Proposed Health Category -- Tell Us What You Think

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  1. larryfreeman profile image82
    larryfreemanposted 15 years ago

    As I mentioned in a previous announcement, categories are coming to HubPages.

    Here is the planned breakdown of the Health Category:

    Health (Top Level)

    * Aging & Longevity
    * Cancer
    * Children's Health
    * Death & Grief
    * Dental Health
    * Diet & Health
    * Disabilities
    * Diseases & Conditions
    * Exercise & Fitness
    * Eye Care
    * Fertility & Reproductive Health
    * First Aid
    * Hair Care (see Hair Care in Beauty & Fashion)
    * Health Care
    * Hygiene (see Hygiene in Beauty & Fashion)
    * Men's Health
    * Mental Health
    * Natural & Alternative Medicine
    * Nutrition
    * Personal Health
    * Safety
    * Skin Care (see Skin Care in Beauty & Fashion)
    * Women's Health

    Here is the proposed breakdown for each of the above Health subcategories:

    (1) Aging & Longevity (2nd Level Category)

    * Arthritis
    * Back Pain & Problems
    * Chronic Pain
    * Cognitive Effects
    * Depression
    * Diabetes (See Diseases & Conditions subcategory)
    * Elder Care around the World
    * Exercises for Seniors
    * Eye Problems
    * Hearing Problems
    * Heart Disease
    * Impotence
    * Life Expectancies
    * Longevity Claims
    * Lung Disease
    * Osteoporosis
    * Retirement
    * Skin Ailments
    * Sleep Disorders
    * Theories of Aging

    (2) Cancer (2nd Level)

    * Bladder
    * Bone Cancer
    * Brain Cancer
    * Breast Cancer
    * Cancer Treatments
    * Causes & Preventions
    * Childhood Cancer
    * Colorectal
    * Endometrial Cancer
    * Exams & Detection
    * Leukemia
    * Living with Cancer
    * Lung Cancer
    * Lymphatic
    * Ovarian
    * Pancreatic
    * Prostate
    * Skin Cancer
    * Support for Families

    (3) Children's Health (2nd Level Category)

    * Allergies
    * Asthma
    * Autism & Asperger's Syndrome
    * Children's Hospitals
    * Down Syndrome
    * Ear Infections
    * Eating Disorders
    * Heart Defects
    * Hemophilia
    * Infant Health
    * Juvenile Arthritis
    * Learning Disorders
    * Lice
    * Pediatrics
    * Sleep
    * Special Needs Children
    * Vaccine Issues

    (4) Death & Grief (2nd Level Category)

    * Acceptance & Continuation
    * Death of a Child
    * Death of a Parent
    * Death of a Sibling
    * Death of a Spouse or Partner
    * Funerals & Final Arrangements
    * Goodbyes & Tributes
    * Grief & Bereavement
    * Grief Counseling
    * Hospice Care
    * Pet Loss
    * Relgious Response
    * Sudden Loss
    * Suicide
    * Support for Families
    * Support Groups & Organizations

    (5) Dental Health (2nd Level Category)

    * Braces
    * Cavities & Tooth Aches
    * Dentistry around the World
    * Dentures
    * Dental Implants
    * Fear of Dentists
    * Fluoride & Its Effect
    * Gingivitis & Halitosis
    * History of Dentistry
    * Oral Hygiene
    * Oral Surgery

    (6) Diet & Health (2nd Level Category)

    * Atkins Diet & Related Diets
    * Blood Type Diets
    * Calorie Counting
    * Children's Diets
    * Crash Diets
    * Dietitians & Expert Advice
    * Diets for Seniors
    * Eating Disorders
    * Fasting & Dangers of Fasting
    * Food Diaries
    * Health Issues & Warnings
    * Meal Frequency
    * Healthy Diets
    * Low Carb Diets
    * Low Fat Diets
    * Low Sodium Diets
    * South Beach & Related Diets
    * Vegetarian
    * Vegan
    * Weight Loss

    (7) Disabilities (2nd Level Category)

    * Accessibility
    * Adapted Sports
    * Assistance Dogs
    * Assistive Technology
    * Color Blindness
    * Disability Rights
    * Discrimination
    * Empowerment & Respect
    * Etiquette
    * Hearing Impaired
    * Independent Living
    * Long Term Care Facilities
    * Mental Disabilities
    * Rehabilitation
    * Seeing Impaired
    * Support for Individuals & Families
    * Support Organizations
    * Wheelchairs & Mobility Issues

    (8) Diseases & Conditions (2nd Level Category)

