How Can I Make Money Writing at HubPages?
How I Get a Check from Google Every Month
Yeah yeah...ya gotta admit - the title got you here: Who could resist the title "How Can I Make Money Writing at HubPages?" (and actually I was quite shocked that title was still available) Really though, all you gotta do is send me $19.95 plus a self addressed stamped envelope and I will share all my hubbing secrets with you. Money back if you don't make at least .01 in your first year...oops I meant to say guaranteed results! Or better yet, make your first $100,000 online. No secrets, no start-up costs, no work! Just sit back and watch the money ROLL IN.
What I can honestly share with you is my little exodus here on HubPages, how it's been working for me, some of the things I do and how I made over $400 in one month last year (and get a check from Google every month now) Now that folks is the real deal - I honest to goodness get a check every month now. It's not going to pay my mortgage but it is a blessed beginning. And we all have to start somewhere!
There Is No Such Thing as a "Get Rich Quick" Scheme
So let's get down to brass tacks here - I know you all really just wanna know "How did I make $400 on HubPages last year in one month?" And admit it, you want the secrets to my success. You want to start cranking out those hubs so you can pull in some big bucks. OK then. I'm not going to talk to you about SEO, CPM, or any of those other techie terms here - I'm just gonna talk to you about some basic 101 writing stuff. Hubbers thoughts straight from a hubber that actually makes a little bit of money doing what she loves...
First of all, I'm not a techie. I am pretty good on the internet so that helps alot. Being able to take my own photos and video is a nice addition to my writing. Being a social butterfly has also helped me to market - market and market my work (you notice that emphasis on marketing)
Market my work you ask? How the heck do I do that? Well you need to start by becoming a social butterfly. For more on how to network check out my hub here. It has lots of good tips about social networking.
Also, most importantly - WRITE! Whether it's in the bathroom, the motor home collecting dust out in your front yard or at the library...get those words down on paper. I have written over 100 hubs now, and have more to say about that here.
Don't be a Bad Spelller!!
And when you write, make sure that you use the spell checker! There is nothing that will discredit your writing more than poorly put together sentences and words with spelling errors. To understand how to use the HubPages spell checker take a look at my hub here on how to use the spell check feature. Very importunt! (did you catch that?)
It is also very important to engage with your fellow hubbers. It is good for you and good for them to get to know each another. The forums are a good place to start, and reading others hubs and commenting is a great way to get to know some terrific people here on HubPages. It also doesn't hurt to write a hub about sexy hubbers. (I got to know many of my fellow hubbers this way. Just remember I'm gonna write another hot sexy hubbers hub so don't steal my idea, K?)
Don't Be Afraid To Toot Your Own Horn - Just Not Too Loudly
It's also OK to brag a little (just don't let it go to your head!) If you reach a milestone write about it! Or post it in the forum. Other hubbers are rooting for you and the encouragement is contagious. I can't tell you how many times I've hit a block for a bit and other hubbers have been there to encourage me to keep on keeping on. We are here to help one another.
And speaking of encouragement, if you have tips and advice to share, then share them. "What goes around comes around", like the old adage says. If we can't help support one another, then "Houston we have a problem!". I am not saying to give all your secrets away (you can if you want, BTW my email address is on my profile - just email them all to me..hehee)
Seriously though, HubPages is like a big writers think tank. The more we share the better this site will be and the better we will be as people and as writers.
Poll on Hubbers Experiences
Did you come to HubPages expecting quick money?
I Made over $40 on Google Adsense One Day
OK so you notice I've had you hanging on the edge waiting for that first bit of advice - on "How can I make money on Hubpages?" and how did I make over $400 in one month last year and most importantly, how do I get a check every month now from Google Adsense? If you got this far then my writing style is working because...
Keeping readers interested is very important. Start with a catchy relevant title, carry your message throughout the body of your hub and conclude (like an essay) in your wrap-up. Good hubs engage, give vital information, and communicate something important to the reader. Engage your reader in your story so they can relate to you. That's one of the beauties of HubPages - we get to engage in our creative writing skills! We don't just have to write a boring product review - we can write a fun one with examples of our own experience with the product (see there's one of my secrets, you just got a free one there)
So how did I have that one marvelous $400 dollar month last year?
By writing a hub about a hot topic that won't go away anytime soon - the $700 Billion Dollar Bailout Bill. I'm not fully clear what happened with this hub but I can tell you that it sailed to the top page of Google News, RANKING NUMBER 1 ON PAGE 1 - and was there for quite some time last year. Unfortunately I don't have that screen shot because I had a computer crash and didn't have a backup, but I will tell you that was one fun ride! One day I made over $40 on Adsense and I almost fell out! How exciting was that!
And how long did it take me to start getting a monthly check from Google AdSense? It took about 10 months into my HubPages journey, and since then I think there has been only been one month that I did not get a check. Yes my days fluctuate but I know that with perseverance I will one day be making a full time living on the Internet as a writer. Publishing on the internet is not for the faint of heart - you need to make a commitment to being serious about your writing if you really want to make money at it, but it is possible. I am proof positive of that - and this is how I made money writing here at HubPages.
Follow my advice in some of my other hubs and links that I have posted here, engage and learn from other great hubbers like Darkside, Lissie, Marisa Wright, Mark Knowles, Relache, Robie2, PGrundy, Shirley Anderson, Chris A,Habee and Misha who have been there and done that (forgive me any hubbers that I left out - just can't name you all) Read their hubs and other great writers here about how to make money on Hubpages and start writing down that yellow brick road. Good luck and see you around the Hub!
(Oh yes and BTW - here are my REAL SECRETS to my hubbing success)
And last but not least, if you want to give your best shot at writing...go here to sign up for HubPages. Good luck and have fun writing!