In the name and by the authority of Jesus the Christ and his Words...

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  1. SparklingJewel profile image67
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    In the name and by the authority of Jesus the Christ and his Words "...all these things I do, you can do also because I go unto the Father..."

    In this one phrase that Jesus spoke, he said it all. It is the source of all understanding for each of us as an individual, One with God, and our power and purpose in life.

    We are here to become like the Christ, to become a Christ as Jesus showed us how to do.

    This is the message of Christmas, that we can be "born" in/as the Christ; it is our birth-right, no matter what religion we are a part of, or not a part of.

    Jesus spoke it so plainly, and it has been so misinterpreted. We are all sons and daughters of God, intended to become the Christ, Jesus showed the Way toward the ultimate level of attainment of that Christ...and in their cultures and their times and at their levels of attainment of that Christhood, others such as Buddha, Mohammad, Zarathustra, Confucius, Krishna, followers of the Kabbalah, etc., all the old prophets, saints, wise people, priests and priestesses of the Mother (before pagan was pagan as separate from God), all disciples, chelas, followers of the mystery schools from around the world throughout history, have tried to show the Way, the Path.

    Jesus was not the "only" son of God, he was/is the only one that had attained to that level of Oneness on this earth, but not the only soul that could become that ultimate Christ Consciousness.

    We can become/attain, uncover/reawaken, remove the veils/heal our consciousness, that allows the Christ to be in command, allows our True highest Self take command.

    It has been the followers of these Christed Ones that have misinterpreted the Word. Creating human religions that can mis-guide others, but can also show some of the Way. The whole Way is an individual discovery, only you can know your own Way...others can help, but the ultimate Way is your own One with God.

    Many Blessings and Eternal Peace on your path of re-birth into "your" Christhood.

  2. EspianScrolls profile image59
    EspianScrollsposted 16 years ago

    I like this Topic....

    Christ is the son of God and the only son of God. We must remember that this Christmas Season. He is the Reason For The Season. We must give all the credit to Him for He surely deserves it beyond comprehension. Give thanks to God.


    1. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      You got it all wrong ,read what Sparkling Jewel has written again.Jesus is not the only son of god but a realised or awakened soul like others before him and after him smile

      1. EspianScrolls profile image59
        EspianScrollsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        True, I'm Sorry I Only Skimmed The Post. My Mistake. However, I must state that I agree Still. Jesus is the Son of God, Yet so Are All of us "Who Are God's Children" On the othehand, Jesus is God's Chosen Son to take the Mighty Trone. We as his children have many thrones according to His will as well, Though Jesus is at the right hand of God. We will all have control In God's Kingdom. We are even more powerful than the angels.

        Again, I'm sorry for Mis-Reading his post. I do agree with him to an extent though.


      2. aka-dj profile image81
        aka-djposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        He was the "first begotten of the Father." We are all children of God by creation. We are not His children by "birth" unless we are "born again". Jesus did NOT become a son, He was born a Son. He is unique among men!!!

        1. mohitmisra profile image59
          mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Jesus was born again or got enlightened or awakened to the spirit in him and around him.Being an Indian this philosophy is old for me and Jesus has said nothing new from the earlier masters.
          Because you are a Christian so your  prophet is the greatest so you are the greatest.
          This is all wrong learn about other prophets then you wll have similar respect and love for all as you will realise they are all messengers of the light. 
          This way of thinking has and will only create wars for heavens sake ,for Jesus sake please stop this. smile

        2. Jewels profile image84
          Jewelsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Again, this is a misinterpretation, or your interpretation.  Jesus was born from the womb of the virgin Mary.  Virgin meaning, Mary was pure of heart, but she did have intercourse and Jesus was the result.  He walked the path to enlightenment.  We are all the Son's (and daughters) of God.    No-one just appeared without the act of sexual intercourse, not even Jesus.

          1. profile image0
            SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            So are you saying that God did not create the first man either?

            1. Jewels profile image84
              Jewelsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              Read further SirDent.  You think Man was first, I say MAN/WOMAN were one and then separated.  See, the male species are not dominant afterall - and nor was it the intention.wink

              1. Sprinkler Man profile image56
                Sprinkler Manposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                I can see that you are still in your crisis. Where did you did you get this information? This is your opinion and your attempt to change what is written.

                The human/male species is definitely more dominant than the female, where do you come up with this nonsense? How do you know what the intention is/was? Isn't the male species stronger in 99.9% of all cases? 

                Why would Mary bother with such a lie? Everyone knows how she was raised. How does everything fit so perfectly in the Bible? Jesus being her son? Why would they who wrote such a message bother with it, if it wasn't true? You need to have your mind opened before you can start disproving something you obviously know nothing about.

                The Bible is clear, God created Man first, do not attempt to change the words of the Bible. All you are trying to do is disprove the Bible with your atheistic views. You are calling the writers of the Bible liars and if there is one lie there must be others.

                Who is your God? and what Bible do you read?

                1. Jewels profile image84
                  Jewelsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  Darling, I'm not in crisis, in fact I'd say I'm the best I've ever been.

                  The bible is not clear, or perhaps I need say, your interpretation of it is sheer nonsense and so is not

                  I, by the way, have the same God as you, just it is not a 'personal' God in the sense you see God.

                  And as for the male species being 99.9% more dominant - that's such a laugh, you were jesting, yes?  LOL

            2. mohitmisra profile image59
              mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              From God or the Light came all. smile
              The One becomes two and goes back to the One..
              With the One the light there is no greater or lesser. smile

              1. VioletSun profile image81
                VioletSunposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                My curiosity got the best of me and read your poems, and checked the reviews in Amazon. You write beautiful poetry, it does come from your heart and gives spiritual messages.

                1. mohitmisra profile image59
                  mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  Dear VioletSun, thank you for your honesty and kindness-
                  love Mohit smile

  3. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago
  4. viralprospector profile image61
    viralprospectorposted 16 years ago

    I just thought I might try to help clear up a few of the misunderstandings of the OP, according to Jesus' teahings.

    "This is the message of Christmas, that we can be "born" in/as the Christ; it is our birth-right, no matter what religion we are a part of, or not a part of."

    Wow, and to think that I always thought Christmas was to celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ (not that Jesus taught that).

    I wonder if any major religious leader endorses your opinions in your post. Certainly no Christian can. Do you claim some specific religious affiliation? I had never heard this line of "reasoning" until I got on hp.

    I hope you are also aware that Jesus said that He is the way and the truth and the life. He said that no one comes to the Father, but through Him. So, obviously, the Bible does not agree with your hypotheses about those others and their positions. The Bible is the Word of God and Jesus Christ.

    In studying the Bible, you will find that much of the writing of the Bible was for a specific audience. You can usually find that at the front of that book of the Bible or in verses preceding what you might read there. In the case of us being able to do more than Jesus (as you initially commented), that was a comment specifically given to believers and followers of Him. Not everyone has His power.

    Anyway, Merry Christmas to all!

    1. SparklingJewel profile image67
      SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I claim no "specific religious affiliation". My "understanding" comes from my own lifetime of prayer, study and spiritual practices of most of the worlds spiritual religions and philosophical ideals.

