The Supreme Court decreed that Obamacare IS a TAX. So why should it NOT be law? ...... BECAUSE IT IS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!
If someone breaks into your home, do you set the table and invite the intruders to stay for dinner? Do you set up the guest room? ... ABSOLUTELY NOT! *** So what do we do with 11 million intruders?
If, when Hitler was elected to office, had someone tried to warn of the potential power that was looming, would the people of Germany have listened or tried to do anything to stop him?
This country had no gun control laws for 150 years. WHY did that change?
I saw an ad today where Pres. Obama was criticizing Gov. Romney because he made $20 million dollars, but only paid 14% taxes. Right off the top I see by Obama's admission that Romney must have paid at least $2,800,000 – That’s two MILLION eight...
What makes a man do his best?
Who is responsible for the economic collapse we are in? Obama? Bush? ... Would you believe - neither? This Hub explains.
What did Pelosi say? "We have to pass it to find out what is in it."?
The bill that has to be passed to find out what is in it? You've GOT to be kidding! (A current update - April 3, 2013 - has been added below. The original was posted before the bill was passed.)
To understand what we must do, we must first understand what is happening! This country was built on free enterprise and we are currently facing an administration that is trying to take that away. They think the answer to the economy is for the...