Being a parent is quite tough, especially if your kid is a topper, as you ... to stay on track with what is being taught in class and it clears the concept. ... When the child is studying, parents need to make sure that the child is kept on top.
People in US donate their cars to needy. Or some organization purchase their cars and sale it and the earned money donate to the NGO or Hospitals. Its really a good and motivational work.
Scientist declare that the fossil fuels will get exhausted eventually in the next century. Therefor non conventional energy resources like solar,wind,sea,geothermal and biomass will be only futureHOPE
I just want to give you some viewpoints on the certain stages of friendship and what they mean to friendship.
GATE, PSUs & Interviews Questions are based on MS,HMT, ATD,RAC,IC Engine, FM, PPE,SOM,TOM, MD,Production Engineering and Industrial Engineering.
Unemployment is not only inevitable in capitalist countries it is a requirement of the big employers because having a large unemployed workforce exerts a huge downwards pressure on wages.
secret= only sow the seeds of plants you want. If you treat others with disrespect Universe will return that favour to you back. You are not invincible nor expendable so behave in a humble manner.
All powers are from within and therefore under control.
Electrical Engineering questions and answers with explanation for interview, competitive examination and entrance test. Fully solved examples with details.
If I were to ask people of my generation to stand up against tyranny, nobody would unite. But if I insult weed, the masses would arm and march. I want better.
Strategic Planning Questions. A smart proper planning to push you to desired platform. In this examination only knowledge may no satisfy the purpose.
Civil Engineering Interview of RCC, SOM,TOS,FE,FM,DST, BD & CAD, Surveying,subjects for fresher and experienced job interview. Usually asked by the interviewer.
Mechanical Engineering IAS questions includes the questions of Thermodynamics, RAC, HMT, IC Engine, Fluid Mechanics,SOM, TOM,Machine Design,Production Engineering. etc.
Freelance writing jobs websites are the websites which pays you for your writing works. These are,,,oDesk,Constant Content,,Elance etc.
Center to establish National Bureau of Water Use Efficiency, UGC sets up panel to draft bill for administration of Central varsities,Center sets up GoM on CBI's autonomy,SC form supervisory panel Cau.
In the view of growing complexities of government tasks,the future administrators must acquire knowledge in the field of science & technology,social & behavioural science,modern tools of management et.
What is Sun? The sun is a star. It is a huge glowing ball of hydrogen and helium gases. The sun is mainly made up of hydrogen gas which is turned into helium gases through nuclear process called 'fusion'. The energy thus released is being scattered in space as sunlight.
Money saving is the art of enjoying life within the limited resources. Student should save money to live life in proper discipline.
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions. It depends on people ,they can or can not develop emotional intelligence. It helps to be successful in life
Most of us are curious to know about the space and Our Universe. We want to know about the beginning and end of the universe. This hub is all about the secret of universe.
Interview Questions in this hub are based on material science and SOM and thermodynamics. Mechanical Engineering Interview Question for Campus Placement
The total interview guidance of body language, eye contact, how to speak, how to sit and how to answer to difficult question is provided here in easy and simple way.
Everyone wants to be successful in his business but results are not desired always because the success of business depends on the two things 1 attitude and 2. Patience
Corruption and its challenges, Causes of corruption, Consequences of corruption,Measures to reduce corruption.
Questions and concepts of our solar system,like how it begain,how it stay in this way and how scientiest discover the seret of the solar system are described here.
Automobile engineering questions are useful for job interview,practical viva,projects and knowledge based for a fresher engineer or mechanical engineering student.
Youth are the base and growing future of any country. The economical,technical,social growth of any country depends on the youth's mind. So there should be provision to be a political leader for them.
Every subject is two subjects. You just got to lean in the direction of what you want. Positive thinking would spring out positive results.Even when going through bad times.