      Christmas is to remember and celebrate the birth of the Christ, whom Jesus (even though he was actually physically born in the springtime of the year)  is the ultimate representative of, the one that attained the ultimate unity of his humanity with his divinity. Who by that attainment, by natural divine order, became THE example of the Christ, that every soul can learn from and follow unto their own Christhood.

      Few have come close to that level of attainment of Christhood that Jesus had attained, but many have attained some degree of it and can attain more (i.e. the examples I provided). Jesus' Soul holds/protects/guides us toward our goal of becoming the Christ, as he did.

      Jesus is the "only" son in the sense that he attained the ultimate union with God and was chosen to be the example for us to follow ultimately...but many sons and daughters of God have attained union with God but not with the "mission" to be THE example, but none the less, they are AN example of the Christ that each soul can attain.

      I am saying that all souls (any particular soul) are at various stages in the attainment of their Christhood, and when they accept and hold Jesus as THE ultimate example to be guided by on their own path of attainment of their Christhood, they will have his "power" of protection and guidance as they continue on their path toward Ultimate Christhood (which is only accomplished in the Ascension).

      The other examples of Christed ones (as previously given, above) are not separate and apart from Jesus' Christhood, but rather more close to the Oneness (that unity of humanity and divinity) of that Christ. So there are followers of these other "saints"  that can embrace Jesus as is not an either/or choice, but a unifying choice. So, I guess I am saying Jesus is the "next rung on the ladder" of attainment  toward ultimate Christhood. But is not excluding of the others as bad or wrong, but unifying of the others.

      Do you see what I am saying...I am not arguing against what anyone else is saying about Jesus, but trying to more specifically define the unity in his message of Love. It is the Christ that is the goal, not the acceptance of Jesus the man as goal.

      It's all about the "spiritual perception" of meaning. It is an individual understanding of spiritual perception. It is not a perception that can be explicitly defined, and certainly not intended to be a dividing point among people and religions and philosophies. Love is Unity, not division.

      My point being that some in Christianity tend to divide themselves as special and separate from others instead of embrace others as Jesus set the example to do.

      1. Lady Guinevere profile image64
        Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, Yes, Yes!!!  I believe this too as like you i have studied many things and experienced many things.

  5. Lady Guinevere profile image64
    Lady Guinevereposted 16 years ago

    What Is Our Source Of Authority?

    Mary Ann Collins
    (A Former Catholic Nun)

    1. profile image0
      SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      My source of authority is the one who was crucified. killed and raised from the dead. His name is Lord Jesus. He is not "a" Christ. He is the only one.

  6. Lady Guinevere profile image64
    Lady Guinevereposted 16 years ago

    What is the difference between begotten and made?  God made Adam and Eve and he begotten Jesus--he made Jesus too.  The catholics have *added*
    "begontten, not made" to the creed.  Now that is changing God's words.  The also *added* "true God., from True God" in that too--again a change in God's words and additions to the Bible.
    When two people have sex and a child is conceived that child is *made* when the sperm breaks into the egg.  When God breathed life into Adam, he made him as with he made Jesus--he just used a different approach.

    1. Jewels profile image84
      Jewelsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Another take on this is that Adam and Eve were one - (male/female) hermaphrodites.  At the separation - The Fall, this is when Adam/Eve became Adam and Eve.  Since the Fall there is only one way of being born, or created on earth and that is through the mixing of sperm and egg as LG said.

      You will have heard of the concept of polarities, yin and yang, male female within each of us, it is by our transformation that we become Androgyne.  ie when there is a harmonious integration within us.  This is such an interesting concept to ponder because it bodes well that everything is within.  Union with God is within.  In the search for our finding this state, we seek love and comfort in our opposite gender, marriage.  Though Marriage can be seen laterally and literally to mean the joining of two opposite polarities.  Two become One.

      It could be seen that in the process of transformation we take an external partner in an attempt to find that part of ourselves.  We are supposed to learn, accept, transform through the other partner.  In essence however, it is not through someone else that we attain union, but within ourselves.  It is often why people end up celibate or do asthetic practices.  At some point when doing spiritual practices you come to see that it is not through the other person that enlightenment comes, but within.

      I wanted to add this in the mix to Sparkling Jewel and Lady G, mainly because I've seen your ability to think laterally and use common sense to interpretation.

      1. SparklingJewel profile image67
        SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, that is similar to what I have read before and written about here on HPs. That the Adam/Eve story is allegory for the soul(that is feminine) and the mind(that is masculine) within each individual, that became separated.

        The "fall" was the reduction in vibration of Soul consciousness (unity with God Source) from being tricked into the separation by fallen ones that could usurp their "Light" energy and misuse it in their un-unified creations, for purposes of power over worlds and controlling of consciousness.
        Unity is my big point...unity within self, unity with others and unity with the universe/God of Love.

        And your words of the psychology behind relationships was well put, too. It is the process toward unification.

        Bringing it all back round to the point of the thread...that the Christ of each of us, as an individual human being, is the unifying "factor" of our Spiritual Unity/Oneness with God/Universe. And that Jesus showed the ultimate Christ example of the heart, where soul and mind are united in each individual.

        And the next point being that pursuing integration with the Christ of our being, that is the overcomer/initiator/healer  of our highest  levels of consciousness over the fallen levels of consciousness

  7. Make  Money profile image67
    Make Moneyposted 16 years ago

    The term "religious pluralism" can refer to

       1. The diversity of religious movements within a particular geographical area, and/or
       2. The theory that there are more than one or more than two kinds of ultimate reality and/or truth; and that therefore more than one religion can be said to have the truth (way to God, salvation, etcetera) - even if their essential doctrines are mutually exclusive.

    Those who promote pluralism in the second sense often claim that a) criticizing a religion, and/or b) insisting that one's own religion is exclusivistic (e.g Christianity's claim that salvation can be obtained only by accepting Jesus Christ) is intolerant or even hateful.

    This kind of religious pluralism ... is an affirmation of the validity of every religion, and the refusal to choose between them, and the rejection of world evangelism.
    John Stott

    Many pro-cult apologists like freemasons are pluralists in the second sense.

    Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Our Savior to those that choose Him.

  8. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    Christmas is held on the day it is due to homogenization of various pagan rites in order to bring about a method of easy conversion.  The Roman Saturnalia, the Yule celebrations, Egyptian festivals, all these came long before the sanctioning of Christmas as "Christ's Mass."

  9. Sprinkler Man profile image56
    Sprinkler Manposted 16 years ago

    What message of Christ's Mass? Where or in what bible or in what words were we commanded to keep the birth of Jesus Christ and cut down trees and decorate them and exchange gifts? Didn't he say to celebrate his death more than anything else? You even stated the you knew the Jesus was in fact born in the Spring time. Where did you get this information and why wouldn't this momentous day be celebrated in the Spring time? Maybe around the longest day of the year.

    Who decided the day of his Birth? or What day to put it on? Did it have something to do with the shortest day of the year? Why is it the 25th of December? Who or what would want us to celebrate the birth of our Savior around the winter solstice? Does anyone know?

    The Catholics took over the Pagan Holy Day of this sun worship and transformed it into what it is today. Now why would they do that? It seems the Catholics have changed more than they let you know. What else have the Catholics changed? Why do they worship Mary? Where and in what bible does it tell us to do this? Doesn't the bible say not to do this? Didn't the Catholics try to change the Ten Commandments? To remove one and rearrange another? Why, did God say it was OK to do this? I think not.

