Survey Here About Hubpage User Interest On A Certain Subject

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  1. Joseph Renne profile image46
    Joseph Renneposted 12 years ago
    I'm Not Sure If This Is In The Right Spot. I Have Not Found Any Hubs (Relevant To Distilling Moonshine) I Would Like To Ask You The Hubpages Users If This Kinda Of Hub Would Interest You. My Idea Consist of A How-to Guide To Make A Moon Shine Still, A Mash Recipe, A Howto Guide On The Process Of Distilling, It Will Include; Pictures, Links, Books, E-books, Polls, Questions And A Test or 2. I will include personal experiences with the production and all the in and oats, I would like to include that i will go over the history of moonshining

    1. Joseph Renne profile image46
      Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      instead of rewriting the same general information that millions of other people/sites do, i picked a specific area (Moonshining) and want to share information that is unique, interesting, & That is on a personal level.

  2. paradigmsearch profile image61
    paradigmsearchposted 12 years ago

    HP loves how-to articles, I think. As do I.

    1. Joseph Renne profile image46
      Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, I'm Not Sure On The Rules About Posting What I Have in Mind. But i will try and get my info on Hubpages. I think a how-to guide on moonshining would bring a lot of curious eyes and hungry minds.

  3. WriteAngled profile image83
    WriteAngledposted 12 years ago

    Here are the official rules on alcohol-related hubs:

    "Am I allowed to create Hubs about beer, wine, or alcohol?

    You may not create Hubs that sell, or link to sites that sell beer, wine, or alcohol. Further, links to alcohol related sites that require visitors to verify their age are prohibited.

    However, you are free to publish reviews of a particular libation, brewery, winery, or distiller. Cocktail recipes are also fair game. On the subject of home brewing, you can share recipes and techniques, and you can sell related equipment. However, the sale of simple all-in-one brewing kits is prohibited.

    If you are unsure if your alcohol-related Hub is ok, please contact us for clarification before publishing your Hub."

  4. Joseph Renne profile image46
    Joseph Renneposted 12 years ago

    Thanks, Great Answer. I was thinking of linking a few parts and pieces. I will soon get started on my hubs about distilling. Thanks For the awesome answer. I just do not want to break and rules and be shunned upon in the hubing community smile

  5. Marisa Wright profile image85
    Marisa Wrightposted 12 years ago

    The question is, is distilling your own spirits legal?  If it's not legal then it's a prohibited subject on HubPages, no question.

    From what I understand, it's legal in most states provided you register for a permit and pay taxes on it.  So I think you would be OK provided your first Hub is about the legalities you must go through.   Then on every other Hub, you start by saying something like, "Before you consider home distilling, please check my Hub on the legal situation first, to avoid a jail term!". 

    However I would recommend emailing team@HubPages first just to be sure.

    1. Joseph Renne profile image46
      Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I will do that,. My first hub will be about the laws and legal statutes.

  6. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 12 years ago

    You can't make hubs on alcohol, and I think making moonshine is illegal in many places.

    1. Joseph Renne profile image46
      Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I will not be selling Alcohol, I see Recipes and step by step guides. I want to take it a step farther and provide the info to how it works, why it works, When it works and a complete step by step guide with personal recipes and methods

      1. psycheskinner profile image76
        psycheskinnerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Adsense doesn't really care what you are doing.  Mentioning alcohol will often cause them to pull your account.

        But what we thing is less important than what Hubpages thinks, you can ask them here:

        1. Joseph Renne profile image46
          Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          That's what I'm afraid of. I would hate to lose my account or privileges here on Hubpages. I would like to write a hub on moonshining but I still have to do my research on posting it to hubpages

        2. Joseph Renne profile image46
          Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks Emailed Them My Question Now.

  7. Joseph Renne profile image46
    Joseph Renneposted 12 years ago

    I know It is not illegal to own a still that is under 1 gallon capacity,  I can legally produce 1 gallon. I know i can not sell it (Not intending) Its all more or less a education process in a controlled environment. I would like to capitalize On the idea of Relaying info on Hubpages.

    1. Marisa Wright profile image85
      Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Are you positive about that?  Can you quote the statute or whatever it is?   I found this information: … tId=142392

      Basically, in most countries it's illegal.  In some countries you can own a still that's under one gallon but you can't use it to make drinks for human consumption.    So I'd say HubPages would not allow Hubs encouraging people to do something that's largely illegal.

      Interestingly, I found this page bemoaning the lack of a decent website on moonshine: … shine.html

      So I'd say there is a niche for you there, if you want to start your own site.  But I'd say it would have to be your own site, not just writing articles on a revenue-sharing site like HubPages as most would not allow it.