    * AIDS
    * Allergies
    * Alzheimer's Disease
    * Asthma
    * Back & Spinal Chord Related Issues
    * Cancer (See Cancer subcategory)
    * Chronic Pain
    * Cystic Fibrosis
    * Diabetes
    * Ear & Hearing Issues
    * Epilepsy
    * Eye & Seeing Issues
    * Heart Disease
    * Hepatitis
    * Herpes
    * High Blood Pressure
    * Immune System Issues
    * Lung Disease
    * Lupus
    * Migraines
    * Multiple Sclerosis
    * Musculoskeletal Diseases & Conditions
    * Nervous System Diseases & Conditions
    * Parkinson's Disease
    * Physical Impairments
    * Repetitive Strain Injury
    * Respiratory Diseases & Conditions
    * Rheumatic Diseases
    * Sleep Disorders
    * Surgery
    * Tourette Syndrome
    * Ulcers & Gastritis

    (9) Exercise & Fitness (2nd Level Category)

    * Ab Workouts
    * Aerobics
    * Agility
    * Benefits of Exercise
    * Body Composition
    * Breathing
    * Common Misconceptions
    * Cycling
    * Exergaming
    * Fitness for Children
    * Fitness for Seniors
    * Gyms, Health Clubs, & Personal Trainers
    * Hip & Thigh Workouts
    * Marathons
    * Quick Workouts
    * Reflexes
    * Rowing
    * Running & Jogging
    * Stamina & Endurance
    * Stretching & Flexibility
    * Swimming
    * Tai Chi & Qi Gong
    * Triathlons
    * Walking & Hking
    * Weight Training
    * Yoga

    (10) Eye Care (2nd Level Category)

    * Contacts & Eye Glasses
    * Ocular Motility & Double Vision
    * Eye Care
    * Eye Diseases & Disorders
    * Eye Exercises
    * General Eye Exams
    * Glaucoma
    * Pupil Function
    * Visual Acuity
    * Visual Field & Visual Field Testing

    (11) Fertility & Reproductive Health (2nd Level Category)

    * Assisted Reproductive Technology
    * Birth Control
    * Exams & Tests
    * Fertility Clinics
    * Infertility
    * Pregnancy (See Pregnancy in Family & Home)
    * Reproductive Health
    * Safety & Prevention
    * Sexual Dysfunction
    * Sexual Health Issues
    * Sexually Transmitted Diseases
    * Teen Sexual Health

    (12) First Aid (2nd Level Category)

    * Bites
    * Burns
    * Choking
    * CPR
    * Cuts
    * Edema
    * Electrical Shock
    * Fainting
    * Fever
    * First Aid Kits
    * First Aid Training
    * Fractures
    * Foreign Object Swallowed
    * Frostbite
    * Head Trauma
    * Heart Attack
    * Heat Stroke
    * Hypothermia
    * Motion Sickness
    * Nosebleeds
    * Poisoning
    * Reference & Resources
    * Seizures
    * Severe Bleeding
    * Shock
    * Sprains
    * Stroke
    * Sunburn
    * Tips & Advice

    (13) Health Care (2nd Level Category)

    * Health Care around the World
    * Health Care Industry
    * Health Insurance
    * Managed Health & HMOs
    * Medical Tourism
    * Prescription Drugs & Over-the-counter Drugs
    * Prices & Costs of Surgery & Treatments
    * Selecting a Hospital
    * Selecting a Physician
    * Selecting a Procedure & Selecting a Treatment
    * Socialized Medicine
    * Universal Health Care
    * World Health Organizations

    (14) Men's Health (2nd Level Category)

    * Body Image
    * Depression & Mental Health
    * Erectile Dysfunction
    * Genital Issues
    * Hair Loss
    * Male Infertility
    * Masculinity
    * Prostrate Cancer
    * Stress Management
    * Testicular Cancer
    * Testosterone
    * Reproductive & Urinary Health
    * Vasectomy

    (15) Mental Health (2nd Level Category)

    * Addiction
    * Anger Management
    * Anxiety Disorders
    * Codependency
    * Compulsive Behavior
    * Dementia
    * Depression
    * Diagnosis & Psychology
    * Dissociative Disorders
    * Dreams
    * Eating Disorders (See Eating Disorders in Diet)
    * Emotions
    * Happiness
    * History of Psychology & Mental Disorders
    * Manic Depression
    * Medications
    * Mental Health
    * Mood Disorders
    * Paranoia
    * Personality Disorders
    * Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
    * Postparum Depression
    * Schizophrenia
    * Self-Help Groups
    * Social Work
    * Stigma of Mental Illness
    * Stress Management
    * Therapy
    * Treatments of Mental Disorders

    (16) Natural & Alternative Medicine (2nd Level Category)

