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Kara Ward

Joined 6 years ago from Illinois

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    The Joy of Ice Cream

    5 years ago

    This is the time of year for ice cream, it's a nice treat in the summer months. Which is why, I decided to write a little poem dedicated to Ice cream. Everybody's favorite treat.

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    The Significance of Symbols

    5 years ago

    This is a poem about different symbols that I've always been drawn to and the significance they have. All symbols mean different things to different people, these are the meanings I take away from these following symbols.

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    Can You Guess Who?

    5 years ago

    I know most of the poems I write are intense, so I thought I'd write something light hearted to change things up. This poem is about some of my favorite animals, describing who they are. Can you guess them right, before you find out who they are?

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    I Grow Tired

    5 years ago

    This poem is about being mentally and emotionally drained, which in many ways I myself am. This is also about the many things I grow tired of because they happen too many times.

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    Storms (A Poem)

    5 years ago

    I have a big fear of storms and someone I know suggested that I write a poem about it, the next time there's a storm. That's exactly what I did. So, this poem is about my fear of storms.

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    The Misunderstood (A Poem)

    5 years ago

    I've never felt, thought or seen the world as other people do. I live my life differently than most, with all of that comes judgement and being misunderstood. This poem is about that and to help anyone else who feels this way, know they are not alone.

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    A Yearning For Happiness

    5 years ago

    This poem is about wanting to be happy but the difficulties of actually being that way. Happiness is something everyone wants but something that is hard for some to achieve.

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    Night Time Woes

    5 years ago

    This poem this about the issues I have with sleeping well. I know I'm not the only one with this problem, this is something many can relate to.

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    The Signs Of Spring/Inspiration

    5 years ago

    This is another two in one poem. I was looking out my window yesterday and it was a gorgeous day, that's when I got the idea to write this little poem about Spring. The season many look forward to after cold harsh winters. The other poem is simply about inspiration.

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    The Fears We Have

    5 years ago

    There are many powerful emotions but, none more powerful then fear. Some peoples lives are even ruled by fear and I'm one of those people. This poem is about fear and I wrote it a long time ago because fear is something I understand well. I know many people can relate to this.

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    The Power of Music (a Poem)

    5 years ago

    I think music is something that can touch a person's soul. It can help you with whatever you maybe going through at the time, there's a song for every emotion you can think of. That's what this poem is about, the powerful way music can effect a person's life.

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    San Diego Beaches (A Short Poem) / Dream

    5 years ago

    This is two poems in one article. The first one is called San Diego Beaches, it's the first poem I ever wrote and actually entered in a contest when I was 14. The second one is called Dream and I wrote it for my cousin, for his birthday.

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    In My Locket

    5 years ago

    This is a poem I wrote about about a locket I have, the picture of my best friend I put inside and what he means to me.

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    The Solitary Feeling

    5 years ago

    This poem is about something that I deal with all the time, something others deal with too. This poem is meant as a sort of solace for those who deal with the exact same thing.

  • Movies Often Unseen but Perfect for Halloween

    Movies Often Unseen but Perfect for Halloween

    5 years ago

    During the Halloween season there are certain movies that people typically watch, like the go to movies of the holiday. I decided to make a list of movies both funny, scary and family friendly that are perfect for Halloween but not the common ones people would pick.

  • Unlucky 27: Members of the 27 Club

    Unlucky 27: Members of the 27 Club

    5 years ago

    I'm not sure how many people are familiar with the 27 club. Basically, it's a list of musicians, actors and artists that died at age 27. It's been claimed that there was a spike in deaths for musicians around that age. I decided to write about some of the people on that list.

  • Pre-Color T.v. Fit Just for Halloween

    Pre-Color T.v. Fit Just for Halloween

    5 years ago

    Television has came a long way since it first started and one of the biggest things was color. Many shows were in black and white even in the 50's and 60's. So, I found five pre-color television shows that fit the eeriness of Halloween and would be perfect for marathon T.V. watching.

