Jump to Last Post 1-13 of 13 discussions (42 posts)
  1. gmwilliams profile image84
    gmwilliamsposted 11 years ago

    The topic of success is a highly contentious one.    Many of us want and yearn to be successful.  Well, that is not necessarily the case.   Many of us only talk about success but oftentimes do not want to exert the effort necessary to obtain this success.   

    Success requires effort and sacrifice.   If one reads biographies and associate with successful, affluent and wealthy people, the latter often sacrifice much in order to obtain their success.   Successful people have their eyes on the prize.   They are not loathe to make enormous sacrifices and/or endure privations.   

    Many go without the basics in order to achieve something much more worthwhile.   They go to seminars, return to school, obtain further education, if necessary.   They are willing to extend themselves and are not afraid of smart work and strategizing.    Successful people are long-term thinkers, they just do not think of the present but of the future.   

    Many people are not successful because they do not want to make the prerequisite sacrifices and take the risks necessary for success.    Yes, they purport to wanting to be successful but they refuse to walk the walk.   It analogous to a person wanting to go to heaven but is afraid to die.   There are conditions which are crucial and essential for success and many people simply refuse to take such steps.   Let's discuss this.

    1. profile image0
      Sarra Garrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      It all depends on your definition of success.  Someone can be successful in having a modest home, spouse, children, food clothing and love.  Success doesn't necessarily mean money.  Money equals greed and greed equals evil.  I am successful with a job, a home, food and clothing.  I don't need diamonds and expensive furniture or have to eat caviar. I've rubbed elbows with the rich and famous and find them incredibly selfish and each one of them doesn't leave the house without a mirror in their back pocket. 

      Personally, I don't like people who have millions upon millions of dollars and spit on the blue collar worker (yes, this is in all cases).  Didn't you state that if it weren't for the rich then the poor wouldn't have jobs?  Tell that to the workers in Bangladesh who perished in sweatshops so that the rich corporations could save a few bucks so they (Wal Mart Corporate sitting in leather chairs) could make a huge profit and bigger bonuses. Had those jobs stayed where they should have there would have been safety measures taken in the mills.

      If it wasn't for the blue collar worker there wouldn't be the rich

      1. gmwilliams profile image84
        gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Ms. Garrett, why do you hate the rich and highly successful so much?   If a person has the talent and ambition to be rich,  I see nothing at all wrong with that!    Not everyone is one class.   Not all rich people are bad and not all poor people are good.   There are many poor people who could do better but they do not wish to do so but complain of their penurious socioeconomic circumstances, hating and deriding those who are more socioeconomically successful than they are.

        If a person wants more and eat caviar, I see nothing wrong with that whatsoever.    Having a lot of money is not equivalent to greed.   That is impoverished thinking.   People who view money as evil will never succeed nor obtain wealth.   That is basic law of attraction.    That probably explains why some people are poor while others are wealthy.   One cannot hate money and wealth and expect to  be socioecnomically successful.    If one hates money, what is there to expect but poverty, penury, and constant socioeconomic struggle.   

        I have meant many poor people with that attitude.  They deride money and wonder why they are constantly struggling and staying 1 paycheck away from homelessness socioeconomically.   Money and success are not evil.   Having a lot of money means that one can invest, be comfortable, travel, and enjoy the finer things in life.   Ms. Garrett, please change your attitude regarding money, wealth, and success.   If you do not, you will always be impoverished and living from hand to mouth.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 11 years ago

    I've always liked the quote, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."

    1. gmwilliams profile image84
      gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Para, see there YOU go!   Smart and on target as usual.    That should be changed to the smarter I work, the luckier I get.    Yes, there is a law regarding success.   It is simple, logistic mathematics.     Ratio of output to reward.    More output, more reward.   The problem is that some people expect immense rewards for a little effort-hmmm!

    2. matthew francis profile image61
      matthew francisposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Which is a quote from golfer, Arnold Palmer, no doubt that was the same thought process Tiger Woods went through.

  3. 2uesday profile image66
    2uesdayposted 11 years ago

    If I had to pick between success and happiness I know which one I would want.

    Success is a debatable term as it means different things to different people. For example I would not see a big house and car as a sign of success as the person might not own them. Business wise success brings added responsibility for those who are dependent on you for jobs.

    I dispute that it always follows that the harder you work the more rewards you get. There are other factors involved sometimes, let us for ease call it randomness. Maybe it is just because I see things from a different angle.

  4. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    In my opinion success *is* happiness. It is doing those things that support your happiness and that of your loved ones.  Not just getting money.

  5. SimeyC profile image81
    SimeyCposted 11 years ago

    I think success is an entirely personal thing. I was offered a large promotion a year ago. The job was a great one with a very large pay rise - however, I would lose the following:
    -I currently work at home once a week during winter and twice a week during summer.
    -I currently start work at 7:30am and leave at 4:30pm.

