Do you have to spend a fortune to keep your problem feet comfortably shod? I say, "No!" In this article, I compare and contrast Converse and knockoff high tops.
Worm composting doesn't have to be complex. Follow the tips presented here for simple, successful vermicomposting.
The best way to cook Ramen noodles, step-by-step.
In this article, I'll show you how to make a tasty, filling meal with a slice of pizza and a little ingenuity.
Grow fresh wheatgrass to benefit your cat's health and the health and well-being of your houseplants.
If you've ever wanted to take a bath, but don't have a bathtub, learn about the advantages of owning a portable bathtub.
This article outlines the easy steps to taking good care of your fascinating air plants.
This is an overview of simple, commonsense care for box turtles as pets or backyard denizens.
In this article, I share the experience I've had so far gathering equipment and developing a do-it-yourself physical therapy program for my broken wrist.
The saga of dealing with a broken wrist while poor.
Time, patience and essential oils helped my anxious mule calm down and enjoy life to the fullest!
How do adult survivors of childhood abuse feel? What can you do to support and encourage a friend with PTSD from childhood abuse. Learn the answers to these questions here!
I have a donkey named Ray. These are answers to the questions I have been asked about keeping a donkey in a small-town setting.
Learn a "no-poo" gentle, natural hair care alternative for dry, color-treated hair! Lemon juice and cocoa butter make all the differenct!
Yoga is an ancient way of exercising and aligning body, mind and spirit that is just as vital and effective today as it was in its beginnings, centuries ago. With yoga, anyone at any level can begin a comfortable and successful fitness journey.
Yoga is good for what ails you! No matter what condition you are in now, yoga for healing will support and enhance other treatments and therapies and help you attain optimum health! You can adjust and adapt yoga practice to suit your level of ability and increase the challenge as you grow and heal!
Here is a chocolate dessert that is super fast and simple without all the chemicals, food coloring and other unnecessary ingredients you’ll find in packaged pudding mixes. You will need: A large container of natural/organic vanilla yogurt 2...
When I was a child, people thought that dogs needed their freedom, and most dogs ran free. And most dogs stayed home - or so I thought back then. As an adult, I realize that it really only seemed that most dogs stayed home. This was simply a matter...
One way to avoid catching colds and flu and to just stay generally healthy is to have a strong immune system. In addition to simply exercising common sense by eating right, avoiding alcohol and tobacco products, getting moderate exercise and plenty...
It seems like every few months we are urged to fear for our lives because of a newer and more deadly virus. What I have found between the lines every time is the fact that these new and deadly viruses are spread just like any other virus, and if...
If you believe the media today, you will think that you need to spend a ton of money on a lot of potions, notions, and even surgery to become and stay young and healthy looking. The fact is, nothing could be further from the truth. If you want to...
Beginning aquarists often start out with a wild mix of fish that don’t get along. That - along with improper tank set-up - is one of the main reasons new aquariums often fail. Once you have your tank properly set up and seasoned and have weathered...
Once you have established your aquarium and have a nice, congenial mix of fish, you may one day find yourself alarmed and dismayed when one fish suddenly takes a notion to start terrorizing one or more of it’s tank-mates. This can happen for a...
It is lovely and relaxing to have a peaceful, well-balanced aquarium. When your fish are well-matched and get along, it is a delight to sit and watch them peacefully interact. However, if you have one or more aggressive fish, you may end up...
This is a method of reading playing cards that I developed simultaneously with my Spanish Playing Card reading technique. Some of the individual card interpretations are similar or identical, but overall, the systems are a little different because...
This is a system I devised for meditating on or discussing a question using Spanish or Italian playing cards. These cards are similar to tarot cards but just consist of a 50 card deck including 2 Fools or Jokers.
When I was a teenager, I had a pet rat that would follow me like a dog. His name was Louis, and he lived in a big cage with a lovely chinchilla named Violet. She was also very tame. I had lots of small pets like this, and I can tell you that it is...
Novel ideas to help you make the most of your current pronunciation skills while continuing to learn, grow and improve your fluency.
Title: Letter to Aunt Cathrine, 1984 Attribution License: Photographer: Caitlinator When I was in school, misspelled words could bring grades down dramatically. An A+ paper could become a B- because of...
My grandfather, Denzel McBride Bennett, was the founder of a small newspaper, The Alpine Avalanche ( My father was a photojournalist. I took journalism classes in college; although, I ultimately focused on psychology...
Learn to assess the appearance of a person systematically and describe that person in a way that helps your listener form a clear mental picture.
Aside from helping you to stay calm and keeping your emotions and appetite on an even keel, you may find that an L-tyrosine supplement will help in building up your energy levels as well as being a tonic for your libido. L-tyrosine has also been found helpful in bodybuilding.
This is just a marvelous true story about a little known aspect of the Jewish struggle against the Nazis. I have added it to my personal collection and enjoyed watching it many times.
The archetypal images found on tarot cards help us get in touch with the power of the subconscious mind.
I never thaw my meat. Whether you don't have time to thaw your meat or simply forgot to take it out of the freezer, here's how to cook frozen meat quickly. Take your meat from cold to deliciously hot in just a few easy steps.
This article reviews a number of conditions that can be helped by adding Omega-3 fatty acids to your health plan. Several clinical studies have suggested that the use of Omega-3 fatty acids could help with the treatment of a number of health...
How the Bushmeat Trade Exploits Endangered Animals & Indigenous People "How serious is the problem? The commercial hunting of bushmeat could well lead to the loss of several species, including chimpanzees, gorillas & elephants." Dr. Jane Goodall
Diets are a gimmick! The weight loss industry wants to keep you guessing, buying & trying one weight loss method after another. You don't have to do that. Just follow this simple lifelong plan! :)
I ran across this question recently and set out to answer it. I have to say that the more I looked, the more conflicting information I ran across. In this article,my aim is to set forth several photos* that I believe to be examples of folk art. I...
Jackie Chan has been a big star in China and around the world for 4 decades. As he matures, he continues to grow and give to the world around him by creating a broader variety of movies and working tirelessly toward peace and prosperity in China and around the world.
Whether the problem is caused by confusion from a new home or past training issues, the advice in this guide can help your dog feel at home. Identify potential problems, create a positive training environment and use crate training to build a lasting bond with your dog.
A Betta makes a wonderful addition to your office. When properly cared for, your little pet can live happily for many years. Here's how to care for your office Betta.
A brief and basic overview of pet box turtle care information. Box turtles are easy care with the right turtle habitat and proper feeding habits.
Wasps are a beneficial insect that eat some harmful bugs and pollinate plants. Here's how to move a nest safely and without chemicals.