How do you decide that you can afford to get a pet?

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  1. StandingJaguar profile image59
    StandingJaguarposted 11 years ago

    How do you decide that you can afford to get a pet?

    How do you know whether you can financially afford to have a pet? Or, which kind of pet you can afford? Pets have monthly expenses, occasional vet bills, and possibly unexpected vet emergencies. So how would a pet-less person know they can now take the plunge?

  2. DrMark1961 profile image97
    DrMark1961posted 11 years ago

    That is an excellent question, but really it should be "how can you not afford to have a pet?" Even someone living a life of extreme frugality can afford a pet. Maintaining a dog costs about $1000 a year, which may sound like a lot, but how many times do you go to the movies, buy things you could do without, etc?It is all about a willingness to sacrifice for what is important in life.
    My advice would be to go ahead and take the plunge. Small dogs have lower costs than large dogs, dogs in the city (with dog walkers and day care) cost more than dogs in suburbia or in the country, cats have lower maintenance costs, and (if you are not willing to take the risk of having a dog or cat but are willing to start somewhere) lizards and hamsters are even less to purchase and maintain.
    If you are worried about the purchase price of a dog consider adopting from an animal shelter. They may have a lot of requirements per your household, but they will be things you can manage to do. Like I said, it is all about what you are willing to sacrifice.
    It is a trite and overused phrase now, but I have to say it: Just do it.

    1. StandingJaguar profile image59
      StandingJaguarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for your answer. I'm not getting a pet right now, but asked for the future, when my financial situation breaks even and stabilizes. I take owning a pet very seriously, and do not plan on getting one until I know I can care for it sufficiently.

  3. Goody5 profile image59
    Goody5posted 11 years ago

    Pets are a great companion in life today. If you have your heart set on getting a pet, then go and get the little fellow. You won't have any problem as time goes on affording the little guy. Keep on hubbing  smile

    1. StandingJaguar profile image59
      StandingJaguarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for commenting. I am thinking about pets in the future. I do not believe my current situation is fair (or affordable) for the animal. I was just wondering how expensive (or not) others found it to be!

  4. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    Normally, by visiting a vet office and getting pricing for each shot and procedure that would be necessary; such as declawing. Honestly, I didn't price it. I just found two cats and picked them up off the street. Now I'm struggling to pay to have them neutered and declawed.

    1. StandingJaguar profile image59
      StandingJaguarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I'm sorry to hear that. I believe the humane society offers cheaper neutering services. As for declawing, is there a reason to do it? It's not a necessary procedure. Thanks for commenting!

    2. lburmaster profile image72
      lburmasterposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is necessary for my sanity! The cat's have already ruined six chairs, two rugs, part of my matress, and the couch. They are getting declawed with more reason than I'm getting them neutered.

  5. agilitymach profile image93
    agilitymachposted 11 years ago

    Huge congrats for you to be thinking about the costs before getting a pet.  The costs will vary GREATLY depending on what type of pet you get.  A pet such as a horse, obviously, would be exceedingly expensive.  Dogs and cats can be very pricey.  Pocket pets, such as gerbils and hamsters, are going to be much less expensive.

    Dogs are my specialty, so I'll focus on that. When I look at getting a new dog, I'm not looking at "annual" cost as I know full well that an unexpected health emergency can pop up. These can cost well into the thousands of dollars. I always want to know that I either have a savings account set aside for these potential emergencies  OR I have pet health insurance.  If I didn't have extra money set aside, I would DEFINITELY have pet health insurance. This way, no matter what, my pets health needs are taken care of.

    Looking only at food, shots, spay/neuter, etc. is, IMO, being very short-sighted (and I can tell you are not doing that at all).  I believe, like you, that taking on a pet involves more than just "monthly" expenses. 

    That being said, "normal" expenses would include things like collars, leashes, food, bowls, adequate fencing, grooming supplies, annual shots and vet visit, heartworm meds (VERY expensive and a MUST have), flea and tick products, bedding, crate, etc.

    Extra things that I deem just as important include training classes, potential food supplements, training equipment and supplies, etc.  If you really enjoy training and want to compete in a dog sport, then the costs really add up. smile

    Other things that can develop that will cost money include behavioral issues. Behavioral issues can occur in properly raised dogs, so getting a puppy won't eliminate this potential problem. Extra money for training to ease or eliminate the behavioral issues also will need to be considered. An excellent trainer or true behaviorist (with a Masters degree) will cost upward of $100 an hour for in-home visits in many metro areas.

    I have known dog after dog who have suffered because people have decided to get a dog because they "had their heart set on getting a pet." You, obviously, are not one of these people.  These poor dogs wound up suffering needlessly or being euthanized because a simple medical treatment could not be afforded. Just taking care of heartworms or tick borne illnesses, which are on the rise, costs hundreds upon hundreds of dollars.

    When it's time to get your pet, look into pet health insurance. smile

    1. StandingJaguar profile image59
      StandingJaguarposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Wow! What an answer! You could definitely turn this into a hub if you wanted to! I did not even think of some of the things on your list, so thanks for being so thorough!

    2. agilitymach profile image93
      agilitymachposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you. smile  I need to find time to write some hubs, and this would be a good topic. smile

  6. successdotnet profile image59
    successdotnetposted 11 years ago

    I will think do I have time to take care of them. Many people does not consider about this.


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