What books would you recommend for boys age 10, if they are especially resistant

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  1. kallini2010 profile image78
    kallini2010posted 11 years ago

    What books would you recommend for boys age 10, if they are especially resistant to reading?

    My came out as study-resistant, reading-resistant creature.  I could not even teach him to read, he was the only one needing the "special" assistance.  Not because he is not intelligent enough, quite the opposite, but because until he decides that he will do it, nothing can be done.  I tried to enforce reading, but all failed until he stumbled on R.L. Stine books.  Is there is anything else you can recommend that would be thrilling enough for him to keep the trend - reading?


  2. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    You might try a few graphic novels. They are much like comic books. They have pictures dialogue.  It might be a nice way to introduce him to the joy of reading but he won't be intimidated by pages and pages of just words.

    1. profile image0
      ViolinByCourtneyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That would be my suggestion as well. Age-appropriate graphic novels, that is. Some are way too violent or sexual for a ten year old.

  3. MickS profile image59
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    Adventure stories of the old 'Boy's Own' type, under no circumstances anything that is politicaly correct.  I spent many years teaching reluctant boys reading, anything that they think girls might enjoy they will drop like a hot brick,

  4. lone77star profile image73
    lone77starposted 11 years ago

    I would recommend books with pictures, but not "picture books." I would recommend books that have lots of words along with dazzling pictures. What got me excited to read were the early space books with illustrations by Chesley Bonestell. After the thrill of the pictures wore off, I found myself hungry to know more, so I started to read.

    You might also consider science fiction, like "Ender's Game" -- about a boy who is given up by his parents to the military in games that are calculated to prepare for saving humanity. It's a deeply moving story and one that children of all ages can relate to.

  5. Nellieanna profile image67
    Nellieannaposted 11 years ago

    The answer is almost in your question, dear friend. Whatever books are suggested in the answers here to your question, if you judge them to be valuable & similar to what he has shown he likes, just get some of those books. Then leave them lying around where he circulates.  Don't suggest to him that he read them, point out their merits from YOUR perception (or as you think it would be from his) or 'push' them in any way.  Just let them lie there.
    Let the books and the boy connect - IF they can and will.  If not, get others and do the same thing.  Put the first ones in a 'library' for him to discover at some other time, perhaps once he's more into reading various books. Don't mention what you'e doing.  It won't  be a wasted effort, just not instantly successful.
    When he's chosen them of his own volition because they appeal to him - and because he has the option, just as he stumbled upon R.L.Stine books, it will be a foundation.
    Try going online to see if there are other writers comparable to that one whom might tickle his interest.  Be glad for that clue!  Good luck - and hugs!

  6. SidKemp profile image86
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    If he's into horror, why not go back to the classics - Edgar Allen Poe. The fact that Poe wrote short stories might help, as well. Also H. P. Lovecraft. And some Ray Bradbury (especially good as he often wrote short-short stories).  If he's open to adventure tales, Jack London is good. Mark Twain for humor.

    Also, read with him, read aloud to him, and talk about what you are reading.

    Also, find books related to his favorite TV shows or other interests. For example, he might both watch The Dead Zone on TV and read the Stephen King original novel.

    If he's open to science fiction, the classic Heinlein juvenile books are good.

    If he's open to fantasy, I think the Young Wizard series by Diane Duane is great, too.

    At his age, I was a big Hardy Boys fan, but that doesn't seem up his alley.

  7. Tusitala Tom profile image66
    Tusitala Tomposted 11 years ago

    My life-long love of reading came, as I recall, from reading comic books.  I can recall the names of them thought it's been nearly seventy years since I first picked them up: Beano, Dandy, were my favourites.  And Film Fun.   These picture with story comics got me going.   I was later to graduate to other comics which had virtually no pictures but very interesting stories of adventure.

    So my advice is very much like some that has already been mentioned.  Pictures and words that tell a story.  The natural thing is to want to find out why the pictures are changing as the story progresses.

    Good luck in your efforts.

  8. LongTimeMother profile image92
    LongTimeMotherposted 11 years ago

    Funny, scarey, lots of words or lots of pictures - my list of best books for pre-teen children.   Plus here's my tips (and tricks) to help kids who are reluctant readers become eager to read more. read more

  9. Borsia profile image41
    Borsiaposted 11 years ago

    My first real love of reading as a boy came from the Hardy Boys series.
    They may be dated now but the stories still work and I would try giving one to see what happens.

  10. richbrayan profile image62
    richbrayanposted 11 years ago

    I recommend getting adventurous books with pictures on the front cover that attract the attention of 10 yr olds. My personal favorites are  the "skulduggery Pleasant" series or "Charlie Bone"series or even better "Percy Jackson" novels as these have been made into recent movies (Note there's a new Percy Jackson movie due this summer so he could start reading the book before the movie is out)

  11. Grace-Wolf-30 profile image60
    Grace-Wolf-30posted 11 years ago

    Roald Dahl is timeless, and a favorite for anybody at any age. All of my boys love Roald Dahl from my 8 year old to my 12 year old. Boys particularly like things that are gruesome and gory!

  12. profile image0
    savvydatingposted 11 years ago

    The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery (equally enjoyed by adults and kids)

    A Light in the Attic by Shel Silverstein


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