  • Strong Women Through History: A Look at the Women Who Came Before Us (Part 1)

    Strong Women Through History: A Look at the Women Who Came Before Us (Part 1)

    5 years ago

    There's a lot of focus today on helping women to be strong and independent, which is always a great thing. However, I think the definition of what makes a strong woman is a little askew these days. I complied a list of truly strong women who did so many things for many people.

  • 8 Most Memorable Album Covers (Vinyl Records Addition)

    8 Most Memorable Album Covers (Vinyl Records Addition)

    5 years ago

    It's a very good childhood memory of mine, listening to older music, going through my parents' record collection and playing the records on their turn table. They have a lot of records but certain ones stand out in my mind. So, here's my top 8 list of most memorable album covers.

  • I Love Candy! The Best Candies of the 1990's

    I Love Candy! The Best Candies of the 1990's

    5 years ago

    The 90's gave us a lot of great candies. Some are still around and others are not. I'm going to take this opportunity to name some of the best candies of the 90's.

  • Why

    Why "Defending Yourself Against Bullies" Isn't as Simple as You Think

    5 years ago

    I notice when ever someone mentions they were bullied the first response from someone is "why didn't you defend yourself?" or "you need to learn to stand up for yourself". I'm going to take this time to explain to people why defending oneself isn't that simple. It's not always the best solution.

  • 4 Disney Couples: What They Can Show Us About Love

    4 Disney Couples: What They Can Show Us About Love

    5 years ago

    I wrote about television couples that can teach us about love. Now, I'm going to flip it over to Disney couples and what they can show us about love.So, here are 4 Disney couples and what they can show us about love.

  • Interacting with People Online: A Guide to Conducting Yourself Properly on Social Media

    Interacting with People Online: A Guide to Conducting Yourself Properly on Social Media

    5 years ago

    I think whether you're online or not you should always be respectful of other people and how you treat them. So, here are 7 things to consider when interacting with people online (and off).

  • Beauty Confidential: Society's Beauty Standards

    Beauty Confidential: Society's Beauty Standards

    6 years ago

    There's a lot of expectations when it comes to beauty. Here are my thoughts on the beauty standards society holds us to.

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    Calling All Criminal Minds Fans: My Favorite Cliffhanger Endings and Most Suspenseful Episodes!

    4 years ago

    So, being as that last month Criminal Minds had their 13th season finale with another great cliffhanger ending, I thought now would be a good time to share this article about what I consider to be my favorite cliffhanger endings and most suspenseful episodes.

  • 4 Television Couples: What We Can Learn From Them About Love

    4 Television Couples: What We Can Learn From Them About Love

    5 years ago

    I realize that television couples aren't necessarily the best "how to guide" for successful relationships, especially since the sole purpose is for entertainment. However, there are exceptions to that rule.So, here are 4 television couples and the lessons we can learn from them about love.

  • The Confidence Factor: 4 Things to Understand About Confidence

    The Confidence Factor: 4 Things to Understand About Confidence

    5 years ago

    It seems easy in theory to be confident but positive reinforcements help with maintaining that confidence. So, here are 5 things I feel should be understood when it comes to confidence.

  • Cancelled Too Soon: 14 Television Shows I Wish Wouldn't Have Been Cancelled!

    Cancelled Too Soon: 14 Television Shows I Wish Wouldn't Have Been Cancelled!

    6 years ago

    There's a lot of television shows out there and some of them make it and some of them don't. Unfortunately, all the shows me and my mom seem to like get cancelled. So, here's a list of 14 shows I wish wouldn't have been cancelled.

  • Ripped From the Headlines: A Look Into the Most Talked About Solved and Unsolved Cases

    Ripped From the Headlines: A Look Into the Most Talked About Solved and Unsolved Cases

    5 years ago

    There have been a lot of murder mysteries and missing people never found over the years. As someone who's saw many specials, made for T.V. movies and read many books about some of the cases on this list, I decided to write about some of those headline-breaking cases.

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    What People Believe: Do You Believe in the Unbelievable?

    5 years ago

    Awhile ago, there was a supernatural craze sweeping the internet called "Charlie Charlie". Much like the craze of Slender Man, people chose to believe it. When I saw that, it inspired me to write what I believe in when it comes to the supernatural world and where I draw the line in believing.


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