Are there any genuine online (work at home) jobs?

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  1. jammyedwards1 profile image58
    jammyedwards1posted 14 years ago

    Does anyone know any genuine online ways of working at home part time, etc?

    1. i_am_Legend profile image60
      i_am_Legendposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes! You Will Thank me Later

    2. profile image0
      Deborah Sextonposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I sent you a link to a work at home job.

    3. Cly Walsh profile image60
      Cly Walshposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I've never found one. Know a couple of people who managed to negotiate with their employer to work from home, other than that - nadda. Only way to do it I would imagine is to start your own business online, from scratch. Forget about all the turn-key money making sites and yadda yadda, only people making money are those selling these BS schemes.

      Medical transcription sounded groovy but alas, it's just a big con to get you to pay for courses in said line of work.

  2. DonnaCSmith profile image83
    DonnaCSmithposted 14 years ago

    I work in customer service from my home office. I love my job, flexible hours, no driving required. I work 20-35 hours per week.

    I know several people who work from home via the internet.

    1. profile image49
      Neilybposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      Please would you tell me how you go about getting such jobs/ positions.

    2. profile image51
      v12345posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      donnacsmith, can you tell me more about you're work please. I'm interested in a similar position. thank you.

    3. DonnaCSmith profile image83
      DonnaCSmithposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Just like any other job, I had to apply, etc. There are lots of companies that have online customer service. Check out some of the job classifieds like I have a friend who works in CS but on the phone.

      The company I work for is an online Q&A site and I started as one of their Experts, then moved up to the CS job. In customer service I help people who don't know how to  use the site, etc. using an email program to communicate.

      I do most of my freelance writing online too - submit articles and photos via the internet; hardly ever use snail mail anymore. You gotta be careful not to become a recluse when you work from home;o)

  3. mod2vint profile image60
    mod2vintposted 14 years ago

    Yeah, there are only two legit things I have found ebay and being a marketplace seller on amazon....

  4. DanPowers profile image49
    DanPowersposted 14 years ago

    Start your own online business just like I did. Then you'll know it's all legit.

  5. tiffanycole profile image58
    tiffanycoleposted 14 years ago

    Agreeing with the above, the best way to acquire a work at home job is to create your own. The way to do that is start your own business or service. Take a look at business you could start up for low start up cost. If you still would like to go the other route and seek a work at home employer. Check out the forums.

  6. marinealways24 profile image59
    marinealways24posted 14 years ago

    I sell sports cards on Ebay and have made over $500 profit on a single card. It's possible when time and research is put in. It's kinda like playing the stock market though with favorable odds when research is done.

  7. mmiller profile image68
    mmillerposted 14 years ago

    I have to agree with most of the responses here.  I sell new and used books on Amazon and do quite well at it.  I also make money through my blog (I actually dedicate the content of my blog to saving money, finding deals and locating REAL work at home opportunities if you want to check it out) by incorporating affiliate products, Google Adsense, eBay, Amazon and other third party programs I can make money from. 

    In addition, writing on Hubpages and Squidoo regularly can earn you legitimate money.  However, as we all know, it's not easy money and it takes a bit of time to get to a point where you're earning decent money.

    You can also buy and sell products either on Amazon or eBay.  Arbitrage is the name of the game!  I once found a product through SlickDeals, bought a bunch of them and sold them on eBay and Amazon and earned over $1,000 in two weeks.  I also have bought "Deal of The Day" items off of websites and then turned around and sold them on the same website or on another website for a profit.  Just be creative and you can find legitimate work at home opportunities.  Good luck!

  8. WriteAngled profile image81
    WriteAngledposted 14 years ago

    I work as a translator and book indexer from home and interact with my clients by email and occasionally telephone. The translation work is done for clients around the world and has proved to be recession-proof. I only index for one client now, but have actually had more work than ever from them over the last couple of years.

    I've just published a hub on becoming a book indexer.

    1. profile image51
      v12345posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      WriteAngled, can you tell me more about you're work please. I'm interested in a similar position. thank you.

      1. WriteAngled profile image81
        WriteAngledposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You can find out about indexing from my hub. If you click on my name, it will take you to my profile page, from where you can find the hub. Technically, we shouldn't post links to our own hubs in the forums, except in Extreme Hub Makeover where we ask for advice about them.

        As for translation, I translate medical documents out of several languages into English. I have a biomedical background, not a linguistic one. However, I know these languages sufficiently well to understand material written in them.

        If you know any languages, and preferably have some other specialised knowledge as well, you could look into the possibilities of translation. Generally, you should translate into your native language, not the other way round.

        When I started, I registered with the website, where it is possible to bid for jobs. I found people were contacting me all the time with work, so I never went in for bidding. The basic membership is free. I was a free member for several years, and only became a paying member in the end because I felt I owed Proz since it was through them that I found my new career.

  9. Susana S profile image92
    Susana Sposted 14 years ago

    I work at home freelance writing, there are several freelance job boards to check out - Elance, Odesk and freelancer. There aren't just writing jobs either, if you're a graphic artist, programmer or web designer there are those kinds of jobs too. Since you have a good range of hubs, you can use them as your portfolio. I post freelance jobs on my blog - the link's on my profile page.

  10. ThoughtfulSpot profile image70
    ThoughtfulSpotposted 14 years ago

    Good topic... jumping in so I can spy on your responses. smile

  11. Pcunix profile image83
    Pcunixposted 14 years ago

    People have mentioned VipDesk to me many times.  To me, it sounds very abusive, but some insist that it is a very good job.  I would suggest scouring the Internet for comments and make up your own mind.


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