What to do when you dislike a pet?

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  1. peeples profile image91
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    What to do when you dislike a pet?

    I know it makes me sound horrible, but I very much dislike a dog my husband got a few months ago. I was okay with the idea of adding to our family. However after a couple months of training she has not improved at all (she's almost 3yrs). She chews up stuff, goes to the bathroom in the house, steals food right out of my daughters hands, she even chewed a hole in our wall today while we were here. This is not seperation anxiety. Do I just deal with disliking her, wait out training, what!?! I'm at my end with it!

  2. Lucky Cats profile image85
    Lucky Catsposted 11 years ago

    Hi Peeples!  There are several reasons why your dog is having a hard time.   Sometimes, when an animal is left alone for length of time, she acts out in order to get attention and love.  Other times, diet and nutrition might be a cause....some animals don't digest commercial pet foods very well or she might just have a problem w/one kind.  Also, animals who are  young or not neutered/spayed are a bit more active / problematic.  Your dog is behaving in a difficult way for a reason; this just needs to be diagnosed.  Is it possible to enroll her in a few sessions with a professional trainer?   A dog trainer will be able to figure out what is going  on and, also, instruct you and your husband  how to handle  her when she acts out...but in a loving, positive way.  Remember that negative reinforcement  or  harsh reprisals will only make her behavior more pronounced.  Please, give her a chance; there are many avenues you can explore to make her a happy,  healthy member of your family.  Good luck.

    1. peeples profile image91
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is what confuses me. We have a professional trainer here 3 times a week with her and she is never left alone longer than a couple hours. I really want to  make it work. Just driving me crazy.

  3. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    That's a difficult situation, and if it has been a few months, things might not improve. You might be able to find a no-kill shelter or rescue group that will take her.

    We have 3 dogs. The biggest one is a real sweetie and we really love him, but he "marks" everything. My carpet is ruined, he mark corners, walls, my leather couch. If anything is left on the floor he will mark it. My house smells like urine. He does this out of our sight. We never see him do it. And it is a horrible nasty mess.

    My point in this story is that we really love the dog and cannot bring ourselves to get rid of him. So it is better to take your dog to a rescue place before you really love the dog and can't bring yourselves to get rid of her.

    1. peeples profile image91
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is what worries me. What if she doesn't get better? I can't get rid of her because as much as I'm annoyed, this dog "replaced" my husband's dog that died a year and half ago. He loved her the second he saw her.

  4. twig22bend profile image71
    twig22bendposted 11 years ago

    A few months is not long for a dog to get used to or be trained properly.  You should
    look up your dogs breed so you can see what kind of behavior to expect and how to correct it, if need be.
    Consistent training lets the dog know what he can and cannot do. If you plan on keeping the dog, put everything up and out of the way. Consider a inside area gate or dog pen with plenty of space, enough for your dog to stretch out in.

    Get your dog a toy to chew on and keep them out of areas that you don't want them in. They will learn not to venture into those areas. I think that dogs can sense when they are not liked, which can become a problem. Dogs don't come ready made, especially if they lived somewhere else first. They need to feel the love. Good Luck!

    1. peeples profile image91
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks. We have tons of experience with dogs, and my husband had the same breed for over ten years. Her behavior is right on for dachshunds, just not training as easily. Thanks.

  5. Charlu profile image78
    Charluposted 11 years ago

    In reality it's not the dog you dislike it's the actions of the dog which may be a reaction to the aura she picks up from you.  Here are a few ideas

    1) Spend some one on one time with the dog by either taking her for a walk, outside in the yard to play, teaching her a new trick with positive rewards.

    2) Make sure you are taking the dog outside to go to the bathroom at regular intervals.  If there is a particular time she is messing in the house then you are missing that critical time span.  It should be first thing in the morning, after eating, after being left alone, before bed, and sometimes in the middle of the night.  Reward her when she does go to the bathroom outside (make sure she is completely finished) and it will help tremendously. If certain times are not available put papers near the door to make clean up easier.

    3) Get her a bunch of things to play with (dollar store is great for that) and chew on and give her one or two things new everyday.   DOGS GET BORED which is often manifested by chewing up things,  They also (like kids) get bored with the same toys everyday so switch it up.

    4) If she's stealing food, either she is not getting enough to eat or someone is giving her treats, scraps etc. for all the wrong reasons.  Dogs should be rewarded for the right behavior and if you just want them to stop begging and give them a treat you are giving positive reinforcement for negative behavior. Try letting her eat dry food anytime and give her wet mixed once or twice a day.

    Finally you have to let go of her mistakes the same as you would your daughters.  Get some rubbing her belly in, or scratching her butt, or just some one on one love time so she wants to please you for more positive attention.

    Believe me it is hard and takes patience  I just got done training 8 puppies (housebreaking, leash training, basic commands etc)  It's not easy but so worth it in the end. They have an unconditional love that is sensational, you just have to do a little of the same to get her there.  Good Luck

    1. peeples profile image91
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      This is a great answer but we have and are doing it all. She goes out every two hours. The previous owners just let her eat whatever. So it's hard to break that  yr habit. I'm the one with her the majority of time. She is sweet just misbehaved.

    2. Charlu profile image78
      Charluposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Remember this- That dog has been ripped away from the only home and owners it's had for a long time and is probably heartbroken.  They may have allowed alot of behaviors you don't,  which is very hard to deal with for you both. Every 2 hrs is alot ??

    3. peeples profile image91
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It is alot! But I'm trying to keep her from going in the house. It doesn't work. She goes out for half an hour comes in pees less than 10 minutes later. She came from a horrible breeder. I guess maybe I need to get her some slack.

  6. Maria Cecilia profile image80
    Maria Ceciliaposted 11 years ago

    I guess you need to like the dog first.... don't get me wrong but common to dog lovers are patience and tolerance to their dogs no matter how destructive they are. Dogs do have stages in their lives when tney really love to chew on things but they will overcome that in time.... hope you don't hit her when he ruined something.... I agree with what Twig22bend said  "I think that dogs can sense when they are not liked, which can become a problem. Dogs don't come ready made, especially if they lived somewhere else first. They need to feel the love".  I also want to say goodluck and wish you more strength and patience...

    1. peeples profile image91
      peeplesposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I do care about her, just hate the behavior, and I never hit my animals. So no worries. Thanks.

  7. profile image0
    Sherrie Youngposted 11 years ago

    Where did you get her?  Was she potty trained up to the day you got her or was she "allowed" to go where she wanted?  Since she was allowed to eat whatever, whenever in her last home, it will take some time but...
    No more food given expect in her food bowl, even if its human food.  Use the "leave it" command for everything else (which will take some time, using hand signals will help too)  If the bowls are in the kitchen, move them.  Having them in the kitchen won't help the training.  If you can, make the kitchen "off limits"
    Chewing stuff up is boredom, its giving her something to do.  Which she may have done in her previous home and has become a habit as well.  The wall thing too, unless she has an overbite, then she could be trying to shorten her teeth. 
    You stated that your home most of the time on another comment...
    While your home take a leash that is 6 to 12 foot long and attach her to your belt loop, that way she is within your eye sight at all times.  Doing this will allow you to "correct" and redirect, the second she "acts out" which will enforce the training being given.

    1. twig22bend profile image71
      twig22bendposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Great tips on how to train your dog and correct their bad habits. The leash tip will also help the owner bond with the pet.


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