Do you think alcohol should be illegal instead of weed?

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  1. BenWritings profile image66
    BenWritingsposted 13 years ago

    Do you think alcohol should be illegal instead of weed?

    Alcohol is the cause of so many disasters, and it's readily available all over the place. why?

  2. tony0724 profile image61
    tony0724posted 13 years ago

    They tried that one already and it didn't work. Besides most of those fraternities would not know what to do with themselves.

  3. wychic profile image84
    wychicposted 13 years ago

    Because it's an excellent source of revenue for the government, and because making it illegal certainly didn't do the country any favors when they tried it before. Instead, it became the source of some very thriving industries and was the backbone of organized crime until the end of Prohibition. In other words -- the Volstead Act got rid of alcohol just as well as making marijuana illegal got rid of marijuana wink.

  4. RonPare profile image68
    RonPareposted 13 years ago

    I don't know about instead of. Its very relevance is questionable.

  5. saanj H profile image59
    saanj Hposted 13 years ago


    Alcohol in moderation is fine. But there has to be a certain limit to boozing. Binge drinking should not be allowed as this can have adverse effect on the brain and the human body. I dont think alcohol has to be made illegal.

    As in case of weed, there is a lot of disoreintation and tripping.

  6. mcrawford76 profile image80
    mcrawford76posted 13 years ago

    The only reason alcohol is legal is because the government can make money selling it. They will never make marijuana legal because anyone with a green thumb could grow their own. Do I think alcohol is more dangerous, yes. Do I think alcohol is just as addictive if not more so than marijuana, yes.
    @hashani - I think you should do some more research about marijuana, there are many medicinal purposes (thusly medical marijuana is legal in some states) not to mention that hemp is used to make rope, clothing and many other things. Can you make a sweater out of alcohol?

  7. essiheart profile image68
    essiheartposted 13 years ago

    It's true about everything in moderation. If we were going according to what's more harmful, there is no doubt that weed should be in place of alcohol. But it's not quite as easy as that. I don't know, people will always find something to abuse, legal or not.

  8. profile image0
    David99999posted 13 years ago

    Personally, I believe that both should be legal...and, heavily regulated.  From the people whom I've known, who ruined their lives by overindulgence in one or both, I don't think that young people in America fully understand the health risks.

  9. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 13 years ago

    I think ideally neither should be available, but I understand that will never happen.  I don't honestly know why so many people drink and cause havoc in their families.  I do believe that "weed" makes a person lethargic and slovenly--so it isn't good either.  How about we just be ourselves and not get high on anything.

  10. nightwork4 profile image59
    nightwork4posted 13 years ago

    no i don't. i think they should both be legal. it's my body and i think it's stupid that we let others tell us what we can smoke or drink.

  11. profile image0
    jasper420posted 13 years ago

    most defently alcohol is addicting and causes way more accidents and health problems

  12. lilibees profile image59
    lilibeesposted 13 years ago

    I think if one is they both should be. Which one is really worse anyway?

  13. Joan1 profile image61
    Joan1posted 13 years ago

    I've lived in the Netherlands for many years.
    And weed and other so-called soft drugs are legal.

    If you compare the problems weed is causing in the Netherlands to for instance the UK or America, they have far less problems with it.

    Because of it being legal, it is far less interesting to do it.
    But when you want to do it, and you go buy it.
    You don't have to find some drug dealer who will introduce you to other drugs and dangers. You go to a coffeeshop, and you get guaranteed quality, nothing in it that is not supposed to be in it. And the seller will give you advise, especially if you are a tourist.

    Tourists are the ones that are creating the most problems with the weed. They mix it with alcohol or smoke too much.
    The dried magic mushrooms are illegal now because of yet another accident with some tourist, abusing the stuff and jumping out of a window.
    Dutch people in general know how to use the drugs in a safe way.

    And their government is earning lots of money because of the tax on it and the expensive permits the coffeeshops need to buy. Also it is illegal to grow more than two plants, so people just buy it in the coffeeshop.

  14. Jarn profile image61
    Jarnposted 13 years ago

    I believe that marijuana should be legalized, taxed, and regulated in the same way that alcohol is, but I don't think alcohol should be made illegal. And this is coming from a person whose family is mostly made up of alcoholics. I know full well how bad it is, but the fact is that people are going to get booze one way or another.

    Heck, I can knock together a still in a day if I can get hold of the right parts. Making alcohol is not that hard, and that means if it's made illegal like during the Prohibition, all the government has done is cut themselves out of the loop. They don't make any money off it, though they do now in taxes.

  15. cathyaddams567 profile image58
    cathyaddams567posted 11 years ago

    We can't make alcohol illegal since a certain amount of this is said good to the health and besides not all are in to drinking a lot of alcohol. If you know someone who is alcoholic, advise them to go to an outpatient alcohol treatment, visit for more info.


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