Companies like Walmart and McDonalds are destroying the economy...

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  1. maplethorpej profile image59
    maplethorpejposted 14 years ago

    Hubpages might take the link down on this page, but this hub contains the main concept I want to discuss: <link snipped>

    Basically, we need to demand that the big corporations like McDonalds and Wal•Mart pay their employees a respectable wage. These companies are absolutely filthy rich, and yet, they pay their employees minimum wage.

    Why aren't there any unions at Wal•Mart? Because they CRUSH everyone that tries to start. They don't want to pay their employees well. How can we change this? How can we convince people to shop elsewhere until they start paying their employees right?

    Posted 42 minutes agoreplypermalinkreporteditdelete

    1. profile image0
      Stevennix2001posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      you are aware according to usa history, that unions were originally an invention backed up by organized crime back in the early industrial era of this country.  thus, if you promote the union, then you might as well say you endorse organized crime too.

      1. maplethorpej profile image59
        maplethorpejposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That is a ridiculous assumption...

        1. profile image0
          Stevennix2001posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          don't get me wrong, im not saying organize crime still backs up unions today.  however, i wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they still are.  don't believe me, then please refer to if you want to know more about it.

          secondly, unions are over rated and don't do anything for the employees that you seem to think.  trust me, i met people who got screwed over by unions in the past.  like there was this one lady i knew that worked for an auto factory, and she paid her union dues all the time.  It wasn't long until they laid her off, due to cut backs for the company.  what did the union do you might ask?  NOTHING.  they did absolutely nothing to help her, other than collect her money for union fees.  so tell me, what exactly is the point of a union if they fail to stick up for you?

        2. maplethorpej profile image59
          maplethorpejposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I'm not the only one with this perspective. Obviously our economy is driven by competition, but we've become such a cheap, automated society that it's no wonder why we're in this predicament. Most of the comments thus far reflect the average American's perspective on business... That is, I'll do my thing without thinking about the consequences; as long as I'm satisfied, who cares to change.

          But I'm obviously not in the company of like-minded individuals, so I will concede for now.

          1. Cagsil profile image71
            Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            You're too funny. WOW! roll

    2. profile image0
      Always Greenerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Isn't cheap automated society the definition of Capitalism?

  2. Mighty Mom profile image74
    Mighty Momposted 14 years ago

    I absolutely agree that all employers should pay their workers a fair wage.
    Wal-fart is one store I will never, ever set foot in.

    1. Cagsil profile image71
      Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It is nice for you to be able to do that. However, Wal-Mart does have excellent prices and a powerful business model that continues to make significant gains in profit for the shareholders of the company.

      Not many people can shop elsewhere, because Wal-Mart does have the best prices on a lot of stuff that the average person can afford.

      Just a thought. wink

  3. Ohma profile image59
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    Well I might agree about Wal-mart but a large portion of McDonalds stores are franchised and not owned by McDonalds corporation. Most franchise owners only own 1 and maybe 2 stores so they do not have the resource of Mickey D's backing them up.

  4. Cagsil profile image71
    Cagsilposted 14 years ago

    This argument has more holes in it than the pope does in his belief in god.

    Federal minimum wage is in place and some States adhere to it with their own minimum wage requirements. However, NOT every State conforms to Federal Minimum Wage, and isn't required to do so.

    Therefore, jobs in some marketplaces are going to cost Wal-Mart less, which is why Wal-Mart has located their distribution centers in certain places.

    Is Wal-Mart too big for it's pants? Probably, but apparently haven't crossed the threshold of being a Monopoly, otherwise, there would anti-trust lawsuits against it. So far, I haven't heard of any.

    I'll leave it at that. Enjoy! smile

    1. maplethorpej profile image59
      maplethorpejposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Cagsil, you don't get it.

      Forget about the minimum wage requirements. I'm talking about consumers being RESPONSIBLE spenders and supporting businesses that pay their employees a respectable amount of money. I'm not talking about the government. Maybe you're okay with people getting treated as worthless as the hourly wage they receive, but its not going to help us solve the FOUNDATION of our economic problems.

      The point is that the government isn't going to fix anything with any law. We need to spend responsibly and dictate which companies deserve to succeed. Solving these types of problems is going to require a societal change. If you have a better, more practical idea, I would enjoy hearing it.

      1. Cagsil profile image71
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You use your limited view, which apparently is one-sided and not objective. You have your right to talk about it, backed by the GOVERNMENT which adheres the First Amendment.

        Government is your problem, in case you're not paying attention. It is FREE OPEN MARKET Society we live in and do business in. If you don't like it, then you are going to have one hell of a battle on your hands trying to change it.

        Anyone can own a business and grow their business. Wal-Mart treats it's employees badly, then press charges against them. DUH!

        And, as Wilderness said, if you don't want to shop there, then don't. If you don't want to work there, then don't.

        Until someone else can bring the pricing structure of products, down to Wal-Mart's level, and remain profitable, only then it boils down to customer service, employee retention and customer satisfaction. Those key points drove America's Economy for the longest time, and now each of them is out the window, on a completely generalized basis.

        My mother works for a Nursing Home, and she is 63 years old, semi retired, and she works in an environment that I think it unhealthy for her, because she works with two people, who refuse to do their damn job and leave her in 100 degree heat to work alone.

        So, please, it's not just Wal-Mart or McDonald's that treats their employees bad.

        1. maplethorpej profile image59
          maplethorpejposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You're right, it's not only Walmart and McDonalds. I'm using them as general examples.

          Anyone can complain, but few are willing to take the steps necessary to move our economy forward. If you're not going to hold the consumers responsible, then what do you suggest we do? Obviously people can't compete with these global corporations unless the consumers are willing to understand how the distribution of money directly effects the economy...

