Should a married couple stay together for the sake of the children, and keep the

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  1. Darknlovely3436 profile image70
    Darknlovely3436posted 14 years ago

    Should a married couple stay together for the
    sake of the children, and keep the family unit...


  2. prairieprincess profile image92
    prairieprincessposted 14 years ago

    I think it depends on what is happening in the marriage. It is much better to stay together if possible, but if there are addictions, abuse or adultery, then I don't necessarily recommend staying together.

    If there are any of those things, then I think the only way they can stay together is if they receive intensive counselling, and if both parties are committed to working on their marriage, and themselves. 

    Divorce hurts people a lot, but at the same time, one party cannot stay in the situation if they are being cheated on, abused, or their partner is a problem drinker, toker, etc. ...

  3. sarasca profile image71
    sarascaposted 14 years ago

    If the marriage is at such a point where stress, tension and hostility are prevalent, I think it would be better if the parents divorced.  Children can innately sense these types of things in a relationship and the last thing any parent should want is for their children to get clued in to the problems, become part of them, or feel as though the marriage is dissolving through some fault of their own.
    Regardless of what is really going on in the marriage (drugs, abuse, etc.), the first priority should always be to the children...and many children are better off in "broken" single parent homes than in homes where the relationship is dead but the parents have stayed together "for the sake of" the kids.

  4. eltravose profile image59
    eltravoseposted 13 years ago

    Yes, you made a choice to get married. Divorce can ruin a child's life.

  5. Abecedarian profile image71
    Abecedarianposted 13 years ago

    No, because if the couple is having problems, the children are living with the stress and strain of the relationship as well. Then the adults can come to recent the children for keeping them together. Sick I know, but I know a lot of disfunctional people. lol.

  6. cblogg profile image59
    cbloggposted 13 years ago

    No I don't believe so. Children feel the tension and stress keenly and I believe it could do more harm than good. Children they have their own way of looking at things and if parents can work out an amicable co-parenting agreement for the sake of their children, putting their needs first, then children in my opinion would adapt to the split while still feeling secure in both parents love.

  7. Neverletitgo profile image64
    Neverletitgoposted 13 years ago

    It is good to stay together for the sake of kid if it is not something significant, but if it is big problem divorce would be good solution. It is your responsibility to take care of your kids as a mother of father so you can come up some way you can share that since the kids are something making you to be linked post divorce.

  8. Ask Oracle profile image59
    Ask Oracleposted 13 years ago

    I perfectly agree with prairieprincess. However, just to add to that, whatever decision that is made, the interests of the child should also be taken into consideration.

  9. Darknlovely3436 profile image70
    Darknlovely3436posted 13 years ago

    I still think that some couple filed for a divorce to quick, without really considering the children, i believe in the family unit, a mother and father should always be in the home for their children, upbringing, divorce in this country is becoming more of a fashion statement these days, and as soon as a little problem comes along in the marriage, married couple just file the papers too quick, however, to the human mind, the word brokeness  can mean something need to be fixed, it is not not good as it was, or is no longer usable. .....but what about the children.. why must they be the one to suffer......

  10. profile image48
    tifftim818posted 13 years ago

    That would all depend on the home atmosphere! If the couple fights and the children witness it then you shouldn't continue being with each other.  In my own experience I think it's better for the children if their parents are happy whether that would be together or apart.

  11. tinks360 profile image61
    tinks360posted 13 years ago

    The couple should definately stay together, marriage is not valued highly enough anymore in my opinion and relationships are not worked on hard enough. I do think there are exeptions say if one of the partners is being unfaithful or if there is some sort of physical abuse occuring.
    People have arguments and fall outs the strenght in a relationship is often admitting your mistakes and comprimising on differences.

  12. DreadPirate profile image61
    DreadPirateposted 13 years ago

    As a lot of people have said, it depends on what is going on in the home. Alot of times kids are products of what they see and hear.. Not always mind you, but, if all they see is fighting cussing and an all around abusive relationship between their parents it leads me to believe that it may be engrained into their minds that this behavior is okay. But of course, in many peoples minds, one has to consider what is best for them... If both parents are loving toward the child and a separation/divorce occurs, and the child is made to understand what is going on and why, then it would be healthier for all parties to separate. I am from a home of divorce, my mom and dad separated when I was young, but I understood why... It sucked, but in my mind today I would much rather see that then see them fighting.

  13. Darknlovely3436 profile image70
    Darknlovely3436posted 13 years ago

     I have always believed in the keeping the family together for the sake of the children,      I read somewhere that the divorce rate in the United States is estimated to be high as 75.5 percent      and the average length of the new marriages is 25... read more


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