      1. Joseph Renne profile image46
        Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

        Florida 562.451 Moonshine whiskey; ownership, possession, or control prohibited; penalties; rule of evidence.—
        (1) Any person who owns or has in her or his possession or under her or his control less than 1 gallon of liquor, as defined in the Beverage Law, which was not made or manufactured in accordance with the laws in effect at the time when and place where the same was made or manufactured shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
        (2) Any person who owns or has in her or his possession or under her or his control 1 gallon or more of liquor, as defined in the Beverage Law, which was not made or manufactured in accordance with the laws in effect at the time when and place where the same was made or manufactured shall be guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.
        (3) In any prosecution under this section, proof that the liquor involved is what is commonly known as moonshine whiskey shall be prima facie evidence that the same was not made or manufactured in accordance with the laws in effect at the time when and place where the same was made or manufactured.
        History.—s. 9, ch. 22669, 1945; s. 17, ch. 23746, 1947; s. 5, ch. 29964, 1955; s. 1, ch. 59-435; s. 574, ch. 71-136; s. 2, ch. 72-230; s. 869, ch. 97-103.

        1. Joseph Renne profile image46
          Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

          So anything under 1 gallon in my state is legal, my still i would like to present to hubpages is totally legal and can not produce more than a half gallon each time.

          1. Marisa Wright profile image85
            Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            So how does that relate to Federal law?  I don't live in the US so I don't know.  The site seemed to have done its homework and even emailed the relevant Federal department to get answers, so I'm inclined to believe him unless legislation has changed recently. 

            Here are some good forums which you might find useful:

            Anyway, I think your main barrier is that it isn't legal in most other places worldwide and I think HubPages would probably look at that first.

            1. paradigmsearch profile image61
              paradigmsearchposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              You have my attention re: nursey.

            2. Joseph Renne profile image46
              Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              That is just my State Law, Feds are another thing. I know some countries/states are very serious about it, I assume that the reader knows state,local, and federal laws prior to making or buying the supplies to distill alcohol.  I would like for hubpages to contact my email so I can get a strait answer. even so i see how the subject can be controversial  so If i Am Able to write on this subject I am Aware that some Hubpage users will flag my content, I'm keeping my fingers crossed That after I hear from Hubpages I can post that on my hub stating that my content is following Hubpage Guide Lines, I think I can get away with this. I know it involves Alcohol and some Maybe-Illegal Activities and actions. I am just merely a Relayer of Information and not insisting that Hubpage Users Do Anything Illegal.

              1. Marisa Wright profile image85
                Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                But as an American, aren't you equally subject to both State and Federal law?  Which means that just because the State says it's OK, you could still be arrested by the Feds?  Not living in the US, I don't know how that works.

                Whether a Hubber flags your Hubs really doesn't matter.  All flagging does is put the Hub in a queue so a HubPages staffer can take a look at it.  If HubPages is happy for you to write about moonshine, they will just ignore the flags. 

                Do you understand what "prohibited topics" are all about?  HubPages relies for its income on advertising revenue, so they don't allow subjects that might upset its advertisers.  Adsense is particularly sensitive (i.e. prudish and fuddy-duddy).  That income is so vital to HubPages, they err on the safe side at all times.  So for instance, you can't write about firearms even if you're arguing FOR gun control, or about gambling even if you're offering counselling (which is hugely annoying for some people).   I'm guessing that explaining how to do a largely illegal activity, even if you warn against it, won't work either.   

                But I am only guessing, and I'll be really curious to see what HubPages has to say.  I'm just trying to forewarn you, so you're not too surprised if they say no.

          2. SimeyC profile image81
            SimeyCposted 12 years agoin reply to this

            The problem is that Google will not see this as a subject you can write on and therefore you could get your adsense account suspended - legality doesn't matter - if it's against google's TOS then you're in trouble.

            1. Joseph Renne profile image46
              Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

              Did The Adsense on Hubpages + Google Change? I could turn off the adsence on the Hub So that the Google Terms of Service would not be violated.

              1. Marisa Wright profile image85
                Marisa Wrightposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                Sounds like a plan, but if you're not going to earn income from these Hubs, what is your objective?

                1. Joseph Renne profile image46
                  Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  To get my word out, I dont make any money using Hubpages (YET) i have earned like 36 cents, i just like to be known on the web, it helps me in the end.

              2. DzyMsLizzy profile image90
                DzyMsLizzyposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                I believe you must have Ad Sense enabled in order to qualify for the HP ad program, so turning off Ad Sense would also take you out of any earnings, so if that's your intent, why bother?
                Also, the state laws vs. Federal laws is a similar situation to that with marijuana for medical use; legal in some states, not in others, but nonetheless still against Federal law.  It's just that right now, the feds are choosing to not hassle folks in those states where it's been made legal, provided they are under/within the 'for personal use' quantity limit.

                1. Joseph Renne profile image46
                  Joseph Renneposted 12 years agoin reply to this

                  I see that there is an option to disable ads on your hubpage, I don't nearly make any money on hubpages. I enjoy writing hub/blogs, I will most likely (If the hub is attracting a crowd) just link a few sites selling pieces and parts and maybe my own site (If ratings are high and become profitable). I understand the legal status for personal use/possession.  I would just like to bring my ideas to Hubpages. Only if i am able to do so.


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