The general election in India is going on. As a youngster of India the personal opinion about Modi
Life has become a race. We have a belief that it is a race. From childhood itself we run for something, often which is unknown to us.
Kisan Baburao Hazare, well know as Anna Hazare born on 15th June 1937. He is a social activist and anarcho-pacifist.
The Motorcycle Diaries is a biographic movie, realesed in 2004, recounts journey of Ernesto Guevara, who is well known as Che Guevara, the cuban Marxist revolutionist.
Posting a hub is an interesting activity. It makes more interesting as it is easy for all to post the new topic based the default selection available.
Human beings are considered to be social animals. They depend each other for their survival. The idea of family and social group came out of this social behavior.
Never demotivate a person. Success of a person solely depends upon his handwork and confidence.
The world will not end in one day. Do not get tensed if something not work for you or do not work as you wish. Keep in mind, for every man an opportunity is waiting somewhere.
India is infamous for its corrupt politicians. Due to the disintegration or weakening of national parties, they have no other choice other than to support these corrupt among them. Most of the allies in the Government forming political parties have less than 50 seats and among them 90 percent is...