How do I get my bulldog to stop pulling on his leash?

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  1. profile image0
    The Adventuressposted 15 years ago

    How do I get my bulldog to stop pulling on his leash?

    I'm petite and he takes me along for rides all the time and people think I have no business with a dog that big.  FYI: my bf already had him before we started dating otherwise I might have chosen a smaller dog.

  2. Eric Caceres profile image60
    Eric Caceresposted 15 years ago

    Dogs appreciate being dominated.  Unlike humans they live in a hierarchy and want someone to be the boss. They're completely happy being at the bottom of the chain but will be unhappy if they don't realize where they stand.  If you don't become the boss, then they will think that they are at the top of the hierarchy.  This makes an unhappy human and an unhappy dog.
    Another thing to remember about dogs is to never use punishment for mistakes.  They have no idea what their mistakes are even while they're making them let alone after making them.  The "rub their nose in it" is the most uneducated thing someone can do. Instead you must encourage appropriate behavior and commend the dog for it with a raised pitch in your voice, treats and what is known as "Positive Reinforcement."
    Things that you can do daily to create the image of dominant leader of the pack are:
    1St  Every day put the dog belly up and hold him down for 5-10 minutes.  Encourage him that he's doing a good thing but forcibly keep him on his back no matter how hard he try's to fight you.
    2nd  Shorten your leash.  Hold him by the collar if necessary for your next 100 walks and make sure you walk in front of him giving him positive reinforcement for walking behind you.
    3rd   A choke collar isn't inhumane at all.  They are a good training device and promote you as being the queen of the pack.

  3. KT pdx profile image69
    KT pdxposted 15 years ago

    Along with what the other person said, get him a harness.  That way, when he pulls he will feel the resistance.

  4. Whitney05 profile image83
    Whitney05posted 15 years ago

    Harnesses will actually promote pulling in some cases. Hence why sled dogs wear harnesses. Showing dominance over the dog isn't going to automatically promote or train a dog to walk on a leash. Alpha rolls can create major problems if you don't know what you're doing; the dominance advice above is not good advice if you are not experienced in training. There are so many adverse affects tat can be caused by the dominance training, that it's not advised for the majority of pet owners to attempt. Dominance training can cause more behavioral problems if the trainer or owner does not use the techniques properly.

    Walk with a 6 foot leash, never using a retractable leash. Use a regular flat buckle collar.

    Walk the dog with a slack leash, as soon as the dog starts to pull, stop as soon as the leash is taught. Call the dog's name so that he turns his head to look at you, which will cause the leash to slack, praise, and start walking.  It's a long process, and you'll want to start with no distractions, and slowly build up distractions. IE don't go to the dog park or pet store to start training the dog. Start in a hall in the house and move to the yard, street, etc.  As long as the dog is walking with even a slight slack in the leash, praise him and keep going, as soon as there is no slack, get his attention somehow so that there is just a slight slack in the leash. Use treats or just verbal praise.

    When the dog is leash trained, you can work on heel so that he walks next to you.

    The goal is to walk, so the reward is being able to walk. If you stop walking, the dog isn't reaching his goal, so he's going to find a way to walk. If you stop moving, he'll find another means to get where he's going.

    Bulldogs are very intelligent dogs but they can be very stubborn. They are not for people who do not have proper experience training. You will need to be consistent at ALL times.

  5. Mr. Happy profile image69
    Mr. Happyposted 14 years ago

    It really depends on the age of the dog. The "harness" solution will not work if the dog is mature - it is going to drag you the same way. A harness works for small dogs or puppies - grown-up dogs are a different story. Since you mentioned that it is your boyfriend's dog, that gives me the answer: he/she has not gotten used to you. Get your boyfriend to help you out - go with him for a walk with the dog and have him discipline the dog when it's pulling you - that might work. Another solution is a "choker" type of collar but if you are not experienced with training dogs I would not try that since you can injure a dog's spinal cord. I know it sounds mean but I have worked with dogs and been around them all my life - a little bit of pain is necessary sometimes,  All in all you need to spend time with the dog to gain it's friendship and then, it will listen to you more.

  6. hospitalera profile image61
    hospitaleraposted 14 years ago

    Use for your walks a so-called Halti-Collar, here a link to it: edited, I can't put a link in here, just google for "halti headcollor" It will pull the dog's head gently in your direction and stop the pulling. As soon the dog stops pulling, praise him, a lots, always use positive reinforcement, SY

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