    I currently commute an average of 10 hours or so in Summer and 15 hours or so in winter (per week) - a total of 600 hours per year. With the changes to my work routing I would on average commute 20-25 hours a week - a total of up to 1200 hours.

    So the increase comes to 600 hours for the year - that's effectively 600 less hours a year to spend with my family.

    While the extra money and future benefits would have been great, we decided that the work life balance would tip totally the wrong way - I declined the promotion.

    I consider myself a success (I still have a great job) as I put my family, health and happiness before my career...

  6. prettydarkhorse profile image64
    prettydarkhorseposted 11 years ago

    Goals are personal, yeah, so I agree with SimeyC.

    There are givens too, you can't be a football player if you don't meet physical requirements!

    Common sense and hard work do it all the time!

  7. aka-dj profile image67
    aka-djposted 11 years ago

    This "could" be a successful person.

    1. gmwilliams profile image84
      gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Right, he/she "could" be a successful person; however, in this society, he/she is considered to be an abysmal failure to say the least.    Maybe unforseen events beyond his/her understanding and handling occurred.   Maybe he/she became sick, lost job, had no savings, lost home etc.   

      So many people are not in charge of their lives.   Many have been so inculcated that they are victims of destiny and fate, instead of being proactive in their lives.

    2. SimeyC profile image81
      SimeyCposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In Cardiff, UK there used to be a man who sat outside a store in a mound of coats and blankets with his trusty old dog. You could pity him and think he was a failure. However, he was a very successful accountant (or Lawyer) who decided he didn't want to live in the rat race any more and dropped out - he spent his time watching life with his dog; he lived off small donations etc.

      If you asked him, he would tell you he loved his life - no pressure, no debt, no worry - just him and his dog.

      Perspective is an amazing thing....

      1. gmwilliams profile image84
        gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        No, the man in question is seriously mentally amiss.   No one in his/her thinking and/or correct mind want to be in that dismal situation.    He is clearly pathological to say the least.   This action is clearly avoiding any type of responsibililty.   

        The definition of a mature, stable adult is to live a supportable livelihood and to have a roof over his/her head.     Anyone who chooses not to achieve and/or avoid responsibility by electing to be homeless is truly in need of some type of psychological help.

        1. SimeyC profile image81
          SimeyCposted 11 years agoin reply to this


          1. gmwilliams profile image84
            gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

            Functional adults have jobs/careers-in essence, they WORK.      They don't bum around and live off donations.   That is the ultimate definition of sloth.    People work, pure and simple.    Immature adults are the only one who bum around and live off donations.     Adult= work, making a livelihood, and taking responsibility for his/her own life.    If one is unable to do that, then he/she is not the true definition of a functional adult in my book or anyone else with a functional, coherent mind.

            1. SimeyC profile image81
              SimeyCposted 11 years agoin reply to this

              "Functional adults have jobs/careers-in essence, they WORK."

              I agree with this statement to a certain extent. However, just because someone decides to not work and to live off donations isn't necessarily someone with a mental disorder. Begging / living of the backs of others goes on in all walks of life - look at the people that attach themselves to celebrities; look at the beggars in New York who take home three or four hundred dollars a day - they chose to beg for a living and many earn more than minimum wage.

              It may not be morally right, and may be considered immature by some - but it's something that exists and will not go away - part of being an adult is looking for opportunities to live and prosper - if that means sitting in a street and begin, then that's OK - it may be distasteful, may not give back to society - but it's a choice they make...

              1. gmwilliams profile image84
                gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                I really do not have a high regard for people who choose to beg.   There are other options available.   There are jobs around.   I see want ads everyday.   These jobs may not be the dream jobs at the moment but they are jobs nevertheless.    Anyone who chooses begging has to be lazy and lacking in work ethics.      If you are able to work, you should do so.   ANY job is indefinitely better than begging.

                1. SimeyC profile image81
                  SimeyCposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                  Agreed - just saying it's a choice they make - not one I would make or agree with! Although it would be nice to have a life without worry.

                  I guess that if I had enough money to live for the rest of my life, I could do something like this - any donations I get would then be given to charity......not sure if the wife would like living in a pile of blankets on the street though!

                  1. gmwilliams profile image84
                    gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    People who are homeless and/or live by begging are often in a quite precarious situation.   In essence, they live and/or endure a life of harshness and endless worry.   People who are homeless are at the mercy of the elements for one and are at the mercy of predators who prey on the homeless.   Being homeless is not a light matter at all.   It is an extremely hellish existence.    Pray that you never be homeless and always be socioeconomically comfortable or better with a beautiful home.

                  2. psycheskinner profile image78
                    psycheskinnerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

                    No generally it is definitely not a choice they make.  A very large proportion are suffering from serious mental illness and should be in a treatment facility, not on the street.  Many of the rest have substance abuse problems and should again be in a treatment facility or at least managed such as on a methadone program. Some of the rest are runaways from abusive homes and someone should be helping them too.

