If you've had enough of big tourist attractions, there are plenty of quieter yet fascinating and different places to visit in London.
Why were the Fan Bay Deep Shelter tunnels built during World War II? Learn about their history, location, background, and surroundings before you go!
Discover over 100 books set in France, including crime and mystery stories, modern novels, historical fiction, classics, chick lit, travel lit, and more!
Placebos and the placebo effect explained in simple terms, and their implications in medicine today.
Visiting Monaco, that small stretch of Mediterranean coastline, can be a whirlwind, but if you bear these tips in mind when planning a visit, you can make better use of your trip.
Use postcards to bring an atlas to life! Expand your knowledge of world geography while showing off your card collection.
A fan-fold or concertina-fold album is used as an attractive way to display postcards. They are also easy to make! Make your own fan-fold album with this step-by-step guide.
Here's an inexpensive and effective way to show off your postcards, photos, or holiday greeting cards. This is a great project to do with children.
Collecting postcards is well known, but exchanging them seems more unusual. There are several ways to find people interested in postcard exchange.
No doubt many of you use Picasa to store and organise your photos, but have you tried the "experimental" search facility?
How to provide a burst of spring colour in a container garden.
What links a scandal in Victorian England, the story of a boy who knows nothing of a world beyond the room where he was born, and a collection of stories about people on the move?
The White Cliffs are world famous and can be seen far out to sea, even from France. The communities at the foot of the White Cliffs have stories of their own.
Having a good amount of fibre in your diet is known to have great health benefits. According to a recent WHO study it will lower your risk of death. It's easy to achieve when you know how.
Travel the world by reading books. These are some of the novels which have taken my imagination around the world. Have you any to add?
A few ideas on how to encourage your child or grandchild to be interested in the world around them and so foster an interest in science.
Chestnuts are coming back into favour because of their great nutritional value. Here are some interesting facts about chestnut trees, sweet chestnuts, and how best to use them.
Books can open up a whole new world to the reader. The two I review here will show you the culture and traditions of Kashmir, through one novel and one non-fiction account.
Find out more about the unusual event known as bog snorkelling, where, when and how.
The typically English village, what is it? There are many different styles depending on the part of England you are visiting - this is one of them.
Looking for things to do in Kent? Visit the peaceful oasis and gardener's delight at the heart of an ancient town: the Secret Gardens in Sandwich.
The sport of archery, its history, and how it has left its mark on the modern world.
Toussaint is All Saints' Day in France and has customs and traditions of its own.
If you collect vintage postcards, you may like to know roughly how old the card is. It isn't always easy to establish its age, but most cards have some clues you can follow.
Some ideas on how to source images for creating postcards to sell online
If you have ever wondered what to do with a glut of apples, these ideas may help you.
Visiting Norfolk? International snail racing comes to a head each summer. Didn't you know?
If you love gardens and visit the Loire Valley when you are in France, do make an effort to see these gardens too.
Books set in France, with a very French atmosphere.
A choice of books I'd recommend and be happy to read myself in a summer holiday.
A shingle (pebbled) beach, somewhere to play, somewhere to learn, and a great sea defence.
What is well dressing, where and when can I see some? What does it mean and what is its history?
You first thoughts of Monaco are probably not about art but maybe that is doing a disservice to the principality.
La Fête Nationale, Quatorze Juillet, or Bastille Day. Find out what happened, why it is when it is 14 July, and of course what it is.
Some more unusual recipes for tea based drinks
If you've never tried couscous, you will find these tried and tested couscous salads simple and tasty. Even if you have tried it before, they are still simple and tasty!
If you are thinking of outside lighting, the choice can be bewildering. This is how I narrowed the choices down.
My choice of books that continue the great tradition of ghost stories.
Inexpensive and simple ideas for kids' room décor. Make your visiting children welcome with their own special room which can easily change back to an adult's room.
Have you got SOLE? The Self Organised Learning Environment, the grandmother effect and a School in the Clouds: how they all add up to let children learn
Did you know that the Abbey Church of Saint-Savin sur Gartempe in central France is very special despite how it looks? Find out why the trip there is worthwhile.
When your collection of postcards (or photos) reaches a certain size, you need to think about how to store, protect, and display them safely and creatively.
How to start a postcard collection and how to keep it growing, what to collect and where to find it.