          1. wilderness profile image89
            wildernessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Define "forward", please.  Does it mean that everyone earns the same regardless or ability, time spent working or anything else?  Or does it mean that pay is given according to value received and is guided by competition?

            The WalMart top dog gets just a wee bit more pay than most associates, which you disagree with.  Does that mean that anyone at all can effectively run the largest corporation in the world?  Or are there just a handful of people that can do the job and should be paid accordingly (still less than some athletes or movie stars, I might point out)?

  5. rebekahELLE profile image83
    rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

    there have been many lawsuits against Walmart over the past few years. I can't shop there, it makes me crazy, especially after I saw a man in one of those riding chairs toss a half-eaten bag of grapes back into the bin... and the customer service lady said there wasn't anything she could do about it.. so I told her she lost a customer for life.

    but I'm too tired now, going to bed.

  6. wilderness profile image89
    wildernessposted 14 years ago

    I thought Mikey D's was a franchise operation?  Aren't the individual stores owned by mom and pop type of businesses setting their own wages?  Or are you claiming that the corporate employees of MacDonalds are paid minimum wage?

    "These companies are absolutely filthy rich" - sorry, I'm sure I'm a part owner of WalMart (through my 401K) and I'm not filthy rich.  Yes, the largest company in the world takes in a lot of money, but that doesn't make individual owners rich.  What was the % return in dividends/stock cost last year?  That's a better indication of being "filthy rich"

    At the same time, no one (at least in this country) is forced to work for WalMart.  If they're not paid enough, leave!  You will never convince people they should pay more for products so a store will pay more to employees.  It's a free enterprise system and WalMart has become what it is by buying low (including labor) and selling low.  To force WalMart to change their winning strategy because workers want more money isn't reasonable in our free country.

    1. maplethorpej profile image59
      maplethorpejposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I'm not asserting that it's these companies fault. In fact, they're running amazing businesses. But, in a capitalistic economy, the consumers determine which companies succeed. That's why I am trying to tell people that they have to spend responsibly in order to improve the economy, and local economy. It's so simple...

      1. Cagsil profile image71
        Cagsilposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        What an assumption and bad view. Consumers determine which companies succeed?'re kidding right?

        The consumer buys a product where they can get the best quality for the best price. Which is under the control of the company.

        It's not that simple, because there are presently so many people unemployed or homeless.

        Those who have a job and money to spend, will do so, as I pointed out above.

      2. wilderness profile image89
        wildernessposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        It sounds like you're saying we should all shop responsibility and that means shutting down WalMart by not shopping there.  Or at least, spend more (and therefore buy less, providing fewer workers with jobs thereby) somewhere else.

        Sorry - I'll shop responsibly by buying the most/best I can for the least money, thereby promoting competition and cheaper products.  I'll even go out of my way to buy gasoline 2 cents cheaper (16 cents on a fill up) just to promote competition. 

        You know, this country actually needs some low paying jobs for people either just entering the job market or for people that have never bothered to develop work skills and ethics.  High school students working fast food joints, for instance - they often aren't worth the minimum wage they receive, but still need to learn how to work and that lack of skills means little pay.

      3. Jim Hunter profile image60
        Jim Hunterposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        If I go to the local hardware store and buy a faucet stem I can expect to pay 20 Dollars or more.

        If I go to wal-mart I will pay a third of that.

        Was the part made in the US?

        I don't know nor care.

        The part does what I want and its affordable.

        The local hardware store won't stay in business.

        That is responsible consumerism.

  7. profile image0
    Stevennix2001posted 14 years ago

    oh yeah, and there's that one incident in texas where the bus drivers all went on strike for capital metro.  how did that turn out with their union supporting them.  well lets just say that over 170 workers got laid off because of that stunt.  therefore, a union doesn't really resolve anything.  sure, there's some states that require you to be a part of a union to have a job, but that's the only time you ever see a union have any kind of power to make a difference.  therefore, you need to ask your local state to endorse unions first, before demanding your local wal-mart does too. otherwise, the big name companies are still going to hold all the cards when dealing with employee demands.  its just a fact of life.

  8. Diane Inside profile image69
    Diane Insideposted 14 years ago

    If wal-mart and mcdonalds have to pay their employees better, it will have a negative effect on all of us. i.e. prices will go up.
    Wal mart employees do have a chance to take shares of wal-mart, at different times during their employment. I once knew a woman who had alot of shares of wal-mart stock and at retirement she had over 100 thousand dollars. I know that is not alot nowadays but thats pretty good for a wal-mart employee.

    1. profile image0
      Always Greenerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      If the big businesses actually paid employees fairly, and their manufacturers (i.e. contracted ones) paid for labour fairly - they wouldn't make a lot of money.  They're greedy, thats why they're rich

  9. maplethorpej profile image59
    maplethorpejposted 14 years ago

    Oh yeah, I forgot that everybody is only concerned for themselves. Oh well... This is America and people are entitled to be as selfish and ignorant as they want. It's gonna catch up at some point though.

  10. LeanMan profile image71
    LeanManposted 14 years ago

    At the end of the day you have a choice as to where you shop!

    Most of the people employed by these places are generally unable to get jobs elsewhere that pay better - too young, too old, not enough qualifications, can't speak English, whatever...

    Therefore their service is generally substandard! So it is up to you, do you want to have substandard service but very cheap products, or do you want more expensive products and better service?

    I would guess from the success of the brands mentioned most people don't care about the service and the low wages that the staff are paid, they just want the cheap goods!!


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