                    Mental illness and addiction means you actually cannot make rational choices and you need someone to come in and help.  As a society that is something we should do. Because expecting this group to make good choices is like expecting a person with two broken legs to walk.

                    The balance are simply absolutely broke and as a result cannot get tenancy anywhere, or a job. because they system actively reject people who don't have a residence.  If you literally have no money how to you make and print a CV, dress nice and attend an interview? If you are disabled and can;t work you can't get a benefit without a residential address (which is a lovely Catch 22).  How do you get references for a landlord? I assure you elderly who worked all their lives and decent families, even with their kids, are now living in homeless shelters and tent cities in the middle of winter. It's appalling.

  8. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Psychologically what matters is the proportion of income given to charity (that is a reasonable measure of 'degree of sacrifice').  A measure where Americans are near the bottom of the list of first world nations.

    And an area where the Gates's excel.  Just their provision of rotavirus in Mexico has saved thousands of lives.

  9. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    Clothing is still a problem.  Especially warm coats, job interview clothing, and clothing in large sizes.

    1. profile image0
      Sarra Garrettposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      In 2010 over 20 billion pounds of clothing and over 300 million pairs of shoes were thrown in landfills.   These are clothing that have ‘gone out of style’ or just are not selling through retailers and wholesalers, not to mention that they come from our own closets.  Instead of retailers and wholesalers donating these items they are destroyed and thrown in a dumpster.

      Empty your closets.  If you haven’t worn it in a year the odds that you are going to wear it again are slim to none.  Donate these clothes and weed out your closets.

      Homeless people do not have the ability to purchase clothing.  Remember, they are homeless and don’t have any money.  Thrift stores ‘sell’ their clothing and clothing articles so how is that helping the needy?

  10. profile image58
    LifeAbundanceposted 11 years ago

    Homelessness is a choice for some. I have met some very interesting people out there who chose this rough route. In general, though speaking with them I learned that choices shape one's perception of the situation. Those who are vagabonds by their own choice are serene and well aware of their predicament. They are empowered and happy (though that may sound crazy to others in this forum) and those who are not, are generally depressed and full of worry. In the end, to each his own. Life is full of mystery :]

  11. DREAM ON profile image84
    DREAM ONposted 11 years ago

    I jthink success is a state of mind.You have what you have by earning it through learning and hard work.It alludes many people because when they have it they don't see it until it is gone.I think a successful person is one who enjoys what they have and has learned to help others with his knowledge .In return contributing to society making the world better with their help;I also think their success can be any variety of ways.A mother who raises her children to do the right things in life is a wonderful success.A husband who sees that his family is taken care of by doing his personal best to provide a good home with lots of love and support.A child is a success when through every problem in life they find a way to overcome and rise above.A successful grandmother is rich well beyond wealth when she can give the right advice in any given situation. Successful people with money can help the world.A successful person without money take lead the world.A very interesting hub that raises many questions and food for thought.Thanx so much for sharing.

    1. gmwilliams profile image84
      gmwilliamsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      What YOU have said is SO TRUE!

  12. wtaylorjr2001 profile image60
    wtaylorjr2001posted 11 years ago

    Success is a nominalization. It means in truth to succeed in something. In truth, if you want to "be successful," you need only succeed in something. Now comes the million dollar question. What should you succeed in if you wish to become a successful person? In my opinion you must succeed in both your conscious and subconscious goals. Please be aware that these are different for different people thus the subjective nature of the topic.

    Success and mental illness are two different topics. If a drug addict scores by selling herself for cash as she lives on the street, she is successful. She is mentally ill, but she has what she wants. There is a social definition of success based on the society in which we live. These are based on the answer to the question, what should we succeed in socially? For social success we need to succeed in acquiring an income stream, a house, a car and etc. Social success indicates mental health, though they are separate intellectual queries.

    Wealth and success are two different topics. Wealth is not determined by hard work. This is easily proven by listing a counterexample such as an heiress who hires a manager to maintain and grow her wealth. My hypothesis is that wealth is a measurement of how much service and how many products, of value to the society, you can supply for the society. Products and services of value produce joy or prevent pain. The more of these you produce, or help produce, as well as the more people using what you produce, the wealthier you are. Thus being successful leads to wealth only when the goal of that succeeding process is a product or service of value to the society at large.

    I find wealth generation to be an exciting topic. I am inspired to create an intelligent system that functions as a wealth generator. My research and experimentation is the source of my crazy ideas. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me.

  13. psycheskinner profile image78
    psycheskinnerposted 11 years ago

    I think wealth is a measure of nothing more than wealth.  Many of the people who have the most of it just happen to be the offspring of someone who did something.  All they did was invest that money in stocks and cash the checks. Which is something any monkey could do.


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