    * Acupuncture & Acupressure
    * Aromatherapy
    * Chakra
    * Chinese Medicine
    * Chiropractic
    * Color Therapy
    * Energy Healing
    * Faith Healing & Prayer
    * Herbal Remedies
    * Holistic Medicine
    * Homeopathy
    * Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy
    * Kundalini
    * Magnetic Healing
    * Massage
    * Meditation
    * Naturopathy
    * Osteopathy
    * Reiki
    * Vitamins
    * Yoga

    (17) Nutrition (2nd Level Category)

    * Antioxidants
    * Caffeine
    * Cancer Prevention  (See Cancer Prevention in the Cancer subcategory)
    * Carbohydrates
    * Fat
    * Fiber
    * Food Additives
    * Food Allergies
    * Genetically Engineered Food
    * Healthy Cooking
    * Lactose Free
    * Macrobiotics
    * Malnutrition
    * Minerals
    * Processed Foods
    * Protein
    * Sodium
    * Tips & Advice
    * Vitamins & Supplementals
    * Water

    (18) Personal Health (2nd Level Category)

    * Alcohol
    * Anorexia & Bulimia
    * Bacteria & Germs
    * Balanced Life
    * Cold & Flu
    * Drug Usage & Health Impacts
    * First Aid (See First Aid subcategory)
    * Food Poisoning & Food Quality
    * Mental Health (See Mental Health subcategory)
    * Obesity & Weight Management
    * Recovery
    * Self-Help
    * Sleep & Sleep Deprivation
    * Smoking
    * Sprains & Sports Injuries
    * Water Quality & Health Risks

    (19) Safety (2nd Level Category)

    * Air Safety
    * Bicycle Safety
    * Boat Safety
    * Care Safety
    * Child Safety
    * Fire Safety
    * Gun Safety
    * Motorcycle Safety
    * Workplace Safety

    (20) Women's Health (2nd Level Category)

    * Aborted Pregnancy
    * Body Image
    * Breast Cancer (see Breast Cancer in Cancer subcategory)
    * Female Reproductive Health
    * Femininity
    * Genital Issues
    * Hormonal Issues
    * Menopause
    * Menstruation
    * Pregnancy & Childbirth (see Pregnancy in Home & Family)
    * Women's Infertility

    1. LiamBean profile image78
      LiamBeanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      EXCELLENT! I publish hubs on health (cancer, arthritis, and osteoporosis) relatively often. I also publish quite a few hubs on (five to date) brain science and the recent changes in brain plasticity theory.

  2. Isabella Snow profile image71
    Isabella Snowposted 15 years ago

    Hi again Larry smile

    Under Children's I'd add: Vaccine Issues

    Under Death and Grief I'd add: Death of a Spouse/Partner, Death of a Sibling

    Under Disabilities: Mental Disabilities, Long Term Care Facilities, Assistance Dogs, Rehabilitation

    First Aid: Cuts, Edema, Seizures,

    Mens Health -- Testicular Cancer, ED, (and you may want to edit that from prostrate to prostate smile

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Isabella,

      Great comments!  smile  This is really helpful!  I agree with all your suggestions.


  3. shashigai profile image60
    shashigaiposted 15 years ago

    blood cancers are not included in the cancer category and that is what my pages are about - specifically multiple myeloma which is rare so you needn't include that.

    you list asperger's under children's health and you have a significant number of folks - including myself - who are adults with asperger's and who write about asperger's.

    could this be fixed?

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Shashigai,

      Thanks very much for your feedback!  smile

      Since I already had a Leukemia category, I decided to add a Lymphoma and a Multiple Myeloma subcategory under Cancer (instead of a Blood Cancer category).

      I agree with your thinking about Asperger's.  I moved it under Health/Diseases & Conditions.


  4. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 15 years ago

    Abuse of several kinds combine to make up a major health issue today for all demographics. Could "Abuse Prevention" be listed under Safety?

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Patty,

      Thanks for the suggestion.  I've added Abuse Prevent under Health/Safety.


      1. Patty Inglish, MS profile image89
        Patty Inglish, MSposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Great! thanks very much.

  5. Dame Scribe profile image57
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    Maybe under Disease & Conditions add...Rare .... as there are ones that are rare. smile great job!  Larry! thank you! you earned a dozen hugz!

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Dame Scribe,

      Thanks very much for your suggestion. 

      At this point, I'm hoping that rare will be covered by the current categories since a rare disease/condition would probably fit in (Musculoskeletal, Nervous System, Respiratory, etc.).

      Is there a specific rare disease that have you in mind that doesn't fit into the current categories?


