Maybe you don't fully grasp the deeper part of baseball. If you listened to the master storyteller of the airways all your life, you'd understand. Vin Scully gave the game a high level of literary description. He could describe the action with eloquence and charm.
The author, Dan W. Miller, is not particularly psychic nor extra sensitive to the paranormal. Yet these incidents seem to offer no simple explanation how they occured.
'The Catch' by Willie Mays: It sounds like a novel, a painting, or a career-defining moment. The Say Hey Kid is the first player you'd pick to have on your team, and every legend has their moment.
It takes more than a game if you want to get picked up at your local gym, park, or blacktop basketball court. You have to adjust to your conditions. These rules weren't written down until now.
Are you a team player or a snitch? Greeting people on the phone builds business relations from the very beginning. Tips on how you'd like to be treated with consideration by clients and co-workers.
Everyone experiences some form of humiliation at least once. If you're lucky you can atone for it. It happened to me at
What Is Film Noir? The author, Dan W. Miller explains the basic elements to look for while IN a movie just dripping with film noir. So sit down, wiseguy, light up a smoke and I'll pour us a drink.
by Dan W. Miller - Advice from a guy who will take you from the parking lot to the exit door of that woman's boutique or department store and how to make this a tolerable experience for both of you.
Two stories of two people who knew my personality and drew the best out of me. They risked being hated so that I would succeed beyond even my own expectations by using my pride as a psychological tool
Not the usual tips on making a city bike ride fun, safe and physically beneficial. This "guide" should keep you from being hit by a car, sued by a pedestrian and thoroughly entertained. note: This article may not follow some laws, people's moral standards or city biking codes. But they're MY RULES!
We all go sometime. We all will have our own way and we all leave someone behind to meet up with later, we hope. Three personal true stories and one about a real American hero.
THREE SHORT STORIES ON BEING "DOC." What it meant to be part of an elite corps. I had to be taught the tremendous responsibility and I felt I had to be worthy of the enormous respect given Corpsmen.
["How To Be A Stand-Up Comedy Show Host's Favorite Audience" is the original title of this article.] And now your host for this article and your author "The Vanilla Godzilla" of comedy Dan W. Miller!
The Oakland Raiders have always been different even within their own sport. The fans are different, the owner was different, even their style of play is different. It's a culture all it's own.
Something you said or had written gets taken by someone COMPLETELY the wrong way. Now what do you do? Here's a personal scenario I encountered. But it first takes one to begin the healing process.
By Dan W. Miller - Tips on everything from what to wear, what to think, how to act in certain situations and most of all, how to survive the game when the crowd is yelling, "Kill the ump!"
The fictional Rocky Balboa is based on a real person: Chuck Wepner, a small-time boxer who fought Muhammad Ali and inspired many with his raw courage.
Ex-NBA star Dean Tolson graduated college with a degree secretly illiterate. Addicted to Vicodin, he just fell off the radar. I found him nearly three years later. Here's my search by Dan W. Miller.
Dan W. Miller shows you how to be the every man's "every man" (literally) Take some tips from this "jack of all trades!" Be convincing and brim with self-confidence that says, "Hey, I can DO this!"
The author, Dan W. Miller learned social skills from "The Master." Dad took me along to meet real "Good Fellows" and American icons like Arnold Palmer. Yet he always had time to listen to our mailman.
It's a fine line between putting a heckler in his or her place and insulting a customer. How to properly interact with your audience (even the dreaded heckler) and still kill 'em on stage.
The incredible "Pistol" Pete Maravich was always a one-man team. He wanted something greater than that one elusive championship. He was preparing himself for immortality at just 40 years young.
I'm the guy you want on your baseball team and despise when I'm your opponent. Pitcher Don Drysdale said he'd even throw a brushback pitch at his grandmother "if she was crowding the plate."
Social and political correctness has made me leery to even just "be myself." I highly doubt people are as pure as they let on... uh online.
It was very early one morning at the airport when I spotted one of my idols. Paul Westhead coached one of the most dynamic NCAA basketball players ever. HANK GATHERS - a star burned out too soon.
As "The Vanilla Godzilla," strangers say odd things to me. Fascination, jealousy, envy you name it. They want my height and let me know it with a cruel remark or a question what it's like to be me.
From The Goat to The Hero of The Class! The author's teacher connects fun with a lesson to be learned. After all, this was a big event in social studies for some. It was the World Series!
Author Dan W. Miller is just released from the VA Hospital after eleven days of agony. The painful journey has just begun. As soon as I get home I write down these thoughts of the future and my fears.
The author goes to great lengths to help you waste money later. Yes, here are some ridiculous ways to help you save money and all so you can spend it (un)wisely on the "important stuff."
Might as well "sow your wild oats" before you're of legal age. Oh, I did more than my share of it. I was just the one that never got caught.
The Vanilla Godzilla says follow these unwritten rules and you too can go through life with your front teeth still intact. A bar has two of the worst elements to get into a fight - people and booze.