My dog tries to urinate several times during a walk; why and how do I stop this habit?
My dog (a yellow lab) has an odd habit of urinating several times during a walk. After her first relief, she tries peeing but only droplets come out.
What gives? She keeps trying to pee on an empty tank. I'm assuming this isn't normal? Why is she doing this and how do I get her to stop?
Sounds like she is marking and that other dogs are active in the area. You could take the time to train her to keep walking or just let her do it.
This is totally normal. My two dogs do this all the time. As CJ said they are marking their spots. I am not sure why you would want her to stop doing it as it is natural for dogs to do so.
It's totally normal my dogs do it to their marking their territory or paying on top of other dog p marking their scent. If you get them fix that helps out a lot
She is obviously an alpha female and is marking territory. It is a perfectly normal event.
Thanks for your answers guys! They were helpful, but I'm still kind of confused.
I forgot to mention that she has never done this before. She is now 9 and this habit started around a year or two ago, but she never attempted to mark her territory aside from the first initial pee.
Also, I assumed marking involved actually peeing? When she tries to urinate afterwards, no pee comes out - does that still mark her territory, and how?
Reason with him ... that the sidewalk, is not his exclusive territory ... IF................. you can argue with him.
There must be a new pet in the area that threatens her. So she marks her turf. Sometimes she is trying to hide the scent of the other animal by peeing on top of what she smells. If she pees nothing it is because her bladdre is empty but her instincy makes her continue to try and mark her turf. Hope this haelps
This dog is getting older and she may be experiencing what humans do. Older people have to urinate more often, and in lesser amounts. Older people feel the urge to urinate more often even when they may not actually have to. I would suggest you see your vet about this. There may be nothing wrong with her kidneys or bladder, but sometimes this is a sign of potential problems.
That is a dog being a dog. He/she is marking the area for other dogs to know he was there. It is also his way of reminding himself he was there when he returns to the area on his next walk.
Being able to pee on everything for dog is like saying to the world I was here and don't mess with this area I just peed on - I'm watching you!
you can't stop that habit. It's natural for dogs to do so. They mark their territory by urinating at different places and it is a sign of dominance and a means to attract females dogs.
I would say the problem is that you are not walking the dog often enough. Or perhaps you now walk the dog less because of the problem and this just acerbates the problem more.
The dog is marking territory and most likely urinates in the same general area, albeit repeatedly in more than one or two areas, every time.
After a while your dog's constant marking, which is what the dog is doing - marking territory - will cause other dogs to avoid that area and your dogs marking will lessen over time.
animals under chordata category in general,with the exception of human and odd advanced apes,and those under canine and feline categories in particular have this predominant tendency to scent mark territories and communicate through scent marks using urine and other body secretions / excreta .
it is their hallmark life style
The answers here say it all.
She is marking her territory, probably a new younger dog in the neighbourhood that she feels is threatening her dominance.
Why is it a bad habit and why do you want to stop it?
Just let your dog be a dog.
She is just marking her territory,usually when a dog smells the scent of another dog in what they consider their territory they tend to pee over it.My dog does it too.
My dog does this every day. They're just trying to mark territory. When they run out they still feel obligated to try to mark some more even when two drops come out. It is absolutely normal, just kinda funny because you know they're out but they don't seem to realize it.
I understand it was a late onset situation, which is actually the weird part to me, that she wasn't doing it sooner. My dog started doing that after a particular dog moved into the building and kept marking his spots when they crossed paths on a walk. All of a sudden he felt obligated to do it to every dog scent he felt should be covered by his own. I really wouldn't worry.
One way to fix the situation, if in fact you want her to stop this behavior, is to correct her every time she pees more than say 3 times. Dogs tend to pee at least twice a walk, so let her have a chance to get it all out. But when she does start peeing on empty, sharply (but gently) tug on her leash, just enough to distract her and stop her. After a couple days of this she will realize she is not supposed to pee after a certain amount of times. Dogs being so Pavlovian allows you to fix this problem any time you want.
why not take her to the vet, but then again dogs like to mark his/her territory.
