Do you prefer dating like it was in the past or the modern kind of dating?

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  1. DDE profile image46
    DDEposted 9 years ago

    Do you prefer dating like it was in the past or the modern kind of dating?

    Dating has changed in many ways. Especially,  with modern technology and now dating has a different perspective. If you had another chance of dating in this modern day how would you treat dating? Would you enjoy  dating at this time of life?

  2. dashingscorpio profile image81
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    I'm a big fan of freedom, equality, and having options. A lot of traditional dating was restrictive.
    Although many women often romanticize or long for the days when chivalry was commonplace but if one were to look under the hood they'd see much of "chivalry" is born out of "sexism" or placing women on the same level as children who must be guided and protected throughout life. Some women were fine with that.
    Dating rituals changed because a large segment of the female population wanted them to change! There were also better birth control methods which allowed women more sexual freedom than in the past. Better educational and career opportunities have also led women to have more financial freedom and be less dependent on men compared to previous eras.
    Online dating has also given people more options for ways to meet other singles along with other social media outlets. Nevertheless it's important to use good commonsense when meeting strangers either online or offline.
    Having said that there are some people who feel all the changes and more options have simply made things too complicated. They feel as though their being dragged into future and would love to return to a time when life seemed simpler and gender differences were well defined along with expectations. The challenge however for these people is that group of likeminded individuals is getting smaller with each passing year. When we stop looking (forward) we start to die.

    1. DDE profile image46
      DDEposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Greatly mentioned,''When we stop looking (forward) we start to die.''

    2. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      "if one were to look under the hood they'd see much of "chivalry" is born out of "sexism" or placing women on the same level as children. I respectfully disagree.  The history of "free love" is much more sexist.

    3. dashingscorpio profile image81
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      My point is during the years when chivalry was considered a mainstay was also during the era where women has less equality and were viewed as "the weaker sex". As for "free love" (better birth control and the hippie drug culture) led the way.

  3. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 9 years ago

    What most people don't know is that the 60's era of free love was actually very sexist. In communes, for example, the men never cooked or cleaned. They left that up to the women. Meanwhile, women were expected to have sex with anyone and everyone, because "we're" supposedly not "restricted" anymore.
    I had a male friend (not a lover) who lived in a commune back in the day. He said to me, it was fun, but the women were really messed up. My reply? "Of course they're messed up. They don't even know who fathered their babies, not to mention, a woman's heart always needs commitment, which free love does NOT provide."
    So my advice to women is NOT to fall for that "enlightened" sexual crap. It's a bill of goods. Men love it, but it fails horribly for women. The majority of modern women need to be romanced--that will never change. Furthermore, a smart woman is not going to complain if a man pulls out her chair. Please. He is showing her respect, not sexism.
    DDE, your question is about dating, not equal pay, so what I am saying is that too many men have developed this sense of sexual entitlement even though they've done absolutely nothing different to deserve it. That's a rather arrogant assumption... that women should make themselves more available sexually--no strings attached.
    The truth is that women are now doing even more work, inside and outside of the home, than ever before, while the man gets to enjoy his new found sense of sexual entitlement. Consequently, it is now far easier for men to be less committed and less chivalrous. I call these men "lazy hunters" or "gatherers" and I avoid them like the plague.
    That being said, I do believe that if a single woman wants to take a lover, she should... but she also needs to know where her heart is. Not all women are able to handle that much freedom, or in effect, know how to navigate the sexual waters as if she were a female George Clooney. Generally speaking, the majority of women want the guy she has sex with to actually care about her--for the long term. My point is that sexual equality isn't so equal after all and, in fact, more and more women are more frustrated and dissatisfied, not less so.

    1. dashingscorpio profile image81
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I think there is a connection with (pay/sexual) equality and dating attitudes which has created two groups of women. There's the "Sex And The City" more sexually aggressive group and the traditional women who resent them and call them "easy".

    2. DDE profile image46
      DDEposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      You are right so much has changed and yet men have such different thoughts.Women are still looked as, ''easy to get.'' Thank you

    3. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      The minute a woman buys into the thing of not expecting any chivalrous treatment, she has lost. Personally, I have no problem with Sex and the City women. What I'm saying is that men have developed entitlement issues and only women can change that.

    4. dashingscorpio profile image81
      dashingscorpioposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Men are usually sexually driven from an early age. Women dictate how men must behave to have sex with them. Over the years many women have (relaxed) their requirements. It has led some men to treat (all) women the same; upsetting traditional women

  4. grand old lady profile image83
    grand old ladyposted 9 years ago

    I think young people have their own way of adapting to dates and with the presence of technology, they do essentially have to deal with the same emotions, same choices, same consequences but with technology in the picture consequences can be tougher. Plus, there is cyberbullying which, true or not, can destroy a perfectly fine young woman's reputation.

    When my daughter talks to me about dating and her friends and their dates, I personally am thankful to be past that stage of life. I would like to have my 20 year old face and body back, but be right where I am right now. In our day we had the Dating Game, now we have The Bachelor.  But people are still the same. A lot of people join The Bachelor because they want showbiz careers, even if they say they are looking for love. Young people still need to be instilled with values of commitment and love and respect and caring, even if their cellphone has the internet, email, games, instagram, and all that other stuff.


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