    Where is "no idols of this earth or of the sky" in the Catholic commandments? That's right it is the 4th commandment and all Catholic Church's have multitudes of idols from crosses with Jesus on them to statues of Mary. The bible tells us directly, to not do this, the same with the trees in Jeremiah 10 the first couple of versus.

    What about "strange Gods before me" from the Catholic commandments? It does not say that anywhere, it says, "NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME"!!!! That is not strange, strange opens up to accepting certain things that are normal to the Catholics, like a POPE or all the statues or changing of the Ten Commandments or celebrating certain days as Holy Days and knowing the sabbath day is on Saturday and changing it to SUNday. Why is it called SUNday? Everyone should know that the Catholic church is doing all that it can to take everyone away from the actual bible and to keep its customs which are 100% Pagan.

    To anyone who is reading, if you understand what I am talking about then maybe you can help some of the Catholics, if you know what I am saying is true and you still accept the ways of the Catholic Church, then I feel truly sorry for you. If you have no idea what I am talking about, please pray that your mind will be opened to accept the facts that I have stated.

    I hope some of you after reading this will go to your bibles and read what it says in Jeremiah 10 and take that tree out of your home, for if you know what you do is wrong and you do not change your ways......

  10. SparklingJewel profile image67
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    Universal Truth is God. Everyone in all the different countries of the world heard the Word. But what they "heard" in their hearts, was not what came out of their mouth as heard by the other became something different. Those that "heard" The Truth about how to love God and find their way back to God, were misinterpreted by those that heard them. And then, too, there were those that claimed to have heard the Word correctly but hadn't and were not teaching correctly for various reasons, i.e. their own limited sense of truth, etc...

    It is the interpretation of the people, whose carnality and desires for power and to be right, that have created the subversions of the original religions of the  world.

    Different religions are not the problem, human need to be right and have power over others is the problem. Jesus traveled in the East and tried to show this during the "missing" years of his life. He saw what was wrong in Judaism, Zoroastianism, Hinduism, and Buddhism and Taoism. It was the interpretation by those that were "in charge" and not the original teachings from God that were set forth by the prophets and sages of old. Jesus came to unite all, by showing that the carnal mindedness that humans allow is the problem.

    His Christ Mind discerned the Truth inherent in all these religions and philosophies. He came to show that the Christ Mind is the Son of God that all humanity can share in, is One with God in. And that it is the carnality of the human mind that causes the problems and the divisions between people and their beliefs.

    I look at the different religions and philosophies through the centuries, as God's many attempts to communicate to people to "hear and see" THE Truth. Humanity just wasn't getting it into their herd consciousness, rebellious consciousness, i.e. carnal mindedness.

    Jesus came with a big mission "the sword of Truth, to divide the Real from the unreal".

  11. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago

    Jesus was born in the middle of much historical evidence. Many say that he was "enlightened" yet they disbelieve what he said. He said, "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them." John 10:8

    He alone is the way.

    1. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Are you enlightened or am I. If you and your friends write a book together and get ranked over mine I will accept your philosophy. smile

  12. SparklingJewel profile image67
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    Again, my message is meant to relay unity in diversity. Every human being is on a path, some consciously, some not. But no matter what religion or lack thereof, we can all become the Christ. We are all at different levels of becoming that Christ.

    I believe that Jesus is the only soul that attained that Christ in the most extensive way, the most unified way. and that he came to show a specific aspect of the Christ that all souls will at some point need to follow his example and acquire.

    Moses exampled a specific aspect of the Christ; Abraham exampled a specific aspect of the Christ; Buddha showed a specific aspect of the Christ, some souls are pursuing that aspect...some souls are pursuing the aspect of whomever is the example of their religion, or a teaching that teaches that. Like in the Kabbalah, the teferoit personifies the Christ; Krishna personified an aspect of the Christ.

    Think about it...every religion or philosophy was trying to describe and define an aspect of that Christ Mind, that higher contact between God and the human heart, mind and soul.

    I think it is all very beautiful. But it can also be/seem very Jesus said also, "I come not to bring peace, but the sword"; "to pit brother against brother, and family member against family member" or something to that effect.

    But what he meant was that seeking that Christ aspect of one's own being, causes the division we see that goes on inter-personally within and between humans, because the concept puts the divine desires of each individual before the human desires, and that agitates the sub and un conscious levels of mind and incites the soul to raise up, get closer to God and one's own personal connection with God through the Christ Mind.

  13. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago

    Not all spiritual messages are good messages. There is only one true light. All others are dark. To be enlightened means to know who God really is. It has nothing to do with book rankings.

    To Jewels, where did this man/woman come from in your opinion? Also, do you follow Jesus teachings?

    1. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Only a master can write a masterpiece.Just letting you know a poetry book on god is considered possible only by the enlightened ones and if getting ranked 1 or 2 in Religious poetry books means nothing to you ,then we have a problem  smile
      The Bible is poetry.  smile s
      So whoever is written it or rather the Bible is aslo not important right ?

  14. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago

    SJ, are you going to be crucified for the sins of the world when you become the Christ? None can claim to be Christ if they don't go through the same things Jesus Christ did.

    1. SparklingJewel profile image67
      SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, that is why we suffer...similar to how  Jesus did. But because he showed the ultimate overcoming of the world in the human death of his body, yet his Spirit lived on, we don't have to do exactly as that, we can't because we don't have his Spiritual attainment, but he is the example as a path to follow toward one day having that Unity with God.

      We suffer our crucifixion in increments of suffering, which to me is the means to balancing karma/sin our souls committed because of that separation of soul and mind that took us from our heart One with God.

      1. profile image0
        SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Who will gamble for your clothes while you hang on the cross? Are you then going to raise yourself from the dead after three days?

        You may think these questions to be irrelevant or even stupid, but if you claim to be Christ, you must go through what he went through.

        1. SparklingJewel profile image67
          SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          I claim to be following the path of Christhood...when one day I become that Christ as Jesus showed me the way to human body will surely die as his did...and yes any soul spiritually will go through what he did symbolically... because his going through the complete crucifixion in the horrific way he did all at once, other souls won't have too, but as i said, rather in increments because we are One with the Christ Jesus while we become the Christ within.

          Understanding the difference between spiritual and literal meaning, is where people continue to argue about this subject. Spiritual understandings are so individually perceived and not relayed well to others to be understood...because they are just that, for that individual's own unity with God. So people tend to get stuck in the literal as if there is reason to argue for Truth over the literal.

          1. profile image0
            SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            When you say, "I claim." it takes God out of the equation. It is merely an opinion of which there could be millions. My question from earlier has not been answered yet either.

            Do you believe what Jesus said? "All that ever came before me are thieves and robbers: but the sheep did not hear them." John 10:8

            1. SparklingJewel profile image67
              SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              I believe everything Jesus said, but obviously, you don't and can't understand what I understand about what Jesus said, or you would not question me so. Just as you can not define what I have said except only with your own definition, which may not be so according to mine. How could i possibly perceive how you interpret what Jesus said? I am not you, nor do I care to be, what is between you and Jesus is between you and him...what is between me and Jesus is between him and I.
              What bothers you so? I hope you find your peace.
              I know who I AM . Thieves and robbers had their day with me. I learned better. I pray you will do the same and stop thinking you can judge another. We are to be most concerned for our own path.

