Kickstarter like Indiegogo is a crowdfunding site that brings a project owner and multiple backers together.
If you like to be ahead of the times with technology then the crowdfunding site Indiegogo is for you. Indiegogo is a site that brings project visions and backers together to produce a finished project.
The meaning of equality is equal treatment for all, but as history has shown us equality stood for whatever the majority believed was right. The right for equality goes on.
The dilemma of a new marriage about getting a dog and/or having a baby is a big decision. The American dream family of having dog and baby in the family is one that many aspire to.
Women have always had a place in the Army just not the place they wanted. They have continued to cover more ground with each new generation to change that.
The what and what not of online dating is out there so people can learn from other people's mistakes. Online dating is not for everyone. There is a fun side to it but there is also that dark side.
Commuting to work is on of those things in life that looks good on the outside but in reality it stinks for alot of people. The best part of commuting is that dream house you have tucked away.
When you meet older lesbians today their famous line is "I'm just being me". Exactly what do they me. I mean I'm old school when you came out you declared yourself butch or femme but times have change.