis 3.

    Now if we want to discuss false religious beliefs, not based on the bible, worshippers of the creation and not the creator then we can quite confidently say these people are strongly deluded and their faith is wrongfully directed.

    but anybody professing jesus is god come to give salvation by repentance from sin, then there is always hope that the individual professing biblical basics in knowledge will grow to larger and correct truths and chances are, faith will be the vehicle to proper enlightenment.

  4. Pollyannalana profile image60
    Pollyannalanaposted 13 years ago

    You are absolutely right such as some people thinking the Bible says "Cleanliness is as Godliness" which is not in the Bible and many other quotes people pick up from who knows where. Each should study their bible and not even take their pastors word for it, we are all responsible for reading and learning to show ourselves approved.

  5. rdlang05 profile image85
    rdlang05posted 13 years ago

    Actually what you're talking about is hope: trust in God's promises... Faith is definitely related... but is more belief in the existence of God. I also really believe that faith is both a relationship and a knowledge (maybe that's what you're saying?).  I don't think that religion has to exclude relationship, I know plenty of people who practice a certain religion and have very intimate relationships with Christ.

    I agree however, that if their relationship is not based on the Truth then it is not a true relationship with God.

  6. ladyjojo profile image60
    ladyjojoposted 13 years ago

    Lovely question; i try to understand that very much myself. I think it's like a tradition every one follow to suit. Yes they believe in God but knows nothing about him, they don't pray read his bible or excersise his faith. It's just like people who tell me they are born again christians and doing all saughts of wrong things and i who live a life worthy of the gospel says am not born again yet.

  7. perfectperception profile image60
    perfectperceptionposted 13 years ago

    Not everyone believes in his truth, only personal pleasures. It's why we are so unsuccessful in governing ourselves.

  8. Dian'swords4u profile image60
    Dian'swords4uposted 13 years ago

    You can either have Head knowledg or Heart knowledge.  If you don't have both, then faith would be hard to have and prove.


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