What do you feed your dog? And what is his favorite food?

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  1. Ultimate Hubber profile image69
    Ultimate Hubberposted 14 years ago

    What do you feed your dog? And what is his favorite food?

  2. dawnM profile image62
    dawnMposted 14 years ago

    We feed our dog dry kibble and it is organic.  We have a pug with a very delicate digestive tract and then a dog who is a mut we rescued from the pound.  Oranic dog food is great, because it is of better quality and does not have all of the added pesticides and nitrates.
    Read my article http://hubpages.com/hub/Your-Pet-is-Des … -Style-Too

  3. samhirata profile image60
    samhirataposted 14 years ago

    Well if my Max had his way he would eat peanut butter all the live long day! While Max was a puppy he really had a hard time with his tummy. So I switched from IAMS to Natural Choice small bites for puppies. That really helped! Now that he's older I feed him Natural Choice for large breeds. He really chows down! Max also enjoys a variety of healthy human food- mainly because I am a sap! Like any child Max hates his veggies (probably because they are more bland to dogs). But he loves apples, berries, grapes, pineapple and much more. Two things I will not give him are peaches and bananas. Both can be harmful to dogs- especially peach pits! Max also enjoys the occasional peanut butter sandwich. It is so funny to watch him eat a PB sandwich! His little snot works over time and he smacks- a lot! But he always wants more! Dogs can eat human food- I think that's a common misconception. And my favorite part about giving Max a human treat? If its fresh (ex. fruit chicken) I know that its better for him than dog food! Which is processed and really not all that great for dogs! Processed food is a no-no. Never give your dog a cupcake! I can not stress enough not giving dogs sweets. Though Max does indulge in doggy-junk food it's normally a Greenie or a big Ham bone. When looking for ideas for your pet I suggest research! Lots and lots of research. And my biggest rule of thumb as got to be when trying something new only give your pooch a small portion. Make sure it's right for him! If you don't find a little present behind the couch than your probably safe!

  4. Les Trois Chenes profile image80
    Les Trois Chenesposted 14 years ago

    I feed my dog basic, cheapest dried dog food. I supplement this with scraps from the table. Our dog is slim, sleek, shiny eyed and coated and full of energy. She doesn't like her dried food, so doesn't over eat. She loves almost all other food. She turns her nose up at lemons, melon (sometimes) and lettuce without dressing. Our dog actually goes out collecting blackberries from the hedgerows by herself and steal low-hanging fruit from the fruit trees!

  5. MyInfo411 profile image80
    MyInfo411posted 14 years ago

    Cat food.

    And anything I am eating.  If I give her a bowl of what I'm eating, it's not the same.  Won't eat it.  But will eat out of my hand the same exact food.

  6. suny51 profile image60
    suny51posted 14 years ago

    whatever we had  to eat,i gave the same to my dog,and would you believe he was crazy about potato (raw) and popcorn.

  7. profile image0
    Precious Williamsposted 14 years ago

    Our Jack Russell eats Butchers Choice occasionally, sometimes fresh chicken, sometimes pork or sirloin steak.  Is he spoilt.  I'm afraid so.

    Read my hub on the consequences of spoiling a dog.
    http://hubpages.com/hub/The-consequence … g-your-dog

  8. itsssbri profile image60
    itsssbriposted 14 years ago

    i agree with dawn. organic food is very good for dogs. brands like innova are great as well. the healthier the better.

  9. mrsmillich profile image61
    mrsmillichposted 14 years ago

    I feed my two boxers Taste of the Wild.  It doesn't have any grains in it, and has had great health benefits for the dogs.  They now have shiny coats, smell good, and their poops have become more regular, firmer, and they don't smell as bad as they used to.
    My male still has gas, but it doesn't smell nearly as awful as before this food.  He could clear a room.
    My older female plays like she is a puppy again, thanks to this food.
    Neither dog ever gets table scraps or people food.  They eat enough of their kibble and treats and don't need the extra snacks.
    They would probably say that their favorite food is whatever is on my plate...like they would ever get a taste!


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