Why do men look for porn or images of other women when they have a nice looking

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  1. Lady MJ profile image80
    Lady MJposted 13 years ago

    Why do men look for porn or images of other women when they have a nice looking wife?

  2. DonDWest profile image70
    DonDWestposted 13 years ago

    Some people enjoy different flavours of ice cream, even though they have a definate preferance.

  3. profile image0
    Dandraposted 13 years ago

    just to fulfil a biological urge and let it out. nothing personal for the wife.

  4. Loving_Life profile image61
    Loving_Lifeposted 13 years ago

    I think that men look at porn etc because theyre not satisfied with the relationship theyre in.....I also think that if a man is always looking at porn sites etc that he might eventually take the plunge and also go to websites and sign up for 'other' things as well...like meeting someone for sex etc....

    Why can't people if theyre in a relationship be satisfied with what they have?!

    Theres alot of men out there who still look at porn (magazines,movies, the internet etc) that have women that are willing to do anything and everything involving sex....so why wouldn't the man ask his wife/girlfriend to live out some of his fantasies etc?

    And that same woman will also never say no to her man either.....so why would a man still do the porn thing?

  5. Lady MJ profile image80
    Lady MJposted 13 years ago

    I find it humorous that there is always a justifiable reason for men to look at other women in a sexual nature, when it is them who get so defensive on how they perform with the woman they are truly intimate with.

    In all honesty, how would it make you feel if the person you were in love with told you they had to look at a falsified image or video to stroke their own because you just did not have the ability to satiate their desires in the bedroom?
    Every woman has that "porn star" inside of them, but I think because of the actions of their significant other relying on another woman to fulfill that urge instead of spicing it up with them, the hurt from that completely dissipates the confidence of the woman and therefore leads to an inactive sex life. When all the man has to do is pay attention and make the woman feel sexy.

  6. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    my guess would be to look at something differnt for a change

  7. INDIAGUIDE profile image38
    INDIAGUIDEposted 13 years ago

    They love other's wife than self. It is the nature of nature. This makes this generation ahead.

  8. abrarr profile image58
    abrarrposted 13 years ago

    well i think the only reason is media which fires up the fire in oneself and keeps doing it and one's wife cannot cool up this fire.

  9. that one girl profile image69
    that one girlposted 13 years ago

    Why do women read romance novels and watch romantic comedies? To escape, to day dream, to get a little bit of a charge. Maybe it's socialization, maybe it's truth, but it's generally accepted that women are more emotionally sexual, and men are more visually sexual. When you look at it in those terms, romance novels and romantic comedies are "emotional porn," yet you don't see guys complaining that their woman hates them because she likes watching movies/ reading books about people falling in love.

    And yeah, there are women out there who watch/ read "emotional porn" at different levels. Some love it and indulge regularly, some just watch it every now and again and don't actively seek it out. Same thing with guys and porn.

    Viewing porn is mostly harmless, in my opinion and experience. I mean, sure, there are always those men who indulge too much, at the expense of RL relationships -- but for most men, they check out porn on an occasional or moderate basis. At the end of the day, he's presumably sleeping with you, presumably financially and emotionally contributing to your relationship, and presumably an otherwise decent partner (or else you wouldn't be with him).

    The ethics of porn and the treatment of women who contribute to it is another discussion altogether. :-)

  10. selfdefenselesson profile image60
    selfdefenselessonposted 13 years ago

    Depends. If it's just now and then, it's totally harmless. Like when you see a hot girl pass you by, you look a little and admire.

    But if it's frequent, then he might be addicted to it.

  11. ajayshah2005 profile image47
    ajayshah2005posted 13 years ago

    Men look for porn or images of other women when they have a nice looking wife because men are excited visually.Few men are sexually excited by looking strange sexual activities in the porn and few men watch porn unknowingly to learn more sex techniques.

