What are your beliefs and views on marriage

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  1. misscoles profile image61
    misscolesposted 11 years ago

    What are your beliefs and views on marriage

    How would you define marriage. Should there be a marriage license? A ceremony before God? Do you believe God accepts common law marriage? Im having trouble asking the question the way I want to. Basically I just want opinions on what you guys think about the whole marriage process. And what will be recognized by God and the government. Is a marriage license really important? Or can two people simply have a ceremony and live as a couple.


  2. dashingscorpio profile image80
    dashingscorpioposted 11 years ago

    I believe marriage is a lifestyle choice. It contains a legal contract which stipulates if the marriage (fails) the parties involed may be entitled to certain financial or legal benefits.
    Yes I believe God does recognize common law marriage. Adam and Eve never "exchanged" vows and most slaves were not legally allowed to get married but many of them (considered themselves) to be married.
    Today there are factions of people who state if a couple is not married they aren't committed.I suppose it all depends on how one defines the word "commit". Is it having someone sticking with you through ups and downs in a loving monogamous relationship? (Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell living together for 30 years) or is it a marriage license with someone who may only be with you for 37 days (Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries)?
    I personally believe a commitment is based upon how a couple conducts itself overtime. Awhile back I wrote a hub on this topic. http://dashingscorpio.hubpages.com/hub/CommitmentW
    All marriages will have their share of challenges but at the very least they should start out with (both) people wanting to get married. One man's opinion! :-)

  3. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    A marriage is between two people and it should be for their entire life. I get so irritated with individuals who say they have been through a divorce. Try working through the problem, or reading the signs in dating, understanding what you want in a partner, making sure you two see eye to eye on the top five reasons for divorce list, etc.
    Marriage is living as a couple, but with an eternal commitment and a strong bond. Normally this bond is expressed legally and that helps keep them together when times are tough.

    1. Sophia-LeAnne profile image59
      Sophia-LeAnneposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree that marriage should actually be until death. I find it annoying when people list "irreconcilable differences" what was it that couldn't be worked out?

    2. dashingscorpio profile image80
      dashingscorpioposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sophia, I believe "irreconcilable differences" was created so the divorcing couple could keep the details private. Divorce is a public record.

    3. stclairjack profile image77
      stclairjackposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      spoken exactly like someone who has never been in the rather uncomfortable situation of divorce,... so very soory i irritated you, ha!

  4. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    I think two people who love each other should do what works for them and not what others tell them is right. I'm married with a piece of paper with no ceremony before a God. If someone chooses to do it another way it is none of my business.

  5. Sophia-LeAnne profile image59
    Sophia-LeAnneposted 11 years ago

    Marriage is a union (an agreement of togetherness) between a man and woman. I've never considered what was necessary for it to be valid in the sight of God. A ceremony? and legal document? hmm...I've always just assumed. Government requires a license and witness and 2 that agree to live in matrimony of course. Yes, you can have a ceremony and live as a couple but it will not be recognized unless you register with the state is some kind of way, so for tax purposes and money matters, there would be limitations.

  6. Theophanes profile image90
    Theophanesposted 11 years ago

    I wrote a hub The History of Marriage which explains where many of these things came from and why. It might help clear a few things up. Personally I think marriage is overly complicated these days. It should be to show your community (or family, etc) as well as your lover that you are committed to the relationship you are in - nothing more, nothing less.

  7. profile image0
    khmohsinposted 11 years ago

    With all the many different religions and beliefs today, it makes sense that with each different beliefs and customs, there will be a different type of wedding and marriage as well. The Muslim belief is one is practiced today just as actively as it was centuries ago. This religion has many different beliefs when compared to more traditional religions of society today. Their marriages are not much different from any other religions marriage.

  8. jlpark profile image78
    jlparkposted 11 years ago

    Marriage is an 'agreement' of committment.  A 'contract' that you will be faithful, caring and only for one another.

    Does it need to be in a church? No.  Does it need to be religious at all? No. Does it make it less of a marriage if it is not committed to under the eye of God, and with religious ceremony? No, it does not.

    A non-religious marriage is as 'sacred' as a religious one.  The ONLY people who should be concerned about it's sacredness, however, are the TWO people in it. 

    Marriage is between two people.  Other people should not enter into someone else's marriage.  Other people should not be able to have any say in who one can marry either. They should really look at themselves and think "how would I feel if I was told I could not marry so and so?" before they poke their nose in. A marriage is between the TWO people in it - NO ONE ELSE.

    Government and God? Should be, and stay, separate.  Government should still give out licences, and if two people want a religious ceremony, God should be invited.

    Divorce? I can see it's benefits - for some couples (such as my parents....yes, I am here because of them - but they have found more compatible people! Whew!).  But, in my own marriage, I feel it does not have a place.

    I believe if there is a God, it's not really the biggest thing on his plate - marriage.  I'm sure he's a little busy with natural disaster management, plagues, famine, attempting to re-direct the Westboro Baptisit Church into doing good, smiting a few naughty nasty's, to be overly worried with 'recognising' marriage.

    So relax - your marriage is as sacred as you want it to be - whether it's in front of God, or not.

  9. ib radmasters profile image60
    ib radmastersposted 11 years ago

    Marriage one man one woman without the government involvement


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