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David Stillwagon

Joined 15 years ago

  • 30
  • 75
  • 169
  • Time to make a Career Change

    Time to make a Career Change

    2 weeks ago

    Is it time for a career change? For many who have worked in a particular field for most of their career consider changing to an occupation that they may have wanted to do for quite a while

  • Older Workers and the Gray Ceiling

    Older Workers and the Gray Ceiling

    2 weeks ago

    Unfortunately age has become a barrier for some folks trying to find a job in this economy.

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    Depression and the Elderly

    3 weeks ago

    Life changes as we get older, that is just the way things are. With age comes a certain amount of wisdom and also a good deal of wistfulness about the past, whether it is good memories of family and friends or special moments that you will never forget. Some folks age gracefully and are able to...

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    Aging and Sleep Apnea

    3 weeks ago

    Aging is a natural process no matter how much you exercise or eat right, although leading a healthier lifestyle will probably extend your life and increase the quality of life. as you probably know one thing that wouldn’t increase the quality of life is sleep apnea.

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    10 days ago

    Usually sleeping isn't considered a time when you can physically harm yourself. Most sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia can cause long term problems and being tired the next day but there isn't any harm at night. With sleepwalking there definitely is chance that the person who has it can...

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    Mindfulness Stress Reduction

    3 weeks ago

    The word meditation often conjures up someone sitting on a pillow who appears to be in a deep trance. Meditation can be in many different forms but the end result, if done correctly, is usually the same. Meditation will give you an inner peace and help relieve the stress and anxiety that seems to...

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    Loneliness and the Immune System

    2 weeks ago

    A study from Ohio State University suggests that loneliness can cause your body to be unable to fight illnesses as vigorously as it should.

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    Hypnosis and Depression

    3 weeks ago

    If you are dealing or have dealt with depression you know how very difficult it is to treat it. There are various types of treatments like counseling or medications or a combination of both. Unfortunately these types of treatments don’t always work. There of course could be a number of reasons why,...

  • Depression's Dark Cloud

    Depression's Dark Cloud

    3 weeks ago

    Depression is an illness that affects a large portion of the population. Of course for some folks there are specific problems like physical illness or the loss of employment that brings on the depression.

  • The Sleep Disorder Narcolepsy

    The Sleep Disorder Narcolepsy

    3 weeks ago

    It isn’t one of the most common sleep disorders but it still can be extremely troublesome for someone who has it. Unlike sleep apnea where there is blockage in the back of the throat that causes you to stop breathing at night. Narcolepsy is a central nervous system disorder.

  • Car Insurance for the Elderly

    Car Insurance for the Elderly

    3 weeks ago

    Car Insurance is of the utmost importance for any driver of any age. Not only does it safeguard you from car accidents that are your fault but also accidents caused by others. The consequences might not only monetary loss but in the worst case loss of life. Car insurance is usually high for younger...

  • Do You Have Insomnia?

    Do You Have Insomnia?

    3 weeks ago

    Out of all the sleep disorders the one that you probably have heard the most of is insomnia. Whenever someone has a bad night sleeping for any reason is it usually attributed to some form of insomnia. But is it really the problem?

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    Walking and Meditation

    2 weeks ago

    One of the most basic and easiest exercises to do is walking. Whether it is a beautiful spring day or a day in the middle of winter a brisk walk can be invigorating. Besides strengthening your leg muscles and building your stamina up you are also outdoors taking in the fresh air (of course that...

  • Can Seniors Increase Their Metabolism by Strength Training?

    Can Seniors Increase Their Metabolism by Strength Training?

    2 weeks ago

    When we were younger it didn’t seem to matter what we ate we always had a lot of energy and for most folks that meant our weight would be kept down also. But as we get older our bodies changes and the processes that we took for granted when we were younger don’t work as well. Such is the case for...

  • Sleep Disorders Symptoms

    Sleep Disorders Symptoms

    3 weeks ago

    For millions of people sleeping problems are chronic to the point that they have an adverse on their lives and their health. The question is how do you know if your sleeping problem is only temporary or the more serious kind.