  12. Jonesy0311 profile image61
    Jonesy0311posted 13 years ago

    For the same reason that women watch cooking shows. We are looking at awesome things that we are never going to do. Also, variety is the spice of life. Does any man collect only videos from one single adult actress? Of course not. No matter how vivacious your wife is, you have to do something to excite your imagination. Why did my wife watch the Transporter or the new A-Team movie? Because he thinks Jason Statham and Brad Cooper are hot...and I certainly don't have those abs.

    I must disagree with Loving_Life. I have been married for 5 years and couldn't be happier. And, yes, I still look at pornography. Why? Because I can and because it makes me feel good. The same reason I drink wine with dinner and bum cigarettes at parties. Pornography has nothing to do with satisfaction. It is entertainment. I think that Dandra has provided the best answer. We have a biological need to "release" and fulfill the reward circuit in our brain. How can i argue with a portion of my own brain that is so archaic I share it with lizards?

  13. Dave Mathews profile image59
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    My wife's policy is I can look all I want, but don't touch. Makes sense to me. I am not comparison shopping merely admiring God's handiwork.

  14. dashingscorpio profile image72
    dashingscorpioposted 13 years ago

    Viewing porn is not about just looking at beautiful women in the nude. It's also has a fantasy element to it. Some men store those images in their mind and imagine their wife doing things she probably doesn't do in reality. For other men internet porn is the only sexual outlet they have as they are in "sexless marriages". Lastly you have a group of men that enjoy seeing a "variety" of nude women. No matter how beautiful one's wife is it will not kill their curiosity or stop them from admiring other beautiful women.

  15. cyoung35 profile image82
    cyoung35posted 13 years ago

    I'm not sure why you would generalize most men but women also like to look at porn but don't admit it as much as men. It is an excitement tool for our brains. It's kind of like eating your favorite meal, you love steak and lobster but you might not get as excited about it if you had it every night so if you closed your eyes and fantasized that you were eating a hamburger and fries it would make you hungry again.

  16. CuriousVagabond profile image61
    CuriousVagabondposted 13 years ago

    I have asked myself this question from the beginning of my venture into relationships and never understood the answer or wanted to until very recently. As a female we instinctively feel neglected, unimportant, or ugly in the case of finding our boyfriends/husbands looking at porn, but I've come to believe that is not the case. In many instances a man will watch porn simply because the female lover doesn't want to have sex or be frisky, it is nothing personal, just a need that needs to be fulfilled. God knows my libido is not as high as his, and I cannot, nor do I want to always have sex when the moment arises. You must see through the eyes of the man, because they do think much differently than we. It's not always that when they are watching porn they wish to be with that specific female, that's why they watch a plethora of it. It is arousing for them to watch others in the act of sexing, simply that... and it gets the job done. You must also remember men are much more visually sensitive compared to woman. It really is nothing to stress yourself over once you truly understand.

  17. tsmog profile image86
    tsmogposted 13 years ago

    Porn will have to be defined first. Porn is so diverse today I don't know what it is anymore. What was porn in the 50's, 60's & 70's is on main stream TV today. The James Bond films that caused an uproar are TV repeats today. I even saw Barbarella on TV. (1968 release with Jane Fonda) The Last Tango in Paris caused a big hubabaloo at one time too.

    But, if what is meant is the get-down and dirty stuff, again what ever that may be, it is imagery. If we could capture the imagery within the readers mind reading some of the poetry and short story hubs we may have what could be defined as porn.

  18. juiwei2000 profile image60
    juiwei2000posted 12 years ago

    It is simple, lust is not enough for love, love is not enough for marriage.

    When it come to lust, hey, every man has a player side to them.  But when they choose to get married, they made a committment and restrain themselve from sleeping with other woman, but if it just looking, most guys don't consider to be cheating, so, whatever.

  19. stariswhoiam profile image60
    stariswhoiamposted 12 years ago

    because the wife isn't the only beautiful woman out there.
    Personally, I would feel like I was cheating if I watched porn, but it's really up to the two people to decide how they feel about it.


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