    2. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      So Jesus is going to have to get crucified on the cross again to prove himself to you-wow smile
      Means you have learned nothing.

      1. profile image0
        SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        When someone claims to be Christ, there must be proof. She stated that she isn't Christ yet, but is on her way.

        So you are saying getting ranked number one or two means that you are close to God? What if those who check out your poetry are Satanists? If they love it that much then it means your poetry is of Satan himself. 

        The Bible is not poetry, although it contains some poetry. It is the Word of God given to man.

        1. mohitmisra profile image59
          mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          People who appreciate my poetry are close to the light.I represent and speak on behalf of the Light just like Jesus did .

          My getting ranked one means this planet has never seen a religious poet of my calibre so if I am not enlightened or speak on behalf of God then no one else has been or is  smile

          1. mohitmisra profile image59
            mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            I am sure the Christian priests who requested me if they could use my poems,words in their sermons were also satanists   lol  lol  lol

            1. profile image0
              SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              Thanks for admitting it.

              1. mohitmisra profile image59
                mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                You said people who appreciate my poems are satanists,so I just told you some Christian preists do appreciate my poetry,in fact they love it- any holy or spiritual person will smile

                They want to use my words in there sermons- can you get the picture ?

                1. profile image0
                  SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  I get the picture. They get their sermons from a source other than the Bible which is the Word of God. This makes them satanists.

                  1. Sufidreamer profile image83
                    Sufidreamerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    So the Orthodox and Anglican Churches are the artifice of Satan. I never knew that. I must remember to denounce my local priest next time he delivers a sermon that is not from the Bible.

                    Sparkling Jewel - It sounds like you are on a wonderful journey.

                  2. mohitmisra profile image59
                    mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    It means my words are those of gods -cannot force you to understand.
                    Infact what you say about my poems is a reflection of you.If you feel they are spiritual and divine then thats what you are and if you feel its satanic then thats what you are. smile

                  3. mohitmisra profile image59
                    mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    This makes you a satanist and not the priests. Read my work and will get get a better idea of god the light smile

  15. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    Sparkling Jewel,

    I just wanted to filter my way in through the rigid and narrow a moment to say I heartily appreciate reading your interpretations and views.  I think that each one of us walks a path that is slightly different toward our own spiritual fullness, whether that means ruffling the feathers of the people who believe differently or being applauded (while certainly in most cases not inviting such applause.)

    Thank you for presenting to us a sliver of your own path, without trying to state that your way is the only way, that your way is the ONE TRUE WAY, and for walking your own personal spiritual path unapologetically.

    To the others here,

    Remember that religion is not experienced the same by 100% of the population.  Sparkling Jewel is not wrong in her beliefs, they enrich her life by all appearances and help her find spiritual peace.  What is the ONE TRUE WAY for you and those who believe like you is idolatry and blasphemy for others, just as you repudiate the beliefs of anyone not like you.  It is the way of the world.

    ~hugs to all~

  16. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago

    Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law. That phrase was written by someone who called himself the beast. He not only called himself the beast, but he lived it also. His name is Aleister Crowley. Many different religions or beliefs took this saying upon themselves because it encompasses such a wide area. It in fact, leaves nothing untouchable or un-doable.

    In the Bible, Satan is the one who you see doing what he wilt. Anyone who ever read any of the Bible can see that.

    SJ, I can only go by what you wrote. I agree that what is between you and Jesus is between you and Him. I also know how dangerous Satan is. Ultimately the choice is yours to make, so this will be my last post here to you.

    1. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      THE kingdom of god is within you- Jesus Christ
      Please dont distort his philosophy and try and show how holy you are by saying Jesus is the only and greatest prophet - you dont fool me smile

      Unto Allah is your return and he is able to do all tihngs- The Holy Quran
      Same philosophy -different names or religions.
      His job was to lead all human souls to the light where they come from and belong smile

  17. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago

    Straight is the gate and narrow is the way. There be few that find it, Jesus Christ.

    All who came before me are thieves, Jesus Christ.

    Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.  Jesus Christ (talking to something that doesn't exist in the minds of many even)

    And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. Jesus Christ.

    SirDent, there is much more.

    1. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Straight is the gate and narrow is the way. There be few that find it, Jesus Christ.
      This reffers to meditation- one pointed concentration -so now you have some knowledge about what these words mean- smile
      lIke i said before you may read the Bible all your life but without coming across the light yourself you will never understand its meaning properly smile

      This is fanatical behaviour, the behaviour of a lost soul yet to find the light- 

      Jesus represents the light which has been given different names in different parts of the world.

      To awaken to the light within you is possible by every human and there are some here on that path. There understanding is better than yours smile

      Like the finger pointing to the moon was mentioned before. Dont concentrate on the finger or you will miss out the beauty of the moon.
      You are similiarly missing out on the message of Jesus and concentrating on him. so you are missing out on the beauty of his words-his message.

    2. SparklingJewel profile image67
      SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      "Straight is the gate and narrow is the way. There be few that find it."

      "...thou shalt worship the LORD Thy God and him only shalt thou serve."

      "...this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light..."

      The gate is narrow is talking about the human mind that judges others, when they know not what they do. Kinda like the way others judge the  understandings of others that they don't understand. It is narrow in that few find that Love that understands what I stated above.

      It is possible to worship, (which to me means,  Love with all my heart, mind and soul; hold as sacred), the LORD without understanding completely who and what the LORD is. Jesus was human that came to understand who the LORD is and his relationship with/as the LORD. We are not to worship Jesus, but the Christ that enabled him to "Know the LORD" and through the knowing that Jesus had, as that Christ, we can learn to do the same; we can rise out of our human carnal mindedness, too, because Jesus did so and has left a path for us to follow.
      'Christ'nity is meant to be the uniter concept not the divisive concept. To ask Jesus to teach me to do that is what Christ ianity is meant to be...
      I don't believe that Christianity was meant to be established as a religion that tells other people in other religions they are wrong, but that Jesus had another step in becoming the Christ to show us, to be the wholeness of the Christ. 
      The great saints/prophets/sages in all the other religions began to teach the Christ concept, and some of the people ended up getting lost from that True teaching of the Christ, just as some in Christianity did.
      Krishna was a Christ, Buddha was a Christ, Zarathustra was a Christ, Mohammad was a Christ, the Tiefrot of the Jewish Kabbalah personifies the Christ that every soul can become, the souls of any particular country of earth religions understood the Christ as one with the Creation of the earth, pagans show us how to love ourselves and communicate with each other, athiest maybe understand the Christ aspect of not believing religions say all that needs to be said, scientists show the factual concepts of the physical universe to  the best of their ability..we all need to be finding out about each other's understandings; some things each of us will have to surrender and others things we need to take in...
      and Jesus came to tie it/them all together, to show us the last piece of the puzzle to put into place so that we can be Love United in the One God/Source...that last piece is the Mind of Christ, that is truly the Love of the Universe

      "...the light that is come is condemned...people love darkness..."
      People everywhere are not all in the same stage of putting their puzzle together. The people of the Christ teachings of the West need to know the Christ teachings of the East. The Mind of Christ is the mediator that brings us all together.
      I worship the Christ in all, the LORD in all, but I do not worship the human in all. And that doesn't mean I bow literally before all, it means the "Light that comes"==I bow to  holding/accepting the responsibility to perceive  the "Immaculate Concept (that they are on their path to Oneness with God)" for the human== "the darkness" of each soul as they come to understand the Spirit of God in them selves and all others (that is what compassion means to me)

      Some Christians sound so mean in defining light and darkness. It is really a beautiful story of how our darkness becomes light and when we can love each other through it, that is LOVE!