My dog usually marked its territory. But what I did was trained it to only urine at one spot - that is on the newspaper where I laid on the floor.
So, every time when the newspaper is filled with urine, it will bark loudly so that I will have to change it.
Same thing for walk and it will bark and let me know that I will need to put newspaper on the ground for it to pee. Sound strange but it is the habit that I had created for my dog. It will only urine on the newspaper.
You should take her to your vet to make sure there are no health reasons for her doing this. Don't just assume it's a behavior issue.
How would you like it if someone tried to stop you from taking a leak?
9 years old is a long time for a large breed dog. I have small breeds, my oldest is 12 and he has done this more and more in his age. Copey is amazing and he knows about the younger dogs both in our home and in our neighborhood.
Marking territory is part of it but a dog's scent is like our newspaper, if you will. Copey will sprinkle here and there to keep up with the times and put his own 2 cents in here and there. He also sets the example for the younger pups.
One thing to be aware of is that dogs can get UTI's. If it is something new and you have concerns talk to your vet. He or she will be able to rule out a potential UTI and then you will know that your lady has just become a bit of a gossip with age.
What can I tell it is the habit a dog. When we talk the dog don't understand. More practice and train can solve this problem.
Can you think how the zoo volunteer can teach all animal there ?
I suggest the Ebook "Perfect Handbook for Imperfect Dog Owners". Maybe all the reader also read this ebook.
Even non-alpha type dogs will do this, and in fact almost all canines do, especially when in unfamiliar territory. She is simply saying to other dogs/animals "I was here!"
It is a perfectly normal action, and actually stopping her from doing it could be harmful to her doggie psyche!
You should also urinate at the same spot to show that its your territory.
I haven't read other people's answers, but I do know that dogs do this while out for a walk or even just in the yard as a way to mark their territory as if to say, "I was here". It's a perfectly natural thing to do. I do not know if dogs that are unneutered/spayed do this more than dogs that have been neutered/spayed. Anyway, it's not a terrible thing, you just have to slow down a couple of times until they've got nothing left and be on your way. Not a big deal................
Hmmm. I know male dogs mark their territory. Not sure why a female would do so. You might want to take her to the vet, and rule out kidney or urinary tract problems. She could have an infection.
You do not mention whether this has recently gotten worse or if this is a longtime behavior. If it is a change in behavior then it could indicate a bladder infection. If that could be the case then a quick visit to the vet is in order.
Dogs do engage in marking behavior but can be discouraged. First, give them time to eliminate before the walk. Then, go at a brisk pace so that she does not have time to stop and pee. At the end of the walk you can allow her time to go again. When you are at the appropriate time and place use a cue word and praise. Before long you will have her trained to eliminate on cue.
Good luck!
I'm echoing other answers. The dog is just marking his territory. It is totally normal.
One warning: if your dog marks a lot on your own property, or tries to pee a lot with just a little coming out each time, you should see a Vet. One of my dogs did this and had stones in her bladder.
Let's see! Get rid of the dog? No, Put a diaper on the dog? Na, well maybe? The dog is only marking its territory and marking its way just forget it and let the dog do its thing.
Well from my experience with two young pit bulls each 16 months old. They try marking over each other several times during a walk even though i clearly see that there competing to mark that territory. I have broken this habit completely just buy purchasing each pup in my case a harness, and doing 1-2 swift yanks on it with a "Bad Boy", nothing serious but i broke both dogs habits of doing this in a matter of two to three months. I also walk my dogs 2-4 times daily, because they are so dang hyper if i do not haha hope this helps you
The dog is marking the spot with its sent. Dogs may be mans best friend but they still act as they did before humans turned them into pets. They still pee on fiances to warn the neighbors dog that this is theirs.
Also keep in mind she could have a medical problem such as a UTI. If she is trying to pee but can't or she isn't getting much out of her bladder you should take her to the vet. If she does have a bladder problem ... this isn't going to just go away on it's own ... she can and will become very ill if it isn't taken care of.
This is normal. All dogs do this to try and mark their territory. No matter how much they can pee out they will still try.
