how to train a dog to stop jumping on people

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  1. RGraf profile image89
    RGrafposted 14 years ago

    how to train a dog to stop jumping on people

  2. profile image0
    Phoebe Pikeposted 14 years ago

    I know people who put up their leg so the dog can't reach their body, but most people just firmly say no and typically the dog will respond to that.

  3. calicoaster profile image74
    calicoasterposted 14 years ago

    Dogs can well understand sign language. Whenever your dog jumps at you, be firm in your gesture, say "No", and indicate it to sit, with your hand. It may take some time, but dogs are usually fast learners. They'll learn soon and quite well.

  4. Ron L profile image60
    Ron Lposted 14 years ago

    One of the techniques I've found to work is to turn your back or your dog or walk away.  Just it ignore it.  Your dog is doing this to get your attention.  Pushing your dog down only reinforces what your dog wants, your attention.  You don't ever spank your dog to make it obedient.  Your dog should obey you because it wants to obey, not because it fears the consequences if it doesn't.

  5. profile image58
    Taeohposted 14 years ago

    If the dog is jumping on complete strangers or even just a house guest i've found with my dogs that practice makes perfect! I asked a friends to help me out. I had my dog kona sit near the door. when my friends came in, as soon as kona began to move toward the door. My friend would close the door and i wouldn't give him the signal to come in until kona had calmed down. we repeated this until kona got the hint to stay calm around not so familiar faces.
    In regards to jumping on me i just began turning around, showing no interest in him as soon as he jumped in my direction. after a while he just stopped.

  6. sscott profile image60
    sscottposted 14 years ago

    I have trained my own 12 week old puppy to sit before she jumps up PERIOD. Getting her to sit before I pick her up or interact with her at all calms her down quite a bit.

    I'm also training her to respond to the "off" command. This is still a work in progress.

  7. parkercoleman profile image61
    parkercolemanposted 14 years ago

    When a dog jumps up on people, it is because he or she wants to be at eye level with them. Start by lowering yourself to his level, and reward him at that point, while he's sitting, or rolling, or whatever it is he may do when you get there.

    If this doesn't work, a gentle slap to the top of the head will usually make a dog react by either sitting or backing away. The trick at this point is that you have to be very quick with the reward while he's down, because chances are, he's going to jump right back up.

    Turning your back on a dog is actually an invitation to follow, so you are not giving him the right body language to communicate you want him or her OFF you! I have had dogs either jump on my back (and sometimes try to hump) or run along behind me scratching at my legs! Spend a little time observing dogs when they greet each other, and if there is a size difference, you will notice they move until they are initially eye to eye.

    This training takes patience, it doesn't work right away and it is a behavior that will reappear randomly throughout your relationship with your dog. A happy dog likes to jump and how you train him to stay off should start with the gentlest approach and then gradually escalate to more punitive measures as your dog needs it. It will also need to be repeated periodically until your dog has aged enough to settle down.

    Sometimes, you do have to enlist a partner to hold your dog on leash when he is approached.

    One option that I like to use, is to teach your dog to jump up on you ON COMMAND. This allows him  that moment with you on your terms. This is VERY easy to train a dog to do.

    Choose a command that is very specific and can't be confused with other command, general conversation, or body language. You wouldn't want him to misunderstand and jump on someone randomly in a group because they say or do something he thinks means to jump on them! Treats and other rewards most likely won't be necessary, because being able to jump up on you is the reward itself to your dog!

    As a note: A dog's nostrils run along the top of the muzzle and this area is a fairly delicate anatomical part, not to mention crucial. It is better to tap your dog on his or her skull, which is a very thick, protective layer of bone.

    Good Luck and Good Dog!

  8. mogwai2000 profile image58
    mogwai2000posted 14 years ago


    When your dog jumps on you there's 2 ways you can train him to not do that:
    1 Method: You can put your knee up, so the dog won't get to your body with his paws. I don't recommend this method so much as the second one, because the dog might be very enthusiast and will get a knee in his chest that might hurt him, or throw him off balance.
    2 Method: Grab is paws (without hurting him), and keep it that way until he starts getting uncomfortable, don't let go. He must understand that jumping on you won't get him any praising or petting, just an uncomfortable situation where he will be supported in his back legs. This way, you won't hurt him, and you don't even have to say NO, just grab his feet and stay there without talking to him.

    Hope this helps,

  9. profile image57
    mogomotsiposted 13 years ago

    Its not as straight as it might seem, go read this blog and you will find all your answers

  10. alexadry profile image98
    alexadryposted 12 years ago

    How to stop a dog from jumping? Let's tackle deep into dog learned behaviors. Learn why dogs jump in the first place and exactly what to do and what not to do. Set your dog up for success by asking alternate behaviors. read more


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