      1. Lady Guinevere profile image64
        Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Yes but some, like Sir Dent refuse to see Love at all.  What they think they are doing is spreading love--but they are spreading it through fear.  Jesus said not to fear him and he also said that you can't have love and fear in the same body at the same time.  You either spread fearor you spread love not both.  Sir Dent and others think that they can put God and Jesus in a small box and then allo others to have a peak only if they know the pasword that they have set.  You can't put love or Jesus or God or the Universe in a box at all--no matter how big the box is.  It's like the more you try to hold on to something like love the more you lose it.  The sad part is --they have been taught by someone who doesn't know love at all and they just dont realize it.

      2. mohitmisra profile image59
        mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        The gate is narrow is talking about the human mind that judges others, when they know not what they do.
        Meditation will lead you to a point or star into which one must go and then merge with the light-this is what is meant by the gate is narrow. smile one pointed concentration is required to enter the kingdom of god. smile

        1. Lady Guinevere profile image64
          Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Jesus went to India to learn as well and some will say that these things are not true but when I did a search for it there were more sites with positive then the ones that say it was a fraud.  Here is the best one that I found:

          1. mohitmisra profile image59
            mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks for the link. I believe Christianity is and offshoot of Hinduism like Buddish is.
            We have Om and Christian Amen.
            The similarity is too much and the philosophy is the same smile
            So all religions Hinduism ,Islam  and Christianity and brother religions. smile

            1. SparklingJewel profile image67
              SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              God/Source/Infinite Intelligence, did tell all people the same thing, since the beginning of recorded history. The parallels across the planet throughout each religion and philosophy are all trying to reiterate what it was God told them.
              It is not that any particular belief is an offshoot of another, it is just another human interpretation of the Word heard, different within each culture, defined from each unique human experience of life in the world.
              Human ego has had to have its own sense of power, by believing it was right and others were wrong...but we need to recognize that we are all sensing a different part of the elephant...remember that story of the blind men trying to describe the elephant by feeling it at different points on its body...they all were right in what they were describing,, but they were all in a different place, so could only describe what they each felt as true big_smile

              1. viralprospector profile image61
                viralprospectorposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                Hi folks;

                I wonder if Hinduism and Buddhism tell you that you will go to hell for believing like this...

                1. SparklingJewel profile image67
                  SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  VP, this is old territory that I for one choose not to take up with you. I believe Jesus had it right and those like you have mis-interpreted Jesus' teachings.

                  God Bless you on your path, anyone that loves Jesus is doing some good regardless of their self-limitations. I prefer to uncover all that Jesus left for us to follow and not follow mindlessly the false pastors and priests that have had rule over the centuries.

                  Tell you what, lets pray with love for each other that Jesus will give us what we need, in His name and by His power of the Christ, and none of us can be lost but the "son of perdition, that the scripture might be fulfilled" .

                  Have a nice day big_smile

                  1. viralprospector profile image61
                    viralprospectorposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    I am fine with all that except your incorrect blanket statement of my misinterpretations. You would have to show me where I have done that for me to accept that shot. We have traded hundreds of posts, but I am not aware of any misinterpretations of scripture on my part. Rather, I believe we have established quite another pattern.

                    Still, I am not here to fight, and I am glad to pray with you that Jesus will give us what we need and all will somehow be saved. I appreciate that response.

                    My comment was sincere and to the point. It was relevent and worthy of discussion, as I see it anyway. My point is that we cannot create our own version of the teachings of the major religions. They are points of record for those who study them. There is no rectifying one religion to another.

                2. Lady Guinevere profile image64
                  Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  Hmm what do you think and why would you even think that?  Sorry I had to respond.,  Do you know anything about forgiving?  Do you know anything of what Jesus said to everyone on the planet and that we all are told to do............forgive them for they know not what they do-can you fogive yourself of that too?

                  1. viralprospector profile image61
                    viralprospectorposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                    There is no need to be sorry to respond, in my opinion. That is what forums are for. I think I know about forgiving, why? What am I forgiving? Did you do something to me? I see nothing to forgive. I guess that confuses me, sorry.

                3. mohitmisra profile image59
                  mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  Hinduism says we are in hell and heaven exists with God smile similar to Christianity. smile

  18. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago


    Here again you've shown yourself.  Have you no shame? Here, a person explains a part of their personal spiritual beliefs.  She didn't tell you that you had to feel the same as her, she didn't say that your ways are wrong, she didn't even force you to read the forum thread.  She simply brought her beliefs here to share with us.  Immediately, you begin to question her in a fashion which read to me as if you were mocking her.  You attempt to make small or prove wrong what lies within her heart.

    There is no one true way.  All paths to spiritual harmony are sacred.

    As an aside, while Crowley (who worked intellectually, in mutual admiration, with many people of many religious backgrounds) popularized the phrase you mention, as did Gerald Gardener in the early 1940's, it predates their influence by several hundred years in numerous forms, up to and including works of fiction and the like.

    Christianity can count Satanists as one of it's most youthful denominations, interpreting the bible and such in their own way.  I do get the feeling though that no matter what I type to you here you'll just continue to be hard-headed and negative toward people who come to this forum to share themselves rather than convert.


    I will say this again to you - just because you got a good ranking on a book on a website that is not popular, on a website that is not highly trafficed, does not make you a prophet, a wise man, enlightened, close to God, whatever you want to call it.  Please leave reference to your ranking on those cruddy websites out of conversations which they have no place in.

    1. profile image0
      SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Prove it.

      If you would read my hubs, you would see the truth. One of my recent hubs dealt with Satanism and should be read also.

      What is truth and how can truth be truth if it is objective, relative, or subjective? Once those three terms are induced into the truth, it has then become a lie.

      Why is it so hard to believe that God made a single way for everyone? Have you not seem how much confusion has been caused by so many different spiritual paths?

      One last comment. This thread was started by stating that it is under the power and authority of Jesus Christ. It was started with a lie.

    2. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      If you ever manage to write abook you will understand the meaning of book rankings smile
      The web site has over 5 million books and has 69,000  books in poetry ,if you feel that is small collection then you need to think again.
      Many do call me a saint or prophet smile
      This is just the start will get ranked on many more web sites with time smile

  19. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    I'm not defending crazymohit here, but SirDent, you're wrong again.

    That does not make them satanists.  That makes them inspired by something they read.  This has been done in churches all over the world for hundreds of years - a priest or priestess giving a sermon would never base it solely on the word of their holy scripts, but would incorporate something of the times into their sermons to bridge the gap, to give their listeners something to think about, to warn of sins or wrongs, to inspire and lift up the spirits of their people.  It is a common practice in writing sermons to involve outside material and relate it to that which is Holy.