This is normal, and you don't really need to stop it. If it bothers you maybe you could find a training class to learn different ways to alter her behavior, but she's just doing what comes natural. My black lab/retriever mix and my yorkshire/dachshund mix both do this as well. We are surrounded by dogs on our country road and I do believe they are staking their claim to part of the territory.
I think you can't do nothing of this. All dogs frequently urinate.
your dog is marking his trail. and i have never found a way to stop it.
Since this is a new habit of hers, I would definitely say that you should see a vet or at least contact one. Marking IS a normal behavior, even for females. If she has never marked before, then I would try to contact someone to find out if she could be having bladder/kidney/urinary tract problems.
You can't stop her, it's just what dogs do. I suggest when she has an "empty tank", take her inside instead of continuing to walk her. If she needs long walks, there is nothing you can do, sorry!
Dogs are like that. She is in her peeing environment so she is peeing. "See Boss? I'm a GOOD dog right?"
Since you mentioned that she just started this about a year ago, there are a couple different theories out there - (1) age and (2) behavior besides marking her territory.
I did watch an episode that dealt with dogs who have to mark several times during a walk which made the walk less than fun for the owner. The trainer told her to keep making her walk for at least up the street and then allowing the dog to go. I know it seems heartless, but it definitely was not physically hurting the dog. A couple more one block intervals and then allowing her to stop to pee, and it actually became a pleasant walk for dog and owner.
It does sound like there could also be a strong age factor in here, as well. So, like the others ahead of me, I would recommend you have checked by your vet.
he's probably just marking his territory...leaving his scent...isn't that normal for dogs?
Looks like you have the answer from all the answers you got. I can only add what some have said, if this behavior is fairly new or if it gets worse, see your vet.
Otherwise accept your dog is doing what comes naturally. Maybe it slows down your walk - maybe you need to allocate more time for the walk so you move more in time with yoru dog.
Your dog is marking her territory. It is normal and common. However it also means that she is taking you for a walk and not the other way around. If you would like for your dog to stop doing this you need to be the Alpha dog in your relationship with her. I am going to assume you have taught your dog basic obedience, sit, stay, heel, down. If not I suggest you sign up for a class and get these basics down first. Second - Exercise, discipline, affection. If you do these three things with your dog in that order you will have a follower and not a leader. And you want a follower. You should be in charge. When you go for your walks teach your dog to walk at your side (heeling) and do not allow her to leave it not even to smell the flowers. She can go pee only when you decide she can. If she attempts to leave your side of her own mind, you need to correct her and put her back where you want her. She is a lab and that breed loves to please thier owners. I suspect she will repsond very quickly to your new requirements. Good luck!
you cant stop this anymore than you can stop a cat shedding, its simply in their nature to mark territory
If she is obviously trying to urinate, assumes the position, but nothing is happening, and she is going frequently, it is quite possibly a Urinary or bladder infection. probably should check with your Veterinarian to get her some antibiotics.
UTI's do not typically go away on their own, and often need medicine to clear them up. Also, as a preventative, make sure she goes out to potty at least 3 -4 times a day. The doctor may also recommend a diet change, if he suspects stones or crystals. Hope this helps you =o)
This is a dog being a dog. She could be picking up the scents of numerous other dogs then marking her territory. I have owned dogs all my life, and it is not abnormal for dogs to stop and urinate numerous times during a walk, especially males dogs. Sometimes, too, if the dog has not been fixed, this problem can be more problematic. I have 2 male dogs, and one follows the other and marks every spot the first one did.
you cannot stop this habit as long as they stop drinking
A completely normal thing. You should never try to stop a dog from doing his or her business, no matter how odd this might sound to you.
My dog does this a lot as well. You know that not just male dogs mark their territory? That females do it as well? It's completely normal.
Ummm it's called marking territory. You need to read a lot about dogs. It's completely normal and should not be stopped.
Yes this is totally normal especially if you have a male dog. They do this to mark their territory. But since you have a female, maybe you should ask you vet. It could also be some kidney stones. One of my dogs had the same symptoms and it ended up that she had some kidney stones so now she is on a special diet
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