Do you believe agression is the fault of the breed of dog or the owners of the d

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  1. Lyn.Stewart profile image70
    Lyn.Stewartposted 13 years ago

    Do you believe agression is the fault of the breed of dog or the owners of the dog?

  2. Dreamer08 profile image64
    Dreamer08posted 13 years ago

    Just in my opinion, I think it's the fault of the owners of the dog. If you can tame and train your dog right, then even if you have a Doberman or something like that, I think aggression can be lessened.

  3. HappyHerper profile image70
    HappyHerperposted 13 years ago

    I think it depends. I would argue the vast majority of the time it is a lack of training/socialization. Un-neutered males are more likely to be aggressive. However, I have seen dogs that were aggressive despite their owners efforts. Breeding does have a play in it as well.

    If you are aware of personality issue of your dog, you can help prevent or lessen aggression as previously stated.

    For instance, my German Shepherd is naturally timid and unsure. She was brought up in a home where she was encouraged to be fear aggressive because it made the owner feel safe. It took some work, but now she is much better. She is still wary of strange men, particularly in her home, but warms up to them in minutes.

  4. danthehandyman profile image69
    danthehandymanposted 13 years ago

    Both play a role, but the over-riding factor is training and environment at an early age. Some breeds are more likely to display aggression due to fear or dominance, but this can be mitigated through love, affection, and proper training. Any dog, or for that matter, any animal, mistreated at an early age will display unpredictable aggression at times.

  5. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago
  6. wychic profile image83
    wychicposted 13 years ago

    I believe that 99.999% of the time it's the owners -- while any dog has the potential for aggression, a dog that has been properly trained and socialized will not have aggression issues under normal circumstances, and extenuating circumstances would have to be very severe. It's sad to think how many really nasty dog attacks occur when the dog hasn't even been taught that they should not do that. For the few naturally aggressive dogs that do have issues, or those who are not yet well-trained or well-socialized, owners should be attentive enough and responsible enough to prevent major problems.

  7. Lyn.Stewart profile image70
    Lyn.Stewartposted 13 years ago

    thanks everyone for your thoughtfull input

  8. NorthEast Timber profile image61
    NorthEast Timberposted 13 years ago

    Both most owners have no training and I think any time you buy a breed of dog that has fighting dog in it's blood you should have to attend classes.  Most of the pitbulls I see are own by some pretty scrappy people.  They can't control their own lives and have no business controlling a dogs.

    Certain breeds have the propensity to fight, some breeds hunt, some to herd, etc.  These instincts are bred into them to improve the breed.  I know all dogs can attack but there is significant enough evidence that most attacks are done by a couple breeds.

    I don't think any child (or anyone) should have to go through the horror of being ripped to pieces.  Don't you just cry thinking of some child calling for their "Mommy" how frightened they are before they die?

    You should have to buy a special license for these breeds and have a criminal background check and attend a training class.  You have to do some of these things to drive a car, get a gun, get a job.  Owning something that can kill something shouldn't just be picked up on a whim with no restrictions.

  9. allbreeds profile image60
    allbreedsposted 13 years ago

    Northeast Timber said" I know all dogs can attack but there is significant enough evidence that most attacks are done by a couple breeds."
    You are so so wrong.There are more dog bites from smaller dogs eg Chihuahua,pekinese,maltese terriers ,fox terrier inflict bites more often than larger dogs yet these bites arent reported in the paper or hospitals as most of these bites are minor.
    The amount of dobermans,shepards and rottweilers i have seen that you have to push so hard for them to bite is unbelievable yet one can get a fox terrier to bite you within seconds.Dont believe the hype on tv.. they only publish/show headline grabbing stuff.What sounds better "pit bull bites child" or " minaure foxy  bites child"
    Plus they are so quick on saying its a pit bull ...who said it was ?? ohhhhh it looked like one so it must be one.
    All dogs properly trained are far less likely to bite than untrained ones ...Its not the dog its the person on the end of the lead who is at fault


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