    Anyone who is not a Christian is pagan, a heathen.  Anyone who is not a Christian is not a Satanist, with one very important reason being that while they throw off the conventional worship of Christ, there is no Satan without the Christian religion.  So, Satanists are a denomination (house, sect, class, type, derivative of) Christianity.

    Edit:  Prove what? Information that you can clearly find by doing a google search for yourself, seeing for your own eyes?  Don't worry, I've got a hub in the works, and no, I won't be reading your hubs because the last one of yours I read featured hate speech and an insulting and horrible image in your attempt to sway people into thinking there is only one true way.  There just isn't, and the evidence of that is the fact that the forces that created us gave us free will and thought, and we are all going to experience religion and faith in a different way because of this free will thing.

    1. profile image0
      SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Human sacrifices made by Satanists has nothing to do with Christianity. Of course Satan loves it that you believe he isn't real. Here is a hub I think you should read. Do what thou wilt. It will explain things better concerning Satan.

  20. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    See my edit above.

    1. profile image0
      SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Have it your way. I can only show the truth. Later!!!

  21. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago


    You are the bearer of only one truth.  There are many, and these truths live in the hearts of all.  Again, I will say, THERE IS NO ONE TRUE WAY.

    This is evidenced by the many religions, including Satanism (the offshoot of Christianity,) that spring from the truth seen from the hearts and souls of all manner and types of people.

    You attempt to draw a direct line between human sacrifices and the phrase "Do as thou will." There simply is none.  The whole phrase is:

    "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.  Love is the law, love under will."

    When used in whole, it's not the horrible, baby killing statement you make it out to be.

    1. profile image0
      SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I thought you were finished here. My apologies.

      Can 2+2= something other than four and be true? Satanism actually started before thousands of years Jesus was crucified. You stated earlier that you can Google and find many different ways or truths. You can also Google and find that it is ok to have sex with children if you look hard enough.

      So where do we go from where we are now?

  22. gamergirl profile image90
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago


    My goodness are you ill-informed.

    SparklingJewel, I apologize for interrupting in your beautiful thread.  I know SirDent doesn't care where he interrupts so long as he's preaching his personal beliefs, but I can at least apologize for derailing your thread in the manner I have.  I still find your beliefs as you've shared them to be beautiful, and hope you'll look past the ravings of SirDent to see my quiet applause for you in your journey.

    Off to write my hub, and to derail this thread no more.

  23. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago

    Everything here was actually going smooth until Mohit and you stepped in GG. See you around.

    1. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Sure its my job to correct this situation. Cannot allow you to ridicule poeple who are on the right path.Finding god in themselves smile
      The kingdom of god is within you-Jesus
      I am the way- when thy eye be single- practice meditation- the bottom line of all religions.

      Dont get me wrong also I defend Jesus as well an incident which happened.
      Met a Hindu a Krishna bhakt who believed Krishna to be the supreme lord.
      I told him Jesus is equal to Krishna to which he said then how can god be killed on a cross ,if he was god he could have saved himself.
      To which I said Krishna died because a hunter shot and arrow by mistake and hit his big toe ,the reason he died so what you are talking is nonsense.
      All prophets and religions are  equal- great paths created by great prophets. smile

  24. royalblkrose profile image61
    royalblkroseposted 16 years ago

    Sparkling... The fullness of that text is as follows..".I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." this is from John 14 and it is verse 12. In John 14 Jesus is wrapping up His earthly ministry with His disciples, and with this sentence, Jesus is telling His disciples that they are equipped to do the same kinds of miracles and that because He taught them. they can do MORE of them,  More because they would have more time on the planet to do them!
    A lot of Christians get hung up on the idea that Jesus is essentially saying, "copy Me" I give you permission to."

    A lot of non - Christians get hung up on Jesus... period.

    He IS and I'm glad that He is.

  25. SparklingJewel profile image67
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    It is the mentality of those like SirDent that drive people away from mainstream religions, as it did me. And that is sad, because religions do have a place in the scheme of things getting worked out to better humanity.

    I don't even have a problem with the concept that there is only One Truth...I believe that too. But it cannot be conceived of entirely on a continuous moment to moment basis because of our human level of consciousness and the dregs of karma left "in our being" still waiting for "their turn" to be transmuted into Light and Love.

    And so looking to emulate Jesus or Buddha, Mohammad, intended to be a continuing stream of change/transformation for an individual. We can only conceive of Truth as we become more of it in action...if it were to come into us all at once, we would literally explode with Light!!!...and I think God wants us to be here to work it out a bit more gradually and help each other in the process!

    1. Sufidreamer profile image83
      Sufidreamerposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Quite right, SparklingJewel

      Religion and Spirituality is a personal journey, the outcome of which nobody really knows. I have a lot of respect for your willingness to search for your own truth! If there were more people like you, willing to be tolerant and inquisitive, the world would be a better place.

      Let the extremists spit venom - the lunatic fringe does not speak for the majority of reasonable people!

      1. mohitmisra profile image59
        mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I also believe Sparkling Jewel is beautiful and has excellent understanding of god. Sir Dent should learn from her rather than try jumping on her head smile

    2. mohitmisra profile image59
      mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yes but these are the ones who have no understsood the meaning of their prophet ,they need help .
      This madness for hte Christians Jesus is the only son of god true prophet.
      For the Muslims Mohammed.
      For Iscon  its Krishna
      For theParsses its Zaratushtra.

      God is One the light. smile

      1. SparklingJewel profile image67
        SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I know Mohit...I work on that one too. What is it about Jesus that makes him more special, more than all the other prophets that were also sons and daughters of God?

        Here is how I have begun to define that understanding through what I have read and meditated on through the years.
        Believing in reincarnation as a soul that evolves through lifetimes, maybe some of these prophets were the same soul in successive embodiements. And each time a particular soul came into the next life, he/she knew more than before and prophesized the "next step" for others to follow and learn about. Isn't that what Muslims believe? except without the reincarnation bit, though. Don't they believe that because Mohammad was the latest prophet, that he was the greatest?

        But there is also something to the particular "mission" if you will, that Jesus had. No one prophet before had ever shown the extensive miracles, raising from the dead and the "overcoming of the world and the physical body and the resurrection", AND like I believe, that he went on to live another many years in India, in his resurrected "Lighter" body.

        That's a pretty powerful "statement" to make with one's life as an example of what the soul can achieve towards their Oneness with God. His accomplishments were not intended to negate the others but to show the next step toward that Oneness.

        I think that all of us, as our souls have lived many lifetimes in many different cultures and religions around the world, that to experience all of those prophetic religions, philosophies and belief systems provides the soul with a more full understanding of that Oneness of Love that God IS. Because we have known what it was like to live through all the human misinterpretations of the Truth that those belief systems have been defined as through the ages. Like I have said many times, God is Truth, it is the human interpretations of God that causes the problems in the world, not God or even religions, but how humans define it.

