do you think the vatican is full of secrets that would change followers opinions

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  1. nightwork4 profile image60
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    do you think the vatican is full of secrets that would change followers opinions if these...

    secrets got out?is there things the vatican hides to keep it's hold on christians?

  2. Ashantina profile image60
    Ashantinaposted 13 years ago

    hmm.. it sounds like you have the answers to your own question...

  3. BobbiRant profile image60
    BobbiRantposted 13 years ago

    Well they are the second largest bank in the world, now world leaders are eying all those riches.  We know those pedophiles were kept a secret, so I'm sure there are many more secrets hidden there.  As far as followers no longer following them?  I doubt too many would quit, but they have already lost many priests and nuns and followers in the past few years anyway.

  4. Merlin Fraser profile image59
    Merlin Fraserposted 13 years ago

    I don't think it I am convinced of it.

    I think they have Vaults full of information that would prove everything about organised religion is a lie.

    They wiped out the Knights Templar to protect their secrets and they created the Inquisition to suppress free thinking and all who spoke out against any of their beliefs.

    They have perpetuated a lie for two thousand years that has kept them in power over Kings and States,  How  ?    It has given them a lavish life style for centuries why would they give that up, can you imagine what chaos will ensue when millions of devout believers finally wake up and realise it has been for nothing ?

  5. Dave Mathews profile image59
    Dave Mathewsposted 13 years ago

    The Vatican hold nothing of interest for true born again Christians, but maybe for Roman Catholics it might. There is a difference.

  6. profile image0
    Butch Newsposted 13 years ago

    The Vatican has stuff it doesn't even know it has in their archives.

    And since the Vatican doesn't seem to like the idea of outside people poking around we may never know though I heard they found part of an old Bible recently dating to early times of the church.

    The oldest Bible (Codex Sinaiticus) is now restored digitally as well as it can be expected to be and is online... it differs from modern Bible translations in the story of the resurrection and includes extra books though most of the Old Testament is missing.

    Many people don't know that the present Pope Benedict XVI was in charge of a rewrite of some of the Vatican rules among which changed the part saying Masons would go to hell to something a little more warm and fuzzy... now it says only that anyone partaking of Masonic rituals is in a state of sin and is to be denied the sacraments.  Kind of a nicer way of saying Free Masons are going to hell.

    By the way, there is no hell in the Old Testament.  The word "hell" entered English translations and is not an original term found in the Old Testament.  It's a medieval term for the word "grave" or "burial place".  Hell is a concept derived from Islam and some vague concepts of the New Testament.

    I'm working on a hub, almost done, of a history of the Bible.

    What might change believers minds is knowing more about the history of the church instead of having blind faith.

    For instance, Pope Leo X is usually believed the originator of the giant cake in which pretty ladies jump out... except in his parties, young naked boys jumped out for the entertainment of the guests.  Pope Leo was notoriously gay.

  7. HOOWANTSTONO profile image60
    HOOWANTSTONOposted 13 years ago

    The secrets if there are any wouldn't be worth a cent in Gods eyes because they probably are not the Gospel.

  8. tonzofkids profile image58
    tonzofkidsposted 13 years ago

    There is a big difference between Christians and Catholics there is a significant difference in their beliefs.  I say that in response to the posts written here.  Catholics would probably be disillusioned and then freed by any secrets the Vatican has but Christianity would only take a blow if somehow lumped in with the Catholics.

  9. Iontach profile image67
    Iontachposted 13 years ago

    Without a doubt I believe they are full of secrets that would change followers opinions if they got out. Sure to get access to their documents is nearly impossible. Plus remember Lucia Santos, the woman who saw Mary, she wrote down secrets that Mary bestowed on her and sent them to the Vatican. Her secrets outlined Mary's wishes that had to be told to the people asap, but the pope seemed to take his time on releasing them and acting out the wishes.

    With her third secret, she told the pope to make sure it was to be released in 1960, but the vatican didn't obey this and withheld the Third Secret until 26 June 2000.

    There has been major conspiracy around this third secret and rumors say the third secret that was released wasn't the true original one as it wasn't signed by Lucia and it was much longer than the original letter that could be viewed through the envelope.

  10. lostdogrwd profile image60
    lostdogrwdposted 13 years ago

    that they have a black pope who head there assassin of the so called elite people of the world and it just a criminal organization. I read thing about them and it may or may not be true, but even they is a speck to God


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