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    Avoid Job Search Burnout

    2 weeks ago

    You just can’t do another job search or email another resume, you just don’t have the energy or the will, you are at the end of your rope. Frustrated and tired, you have reached the point of job search burnout.

  • Inspiration, Brainstorming and Searching for a Job

    Inspiration, Brainstorming and Searching for a Job

    10 days ago

    You probably think that you don’t need much inspiration to find a job if you are unemployed. Just by looking at the bills every month and your dwindling check account should be inspiration enough. But it really should be more than just surviving to make ends meet. While that is extremely important...

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    Panic Attack Shortness of Breath

    2 weeks ago

    Most everyone at one time or the other has had a panic attack. You are in a situation where you feel like you have no control over what is going to happen next. An immediate feeling of terror takes over as you wonder what to do. The panic attack may last a few seconds to close to an hour; it all...

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    Help With Putting on Your Socks

    10 days ago

    Do you or someone who know have problems pulling up their socks? This can certainly be a problem if you have back pain or stiffness. Lack of arm strength and mobility in elderly individuals can make this quite a task.

  • Hydrotherapy and Arthritis

    Hydrotherapy and Arthritis

    2 weeks ago

    Arthritis is a debilitating condition that causes joints to stiffen. This can make it difficult to do things that were once easy to do, such as moving freely or picking things up. There are 100 types of arthritis. Medication can be prescribed as well natural treatments and exercise. One treatment...

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    Should You Do Aerobics or Anaerobic Exercises?

    2 weeks ago

    Of course the answer is to do both! Each form of exercise has its own function in keeping the body strong and healthy. Without one or the other your exercise regimen is incomplete.

  • Are You Too Old to Lift Weights

    Are You Too Old to Lift Weights

    11 days ago

    Is lifting weights just for the young folks? The answer is no, anyone can do strength training at any age. In fact it is encouraged by the health community and older people are trying it every day.

  • Does Sleep Apnea Cause Heart Disease?

    Does Sleep Apnea Cause Heart Disease?

    10 days ago

    Sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder where there is blockage in the back of the throat causing a cessation of breathing. When the breathing stops the sleep apnea patient wakes up. This could occur hundreds of times each night leading to serious health concerns.

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    Common Sense and Losing Weight

    10 days ago

    There seems to be a million diets on the market today and they all promise to help you lose weight. Some are more traditional like Weight Watchers where weight is slowly taken off and others promise to burn the weight off immediately. Before starting out on any weight loss journey do a little...

  • Stress in Your Life

    Stress in Your Life

    2 weeks ago

    It seems like the question should be who isn’t stressed in these trying times. With unemployment high and international turmoil plus all the problems of daily life, how can you not be stressed?

  • How to Find Work After Fifty

    How to Find Work After Fifty

    10 days ago

    In this day and time it is difficult to find work no matter what age you are. The economy is hurting and therefore many businesses aren’t hiring, but is it more difficult to find work after the age of 50?

  • What Is There to Do About Sleep Apnea?

    What Is There to Do About Sleep Apnea?

    3 weeks ago

    Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that affects millions of Americans. This condition occurs when the airway is blocked in the throat while sleeping. When this happens breathing stops, causing the brain to signal to the body to wake up.

  • Adults and Acne

    Adults and Acne

    3 weeks ago

    Acne is a torment to teenagers and adults alike, yes, teenagers with their hormonal problems aren’t the only ones with acne. And the outcome of adult acne can be as emotionally straining as with teenagers

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    Are You Getting Your Rest?

    10 days ago

    Sleep has a vital role in everyone’s life. Without sleep your body would wear down, your immune system would be greatly weakened and your energy would be non-existent. As important as sleep is why would so many people neglect it?

  • Questions and Answers about Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Questions and Answers about Rheumatoid Arthritis

    2 weeks ago

    Rheumatoid Arthritis is an inflammatory disorder that causes joint pain and damage. The RA patient will usually experience swelling and disfigurement is common. This condition will also limit or make difficult routine tasks such as typing, opening jars and any activity that involves using your...


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