        1. mohitmisra profile image59
          mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Reincarnation was a part of the Christian doctrine but in order to make it unique so people thought they had not copied the philosophy from the hindus or greeks that they abolished reincarnation at a later date.
          I gladly bow to you as you are lovely smile
          This link is about reincarnation in Christainity

          1. SparklingJewel profile image67
            SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            I tend more to think that reincarnation was abolished by the heads of the Catholic churches because the people beliveing in reincarnation took their power  away from them. If people beleived that they had the power in their own lives to know and choose, they would have no need to support the church and men that were in charge of running it. The same goes with the caste system in Hinduism, who would take care of the rich if the poor were involved in creating a better life for themselves?

            1. mohitmisra profile image59
              mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

              The caste sysytem in hinduism is of a very high philosophy . The sudra was given respecet by the Bhramin or shatriya as he couldnt do without him.
              Its like the Greek philosophers ,they would say allow a child to play then when he grows up one can see what he or she is inclined towards and then train them in that.
              So all were needed the Bhramin,Shatriya ,Vaishya and sudra to function properly.
              A sudra  can become a Bhramin  smile

              Today the world is in a mess because people are doing what they are not made to do,theri dreams.The lawyer has become the dentists,an engineer a business man etc.. One needs to follow his or her inner self and when everyone is doing that then   this planet will be so much better. smile

              1. SparklingJewel profile image67
                SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                Well, just like what is happening in America, I say there is no respect of another soul when they are allowed to starve and die in the streets. There is no respect of another soul when they can make nothing more of themselves to feed themselves if they don't have enough education, or when girls are not given the same chance to do so as boys and are even killed before they are born.

                There may be some that have "spun" the cast system in  their own terms and have created  justice in their interactions with others...but there are plenty who have not. Right?

                I believe each individual soul has the right to develop themselves on their own terms and become whom ever they want, and with guidance and support from others, not manipulation because they think that soul should do it a particular way or fit into "the subscribed"  state in life.

                Who decides what who is "meant to do" ?

                1. mohitmisra profile image59
                  mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  Here again it was an intelligent system. Like I said the sudra could become a bhramin and it was not by birth as it is today. smile Each had respect for the other , each has a part to play.
                  When the respect is destroyed the system was destroyed. This sytem was build on merit.

              2. Lady Guinevere profile image64
                Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                Who has the right to tel another what their life path is going to be?  Not a single person or entity!  Who says that when someone is taught in a certain discipline that there is where they should stay?  Not a single person or entity!
                My daughter and a bunch of others have gone to college to get degrees in certain feilds only to come out of college and there be notheing in that expertise for them and they are in feilds that don't even equate to their degrees.  Now I don't know about India, but that is here in the United States.  Was it planned to be that way?  I don't think so and those who have been successful with what their degrees wehre are lucky, but it doesn't mean that those who weren't as successful didn't do enough planning.

                Since The ":caste" system is brought into the light let me ask you a question Mohit and others who reside in India:  Can a lower Caste person marry into a higher caste family?  You talk of sprituality and attaining higher spiritualness, but what about this life and where you are at right now?

                Oh and for others, I think (passed by it at another time and will look for it later) the Caste System is mentioned in the it is biblical as well.

                1. mohitmisra profile image59
                  mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

                  It was done with wisdom and compassion and not by force.Suppose you see your daughter or son is more inclined towards engineering  ot the arts or spirituality then you would guide them accordingly.
                  When the rules get rigid then they are not understood an then everything goes wrong. India is a huge contry and there is malpractice due to caste system I agree with that .

                  The oneness in all has been understood by Indians for a very long time.  smile

  26. Pest profile image79
    Pestposted 16 years ago

    I have skimmed though here and I KNOW I will here from you, him or her about this and that.  I see here nothing more than opinions based upon not much of anything...The word of God???  The word of God is not spoken, it is tolerance, it is lived it is LIFE  it is TRUTH, not opinion.  What I see here are the beginnings of war, of torture, hate, beheadings, in the name of man...not a god...but of man.  STOP with the chaos,  Chaos is the work of the devil, as many of you believe, so STOP.  Before another head is lopped off  Before another child lives without parents.  Put your energy into giving, not griping and chaos.  Our babes suffer because of our strife...STOP!!!

    1. SparklingJewel profile image67
      SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      So are you poking fun and teasing now? or are you doing a good job of being a Pest !!??big_smilebig_smile

      1. Pest profile image79
        Pestposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        I am just submitting my opinion, after being in Iraq, Panama, Haiti and Korea.  I have seen diversity.  Nothing more.

  27. lionswhelp profile image67
    lionswhelpposted 16 years ago

    Hey Jewel,

    You forgot Adam and Eve. They were created, Adam from red mud and Eve from Adam's rib, Genesis 2:7,22. Intercourse was not needed at this time but has been needed since then, Except for Jesus who's Father was God the Father ,Yahovah. It was Ruach HaKodesh who conceived Jesus in Mary's womb. God is Not a man, Hosea 11:9. God is Spirit John 4:24; Matthew 1:20.

    the lionswhelp

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image64
      Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      If God is NOT a MAN, then why do humans put human qualities on him--HER!  Has anyone seen God to know if it is a HE or a SHE?  Has anyone ever seen HE or She actually DO anything other than a MAN or a WOMAN?  What does God look like and What does it do?  All we have is words and if anyone goes to that Bible and reads for themselves they will see that GOD made everything and he knows everything and has all the control of everything--man is what wrote the words down.  God IS the WORD, not the Bible.  God is a part of all of us and vice versa and being such We all are God or a part of it and there is NO WORD outside of us.

      Sir Dent is lost and he thinks that splatting verses at us will some how transform us.  When everything is within us there cannot be any empty feelings or something that is missing.  GOD knows us and has given us all the tools that we need to live this life.  If he gave us all these tools then there is nothing missing!  Satan is not waiting or working through you if GOD IS.  That is with EVERYTHING on This Planet.  If you listen to someoene who tells you different then you are ignoring God and it isn't Satan that is your puppetmaster, it is YOU and only YOU.---or that preacher or pastor that wants your money or your very soul to take from that which is within you and that is GOD.  God is everywhere and in everyone so why do some want to put him in a box and confine him...

      1. mohitmisra profile image59
        mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Mr Dent is male ego talking ,I allways say woman are more spiritually advanced than men.
        This is proven on this forum as well .Pople like Jewels ,Lady Lady Guinevere, Sparkling Jewel to name a few have a much better understanding of the holy spirit than mr dent.
        God exists in all male and female. smile Shiva and Shakti smile

    2. Jewels profile image84
      Jewelsposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        This is the hermaphroditic state (I wrote about earlier) where procreation is performed by the one being. Then separation - one being into two Adam and Eve.  I'd bet loads of cash that Jesus was conceived from the act of sexual intercourse.  Jesus' spiritual father was God, so is mine, so is yours.  His real dad was Joseph, his mum was Mary, pure of heart and so proclaimed a virgin.

      God is not a (hu)man, God is spirit.  Jesus was man, Jesus transformed himself and became as God is. Jesus with Christ in him.  God walks among us within us, not separate from us.  God is never separate, he is not in a personal state.  Jesus was in a personal state, he was man and showed that we as human beings can do what he did.  He is an example.  But I bet you even more cash that he is not going to do the work for us.  We have to do that.  If Jesus was going to do it all for us, it would have been done by now - it's been long enough.

