Ayurveda offers eight natural tips for holistic weight loss, based on simple guidelines aligned with nature's rhythms and seasons.
Déjà Vu is a experience many people feel it. Déjà Vu means already seen.
premature graying of hair, Ayurveda way to convert gray hair into natural black hair. Panchkarma, Shirodhara and Nasya therapy for gray hair.
Google is not only search engine, it has many other use. but most of people use Google only for search something. Here is some useful Google tips, try all this and make your internet experience better
ms paint, Microsoft paint, features, all tricks and tips about paint, unknown and amazing side of paint.
Honey is widely used in ayurvedic medicines, also for weight loss, obesity, tooth ache, cough and cold. Don’t use honey with hot water. Some medicinal use and guideline to use honey. Myths and facts about honey.
constipation is a common in this days, due to our fast list and food habits. here is some simple tips for constipation. some home remedies and yoga are suggested also. constipation can cause many diseases so don't ignore constipation.
weight loss treatment with ayurveda, herbs and ayurveda medicines. loss weight naturally with ayurvedic life style, ayurvedic medicines are harmless, there is no side effect for weight loss medicines.
kidney failure can be treated with ayurveda, with ayurveda medicine we can stop dialysis, avodi renal failure and increase life span. ayurvedic treatment has no side effect. pradiiphira, pradiphira dr pradip hira, ayurved consultant & Panchkarma specialist, ambawadi, ahmedabad, ayurved clinic in...
Brief introduction about different types of kidney diseases. Like diabetes, stone, kidney failure.