Should Girls Ride Bikes?

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  1. ngureco profile image78
    ngurecoposted 15 years ago

    Should Girls Ride Bikes?

  2. profile image0
    Lady_Eposted 15 years ago

    Why not?  One of my goals is to own a very powerful bike - with all the full leather gear. Ding Dong!
    I just love them. smile

  3. Evan Hutchinson profile image66
    Evan Hutchinsonposted 15 years ago

    Yes.  I've seen girls dirtbiking out in the desert, even.

  4. mkott profile image66
    mkottposted 15 years ago

    My feelings exactly!  Why not?  Been riding for 40 years.  There are worse things she could be doing.  I started riding a dirt bike at age 9, started racing at age 10 and have been riding ever since.  I mainly street ride now but still enjoy riding off-road.

  5. Information Ninja profile image60
    Information Ninjaposted 15 years ago

    yes.  Many women do ride, my girlfriend included.  I know lots of women who are more into bikes and ride more than some guys.  Biking is for everyone

  6. profile image0
    lyricsingrayposted 15 years ago

    I certainly hope so. Now at 43 learning and taking a safety course M anxiety I am sure has been shared with en as well.  The only element I think is obvious, not all the time, but most of the time is the strength aspect.  Men tend to be stronger and that allows for an easier control of the bike, weight shifting etc. 

    But Girls we can do anything we set our minds to and I will get the hang of this and overcome my fears if it's the last thing I do.  I can't give up the feeling of freedom, the bike will guarantee every time. Roll On..............

  7. Nick B profile image77
    Nick Bposted 15 years ago

    Dabeaner says that it brings forth improper feelings due to the bouncing or vibrating...

    I do hope that was said in jest.

    Girls should be encouraged to ride bikes. Everyone should. It would give them a move complete picture of what riding was about and would also teach more respect for road safety and road sense.

    In my opinion, women are not the bad drivers they are portrayed as. In fact I have seen just as many idiot men drivers as women.

    If more people experienced what it was like on bikes both motor and pedal-powered, they would have a greater respect for all road users across the board.

    Women should definitely ride bikes.

  8. MikeNV profile image68
    MikeNVposted 15 years ago

    They should cook and clean and wash windows and have babies...


    They should do anything else they want to do... run companies, become President, Fly Fish, Dance, Carve Pumpkins...

    Why is there anything that either Gender should do or not do based solely upon Gender?

    And guys should  cook and clean and wash windows and help take care of babies...

    Bikes are fun... pedals or motors.  Just use common sense and the right safety equipment.

  9. shadowrider53 profile image60
    shadowrider53posted 15 years ago

    it is a passion of mine and i love it.
    i own a 2001 honda shadow pink is the color. there is no feeling like riding in the wind on a beautiful country road

  10. Cool Rider profile image60
    Cool Riderposted 15 years ago

    Back in the day motorcycles were traditionally ridden by Men
    Today, Women have stood up and made a statement
    Ladies,if your feet can touch solid on the ground it doesn't matter what the size of the bike is - you can ride it
    The bike is made with a center of gravity and you do not have to lift or pull anything unless you drop it! And I can guarantee you most Men cannot pick up 800 lbs.
    My ride is a Harley Softtail and I am Woman
    P.S. I do not get my jollys from the seat!

  11. Mrs Brown profile image58
    Mrs Brownposted 14 years ago

    I ride Bikes (Motocross only) I have a suzuki ts185 and am out most wekends doing jumps and racing my husband. I would rather do that then cook, clean and do the gardening which in fact my husband loves doing he has amazing green fingers. But I carn't ware the leather gear carn't pull taht off smile

  12. profile image52
    autowheelpartposted 14 years ago … icycle.htm

    More High Quality Electric bikes and Electric scooters Supplier for sale the best electric bicycle.(

  13. Wing Girl Kim profile image70
    Wing Girl Kimposted 12 years ago

    Riding a street bike has made me a better driver, and a safer bicyclist. However, anyone who wants to ride a motorcycle should take a motorcycle safety course. Always practice SEE: Search for dangers, Examine if a crash is pending, and Execute a quick decision to speed up, slow down, or swerve to avoid a crash.

    Riding also makes you more aware of motorcycles when driving cars. So yes, girls should ride bikes. At least, they should learn.


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