      1. mohitmisra profile image59
        mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Superbly written, Jesus was a messenger who shows you the path to walk,he cannot walk that path for you,you need to do it yourself smile

  28. lionswhelp profile image67
    lionswhelpposted 16 years ago


    God put human qualities on themselves to have a family relationship 'with us'. It was the 'Word' who said, "Let us make man in our image, Genesis 1:26-27. We are made in their likeness to reflect what they are like. They chose this way not man. They are the ones making the relationship through a 'Family'. We were made for their purpose which will go on forever. And when we are changed we will be even more like them as spirit, John 4:24. It was this very same 'Word 'who re- intoduced the Yahovah- now the Father , John 3:16-18, Genesis 1:1. The Word also re-introduced Ruach HaKodesh - Momma, John 3:3-8, Genesis 1:2. How long ago they decided to have a Family is not clear but whenever it was it is a good thing for us, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18.

    It is through these very God Spirits that we can live forever and we should kneel before them and give thanks to them, Ephesians 3:7 -20. The apostle Paul said in Ephesians verses 14-20 > " For this very reason. I kneel before the Father, from whom his whole 'Family' in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. and I pray that you, being rooted and established in love may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and how high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

    "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen."

    The lionswhelp

    1. Mark Knowles profile image58
      Mark Knowlesposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry to interrupt your spiel, but I am all confused. Nothing you have said makes any sense. In fact the term, "meaningless rhetoric," comes to mind. smile

      According to your profile, your sole purpose here is to tell people how wrong they are in their interpretation of the bible, which you freely admit was stolen from other "pagan," religions, and you claim to respect "God's Holy Seventh day," which I assume means to down tools and rest?

      But here you are - on a Sunday busily working to stop people from having a different interpretation.......  lol

    2. Lady Guinevere profile image64
      Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      "Them", Elohim??  Who are the Elohim?

      First God was merciful and kind and then later on he is jealous and vengeful......Jealously is one of the commandlments that go agaisnt God's own directive.  Now don't you thinki ti strange that he would all of a sudden het that quality that is supposed to be man's quality and that God is against that?
      Faith and religion are two very different things.  One can have faith and not be in  religion at all.  What religion is God?

      1. mohitmisra profile image59
        mohitmisraposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        What religion is God?[/  awesome line. if he belonged to just one religion then he isnt  god as god pervades this entire cosmos. smile

    3. SparklingJewel profile image67
      SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Lionwhelp, I like the concepts i read in these quotes you have given...that God is "them" "God Spirits", a family. I believe in God and the parts, or rather, the "manifestations" of God, the hierarchy of God, ie Elohim, angels, and ascended souls that commune with humanity to guide and protect us here on earth where we are bounds by earthy laws. I can say that i believe God is Father/Mother/Son/HolySpirit as One, whose energies "translate" into mater as humans and other aspects of creation.

      Humans are ."...strengthened with the power of God through that Christ that dwells within our hearts through faith...and I pray that you, being rooted and established in love may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and how high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."       I can say that is Truth big_smile Saint Paul knew what was what, and who was who!

      That concept of putting human emotions "on God" is confusing to some...I understand it as our human need to feel close to something we find hard to comprehend...and as a conception of the "Oneness" that is hard to define in words. But I say it is a basic human psychological need to be fulfilled to feel whole and at One with the Universe to enable us to have the faith and sense of self worth to conceive of the possibility that we could become more of the power of the Christ that is One with God Energy that is Love.

      The biggest issue I had always felt when i was a child was that I was separate and far away from God, less and worthless as was taught in church. I don't feel that way now because I accept the possibility that I can become more of the Christ, One with God. And the path to finding that out is my own unique path, though all are on that path as much as they choose to be.

      It is a matter of free will choice, to me anyway, and the more we choose to learn and glean Truth, the stronger our will to choose to believe and have faith.

  29. Lady Guinevere profile image64
    Lady Guinevereposted 16 years ago

    Oh and for others, I think (passed by it at another time and will look for it later) the Caste System is mentioned in the it is biblical as well.

    Yes it is in the Bible, but it is under another name---Slavery.

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  30. SparklingJewel profile image67
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    Jesus said not to fear him and he also said that you can't have love and fear in the same body at the same time.  You either spread fear or you spread love not both.

    I am not sure I can go completely with that one. I have been going through deep seeded fear of allowing more Light into my being, because I know that it means I will have to change more. And that not self part of me knows that it will not have the control it once had over my actions, and recognizing those two aspects within my being, one fear and one love, has appeared real for a long with everyone, as far as I understand.  A soul would not need to be here if they were perfected in love...there is fear to some degree in everyone.

    Maybe Jesus meant it in the ultimate sense, that one can't have all of the Christ, if there is still any degree of fear within.
    Everything I have learned is a gradual process of change, or else I have just been fighting the total change because I have been seeing such varied manifestations from those that claim to be on the path of Christ.

    Or maybe that verse means you can't have both within the exact same moment, that it cycles in and out as our consciousness blocks or allows....?

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image64
      Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      That makes sense.  What I have been through I was very afraid and then there was Jesus or the total love and I was scared no more.  Embrace change is the only way to deal with it.  It is for learning.  No one here on Earth can be perfect because we haven't ascended to that as yet.
      Read my hub on Remembrance of 2008 and you will see a part of what I mean.  Jesus isn't coming back here for a long time--that is what I get in my knowldge of and with him.  When people stop trying to control who he is then he may come here, but not until then.  There is alot of work to do in each individual for that.
      Everything and everyone is in constant change--even dead material.
      You ae very well spoken with your insights and I doagree with most, if not all of them.  We are all here to learn an weal live many lives to be like the Christ Consciencnous---total and unconditional love of everyone and everything.

  31. SparklingJewel profile image67
    SparklingJewelposted 16 years ago

    Jesus went to India to learn as well and some will say that these things are not true but when I did a search for it there were more sites with positive then the ones that say it was a fraud.  Here is the best one that I found:

    yes, I have read that one. did you hear of the new movie out about Jesus' travels in India? I want to buy the CD and watch it. To see what information they have. It is a mystery that those years have not been considered before concerning Jesus. Its like the path for us to follow him has purposefully been left out, so that our souls can't find its wholeness in Christ.

    1. Lady Guinevere profile image64
      Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I haven't heard of that and yes I would like to see that one.

      About the 'mystery" leaving that stuff out--no mustery at all it was left out so that politics could be played out to control the populous's money and keep them in line with Ceasar and Contatine and others of that time.  What better way then to instill fear into them and keep them searching and then telling them where they could find it--church.

      1. SparklingJewel profile image67
        SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, I guess I still have a hard time accepting that souls that did such things are so "bad" (I don't like to use the word evil, because so many people have used it to condemn others. Since we are all under some degree of the "energy-veil" (e-veil) I can't make it a black and white is that paradox of duality...that mystical concept of who we are/are not.

        In my "book", I could have been one of those souls that mis-interpreted what was given, so now I am here today and need to balance that karma by showing a better way of forgiveness of myself and others for the past deeds.

        1. Lady Guinevere profile image64
          Lady Guinevereposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Jesus said in the Bible--forgive them for they know not what they do.

          The above name is supposed to be Constantine---sorry my typing sucks!!

          1. SparklingJewel profile image67
            SparklingJewelposted 16 years agoin reply to this

            here is the website for the movie  big_smile


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