Partners or spouses can make you miserable in public and private or steal your money no matter how smart or educated you are.
Controlling a creek bank using red cedar "Christmas trees." You could do this in your own back yard.
Tea tree oil cures toenail fungus? I tried it for 5 months, and took photos as evidence to see whether tea tree oil antiseptic applied daily really clears toenails or not.
Tips for adults and seniors seeking personal training or a trainer, and a sample of a trainer-designed workout t0 rebuild an aching back.
Identify shapely and colorful Midwestern woods mushrooms and fungi including oyster mushrooms and puffballs, from detailed nature photos.
Exercising more, eating less, drinking more black coffee (zero calories): One of these behaviors was adding unwanted inches to my waistline. Which one?
The Victor mousetrap is one of the few items on the market unchanged since 1899. But then they redesigned it.
Truth hides in online dating profiles. Learn the red flags and code words so you know what to expect of potential first dates, male and female.
Had he told his other woman about his herpes? Was it wrong of me to let her know? Or more irresponsible not to let her know? A tough choice revealed a tragic story.
Considering a fling? Some action on the side? Ashley Madison? What, are you stupid? In adultery, your lover has a severe psychological problem, and so do you.
Several women I know have money troubles, and the first thing they give up on if they are clothes-conscious is buying clothes and accessories at retail. Yet in this depressed economy thrift shops are so picked-over they offer only shoddy or...
You've got to put in overtime or travel for business. Your wife's disappointed -- and she's alone! An easy way to make sure she's still there when you return. And still loves you.
A public gun range is fun and cheap at $3 per hour, but it has its rules.
I didn't have much hope when I drove downstate to meet a farmer for lunch one summer Saturday. From our lively correspondence on our dating site I knew he was intelligent and politically aware, but those were a mere fraction of what I was looking...
Go from knowing nothing to buying and owning the self-defense or home-defense handgun, revolver, or pistol that will keep you safe.
Daughter won't talk to mother, believing she was abused. As the years pass with no contact, they both suffer, needlessly. So does the family
The "Business Leadership" program or "internship" led to a roomful of telemarketers making minimum wage. They want you to join them.
They know a good woman when they see one. That's a male golddigger. Here's how he will make your life a living hell.
So your child or godchild is moving out on his own. Here are some lightly priced and useful gifts to help your grad or new adult, male or female, set up an apartment and get well started on the road from dependence to independence. In the excitement...
Are you scared to have D&C? Entering the women's surgery center, I feared this common operation on the uterus. But this outpatient procedure has changed since your mother had it 20 years ago.
I'm a breast cancer survivor, proud and not ashamed of my scar. And by God's grace I've got back much more than what I lost.
It hurts to be lonely during holidays if you're single, can't get to your family or have no family, or have moved recently to a new location. You have nowhere special to go, and the phone does not ring because everyone else is busy or out of town. ...