how do i get more people to follow my hubs

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  1. seyiari profile image60
    seyiariposted 15 years ago

    please i need an expert to answer this question for me. i've seen so many that started after i did and they now have more followers than me despite the fact that i have great hubs . please how can i improve.

    1. Google Gal profile image59
      Google Galposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      network, use social network sites to link to your hubbs, find forums with the same intrests as what you write about, chit chat with others, get to know people and link your hubbs to the other social network sites , to start. You can do a Google search of other social networks , create accounts and get yourself noticed. Do press realeases when you publish a new hubb, o.k thats enough typing for me for now , look up live with richards hubbs he is great at teaching others , wish I could take him home with me for a while  lol smile

    2. tools951 profile image38
      tools951posted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah i understand, there are so many ways to increase traffic. I recommend trying:
      1. article writing style- persuasion
      2. submitt to top ranked article submission sites
      3. build relationships through social community sites
      to read more ways to increase traffic

      read once my articles about "Increase your blog traffic"

    3. Ivorwen profile image66
      Ivorwenposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      To get followers on hubpages visit other people's hubs on subjects you are interested in, use the topics tab to find them, and leave well thought out comments.  If you find someone who's writing you enjoy, join their fan club and leave fan mail stating what you enjoy about their writing.

      Do NOT spam!  Do NOT ask people to join your fan club.  Many people will take a look at what you write, and if they enjoy your writing or can use the type of information you provide, will join your fan club.

      Also, getting involved in the forum, especially 'the hubber's hangout' topics, can help expose you to more people.

    4. danielthorne profile image38
      danielthorneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Write more interesting hubs...and more of em

      “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” -Napoleon Hill

  2. PromoTom profile image60
    PromoTomposted 15 years ago

    you can also write a blog about your page and create a link to it.

    1. RedElf profile image90
      RedElfposted 15 years ago

      That is some good advice on how you can publicize your writing.

      If you are wanting to meet more people and hopefully get new followers, go visit by other hubs and leave a meaningful comment. Make a habit of visiting the forums and contribute to the discussions - even just to say "Hi" or to congratulate someone on something they have done well.

      You've definitely been around long enough to know this, but don't comment on someone's hub just to post a link to your work. DO, however, email and ask for a link back to your hub if it's relevant! It's also a great way to get to know people, and for them to get to know about you.

    2. yvonne16 profile image61
      yvonne16posted 15 years ago

      before i thought that all i need is my website to post everything there. But later on i've learned that you really need to socialize. Let everyone know that you exist and that you have something important to tell them. Some blog, forum, and social networks really helps a lot...

      1. tobey100 profile image59
        tobey100posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Very true. Running my mouth (through my fingers), which I'm very good at, has proven to be magic.  Don't fake it though.  There are thousands of wonderful hubs and people to enjoy.  Dig in!

    3. elayne001 profile image82
      elayne001posted 15 years ago

      do you have any blogs? You can put backlinks on them to your hubs. Also there is, twitter, facebook, delicious, etc. It takes a lot of time, but once you are set up you get used to it. Try shareit also.

    4. efeguy profile image38
      efeguyposted 15 years ago

      share your views on the hub forums,you can even post a topic so that other hubbers will say there opinion on your topic.

      don't advertise your blog or website on the forum.

      is good you have a blog .it easy to get one  through Google.then you can add your blog web at the end of your article that you posted on hub page.
      hope that help?

    5. Stephen Beck profile image59
      Stephen Beckposted 15 years ago

      I am no expert, but I agree with what's been said and can personally attest to the fact that getting out there and meeting others through the various means on hubpages (forums, joining fan clubs, reading hubs that discuss the same general topic) help not only to increase your visibility but also grow your own knowledge-base in your field.  It builds a sense of community and can also be  fun.

      1. profile image46
        sampopposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        I am currently going through all of these steps to get just a little bit noticed out in the big world wide web...

    6. jessicab profile image61
      jessicabposted 15 years ago

      I was wondering how I can get more traffic to my blog also and its very frustrating.  I am currently trying out some of the tips listed here.

    7. Jaysmine profile image59
      Jaysmineposted 15 years ago

      I have found that engaging others in conversation is a good way to get followers. I like to be interested in my followers and I like my followers to be interested in me. Find a hubber your interested in, become a follower of theirs and ask them a question about something genuine. Chances are they will follow you back and respond to your question.

    8. blue dog profile image60
      blue dogposted 15 years ago

      if having followers is really important to you, use a sexy avatar.

      1. paisakamana profile image38
        paisakamanaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        haha good one :-)

      2. G Miah profile image71
        G Miahposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I like this suggestion! Use a better and brighter avatar, make yourself stand out in the crowd!

        I have noticed whenever i come to the forums and leave posts, my followers increase, so come and hangout here time to time.

      3. abcd1111 profile image61
        abcd1111posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        True dat! It bugs me, but it is what it is.

        seyiari, don't stress out over this. Write it and they will come. But participating in the community definitely helps.

    9. profile image0
      Hikikomoriposted 14 years ago

      Posting on this forum has done me good.

      I had 1 follower yesterday. Today, I have 10.

    10. profile image56
      girlforyouposted 14 years ago

      Nice suggestions friends i will work on this points hope i will get good comments for my hubs and get good traffic for my hubs too ...

    11. Philipo profile image39
      Philipoposted 14 years ago

      Really, you cannot do it alone. 
      You have to join people and people will also in turn join you.  You have to join relevant forums and participate actively.

    12. sabrinasirianni profile image60
      sabrinasirianniposted 14 years ago

      I am brand new!  I hope you all will read mine:)

    13. Creaminizer23 profile image59
      Creaminizer23posted 14 years ago

      Distribute your articles to different social bookmarking sites.

    14. NateSean profile image68
      NateSeanposted 14 years ago

      I think it also helps if you write about a topic that people are likely to read about.

      I have a follower who works in NASA and posts articles about shuttle launches and other techsavvy info. She's only got about twelve Hubs but she has a larger fanbase than I do.

      Just write what you know about and someone out there has to want to know what you do.

    15. ddsurfsca profile image71
      ddsurfscaposted 14 years ago

      The best way to get people to do something is to tell them not to do it.  Sooooo, maybe post something that says, "please do not read my hubs, they are not of interest and are not any good."  I will garauntee you ten times the traffic.

    16. excaflowne profile image60
      excaflowneposted 14 years ago

      your hubs need to be specific and targeted. visit other hubbers page and leave a meaningful comments there.

    17. CMHypno profile image82
      CMHypnoposted 14 years ago

      Write more Hubs!  You need to keep people interested and give them something to come back to your account for and potentially view the rest of you Hubs.

      Also don't compare yourself to others - guaranteed to make you miserable.  Just do your own thing to the best of your ability


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