Can I feed my dog raw chicken breast?

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  1. mattforte profile image87
    mattforteposted 12 years ago

    Can I feed my dog raw chicken breast?

    Information on the web is scattered. Many insist a raw diet is good for the dog if done right, others insist that the dogs are just as likely as us to get sick (I would hate for my dog to get sick just as much as if I were to get sick myself).
    Opinions and "personal experience" aside, does anybody have a truly knowledgeable answer for this, or a link to a credible site on the subject?

  2. risalat profile image62
    risalatposted 12 years ago

    I am not sure either, but I never tried raw meat on my dog.

  3. Melissa A Smith profile image82
    Melissa A Smithposted 12 years ago

    Absolutely. I've fed my dog raw with no problems, and it really does wonders for their teeth. Kibble really adversely effects their teeth. At no point in time have dogs evolved to eat our produced kibble that only exists for convenience. You can already witness how different kibble is from the diet they should be eating, from nutritional composition to moisture content.

  4. ShootersCenter profile image67
    ShootersCenterposted 12 years ago

    I've done construction at a large dog kennel, they were fed raw chicken daily.

  5. ptosis profile image74
    ptosisposted 12 years ago

    3/4 Chihuahua & 1/4 Pug is the best tempered dog for families with kids. Muscular legs that are built like Arnold Schwarzenegger combined with the light weight body of a Chihuahua - Chugs can jump up 3 feet high. read more

  6. clairemy profile image82
    clairemyposted 12 years ago

    I see no problem with feeding any raw meat to a dog or cat for that matter. You do have to be very careful though about feeding poultry bones to dogs as they can splinter and cause terrible damage to the intenstines.

  7. profile image51
    kellyksposted 7 years ago

    Hi there dear! I feel that a dog is a carnivorous being and can have raw meat. Millions of dogs under the sun are fed a raw diet every day because of its great health benefits. It is out of my own experience that my Labrador eats a lot of raw meat. Dogs are designed this way so that they can eat raw meat. The digestive systems are designed such that they don't have the required enzymes or molars to help digest cellulose and carbohydrates.  The jaw of dogs are made for crunching and not chewing and their gut is for easily digested meat and raw bones.  Their highly acidic stomach will kill most of the bacteria and if it does not, due to their short intestinal tract, it is usually passed out intact. Also you can try giving lean meat to him like chicken or even eggs. Be very cautious with the bones as they can get stuck in the throat making it very difficult for your dog. Raw meat like pork and beef could damage his system as they are pretty heavy to handle in the stomach. I believe there are a few viruses that have occurred in the past due to which people are now skeptical about feeding raw meat. Do not just give him a raw fish. So I feel that you can give him cooked meat or maybe boiled in a pinch of salt. I feel a bit safer this way because my giant is my lifeline so I don’t want to put anything in risk. Please do your research and don't let ignorant people put you off. Hope this helps you.


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