What is autism? Are children born with it? What are the symptoms of autism and/or it's closely related spectrum disorders? Need answers? Read on...
What is ADD? What is AD/HD? Do I have AD/HD? Is Attention Deficit Disorder the right diagnosis? Quiz, Symptoms, signs, and statistics for teenagers.
What is the bystander effect? If someone suddenly feel while walking near you what would you do? Would you help? Or would you be part of the bystander effect phenomenon?
What are night terrors? What causes night terrors in children? What happens during a night terror? How to cope as a caregiver with night terrors? Answers to many of your night terror questions.
What is introversion? Are introverts depressed? How do I communicate with an introvert? Are you and introvert? Plus introvert myths, facts, and quiz.
Is the cry it out method safe? Should we try the cry it out method with our infant? Quiz, questions, answers, pros and cons, research studies, and alternatives to the cry it out method.
Can marijuana use and schizophrenia be linked? Scientists believe there is a link, the question is more so of how severe a link? Just how likely are you to develop schizophrenia from smoking a ‘lil pot?
This is a comprehensive guide to the American Psychological Association (APA) writing style, including information on title pages and abstracts, as well as in-text and reference page sourcing.
When it comes to your family or future family alot of potential mommies and daddies wonder what the proper spacing is of children. The answer is not as simple as the question makes it out to be.
You've heard obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyper activity disorder (ADHD) and all the rest of the mental health diagnosis. Have you heard of the new kid in town? Oppositional defiance disorder? Let's talk....
Homosexuality was originally thought to be a mental disorder as recorded by the American Psychological Association (APA) in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Health (DSM).
Birth order is defined as the order in which children are born into a family (first child, second child etc.). It has long been theorized that the birth order of children can lay the groundwork for psychological development and other meaningful life experiences.
Should you swaddle your infant? What is the theory behind infant swaddling? Questions and answers about swaddling as well as a how-to-swaddle demonstration. It's time to catch those Zzzz's once again.
When flooded with sad thoughts you may start to wonder is this normal sadness? Am I sad? Am I depressed? Wait - what's the difference?
Hopefully you've gotten a free copy of your credit report and are aware of the different sections on your credit report and what they entail. Here we are going to talk about the date of last activity or DOLA.
Over the years many psychologists have studied and theorized human behaviors in an attempt to figure out why people act the way they act, but it seems the answer is never black or white; always grey. Theorist, Franicis Galton coined the hereditary vs. environment theory (what we now know as...
Does addiction run in families? Is addiction hereditary or a learned behavior? Can I become addicted to a substance after just one time? The answer to these questions and more...