In everyday life it's easy for us to be offended; but should we?
Last year Britain voted to leave the EU, much to the delight of anyone in Britain who hates foreigners, but recently it came to light that we might be able to stop the horror of Brexit!
We're always asked, as atheists, how we have morals if not from a creator God. In this article I hope to explain where we get our morals from and their use to us.
A few months ago I was watching a debate by Bill Nye with creationist Ken Ham and I realised how interesting Mr Ham truly is.
This year has been a non-stop thrill ride, from Trump to Spacey, 2017 has been one of the craziest years on record.
This article may serve as a guide for those who would like to be a DM in Dungeons and Dragons but never knew how to make your own campaigns. This first installment is about background creation.
On watching all 9 Star Wars films that have been released, I noticed something...
There is still very little regulation by the UK government regarding Cyber-Security which has recently caused yet ANOTHER scandal.
The 8th episode of the series has been released and the reviews... weren't great...
For millennia there has been religions and worship of many different types. And for some millennia those who do not believe have been branded as worshiping those that are evil.