  6. shashigai profile image60
    shashigaiposted 15 years ago

    thanks for fixing things for asperger's - now my hub categorization will make more sense - and thanks for the multiple myeloma - did you know that geraldine ferraro has it? she's been in remission for i think over 10 years which means that she beat the odds.

  7. Dame Scribe profile image57
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    My recent article is considered bloodborne disease and I was unable to categorize it but stuck it somewhere, tongue lol ... I have no idea how to define rare specifically ...because there are so many parts within our bodies going on that could get affected ...and illnesses wreak such havoc with one system which eventually affects the whole body ....

  8. Lady Guinevere profile image67
    Lady Guinevereposted 15 years ago

    There needs to be a category for Head Trauma in the Health Categories.

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Lady Guinevere,

      The category already exists.  You can find it in:
      Health/First Aid/Head Trauma


      1. Lady Guinevere profile image67
        Lady Guinevereposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        First Aid?

        1. Lady Guinevere profile image67
          Lady Guinevereposted 15 years agoin reply to this

          It should be with the Neck and Back injuries.

          1. larryfreeman profile image82
            larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

            OK.  I've moved Head Trauma to:
            Health/Diseases & Conditions/Head Trauma


            1. Lady Guinevere profile image67
              Lady Guinevereposted 15 years agoin reply to this

              Thank you.

  9. Dame Scribe profile image57
    Dame Scribeposted 15 years ago

    All this categorizing Larry ... have a cuppa tea with shot of baileys wink I won't tell ..awesome job you're doin!

  10. profile image0
    lalitkhungarposted 15 years ago

    It is the most wanted catagory

  11. Lady Guinevere profile image67
    Lady Guinevereposted 15 years ago

    Need a category for skin diseases and conditions.  I didn't have a place to put my Rosacea hub.

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Lady Guinevere,

      Sorry for the very long time that it took me to respond.  I guess that I missed your question in my queue.

      I've added a category for skin diseases in:

      Health/Diseases & Conditions/Skin Diseases


  12. pammygb profile image59
    pammygbposted 15 years ago

    Great list. This helps us find categories we are truly interested in.

  13. rsmallory profile image68
    rsmalloryposted 15 years ago

    I like it!

  14. profile image0
    Pacal Votanposted 15 years ago

    Could we have a Mesoamerican Cultures category under History & Archeology to help categorize Aztecs and Mayans?

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Pacal Votan,

      Thanks for the suggestion! :-)

      I added a Mesoamerican Cultures category at:

      Knowledge & Education/History & Archeology/Precolumbian/Mesoamerican Cultures


      1. profile image0
        Pacal Votanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks very much, Larry.

  15. rmcrayne profile image95
    rmcrayneposted 15 years ago

    Under Healthcare you have Prescription & OTC meds.  What about alternative, natural, nontraditional "meds" and supplements?

    Natural & Alt Med, you have vitamins.  What about vitamins and supplements?  I wouldn't call my desiccated thyroid a vitamin. 

    Nutrition:  What about cultured foods?

    Cancer:  Alternative & non-traditional cancer treatments?

    Where is adult ADD, pediatric ADD?

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi rmcrayne,

      Great comments.  I've added:

      Health/Healthcare/Nontraditional Medications & Supplements
      Health/Nutrition/Cultured Foods
      Health/Cancer/Alternative & Nontraditional Treatments

      I've changed the name of the Vitamins category to:

      Health/Natural & Alternative Medicine/Vitamins & Supplements

      Adult ADD and pediatric ADD are found in:

      Health/Mental Health/ADHD


  16. Sara Tonyn profile image60
    Sara Tonynposted 15 years ago

    Hi Larry!

    Manic Depression is the old term for Bipolar Disorder.

    So maybe you should list Bipolar Disorder instead of Manic Depression, no?

    Great list regardless!

    -- Sara

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Sara,

      Thanks for your comment.

      The "Manic Depression" was renamed to "Bipolar Disorder" when we pushed out the official list (Maddie Ruud, the HubPages Community Manager, gave me the same feedback).

      If you are interested, you can see the full list here:



  17. Sara Tonyn profile image60
    Sara Tonynposted 15 years ago

    Thanks, Larry.

    (Oops! Sorry! I should have checked for an updated list. DUH on me!)

  18. profile image49
    krwestposted 14 years ago

    Hi Larry,
    your list sure does cover a lot of content! 

    I have two more possibilities for you to consider:

    Under Childrens Health,
    how about pediatric stroke?

    Under Disabilities,
    how about stroke survivors?

    Thank you for considering these topics!

    1. larryfreeman profile image82
      larryfreemanposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Hi krwest,

      Thanks very much for the suggestions!  smile

      I've added "Pediatric Stroke" and "Stroke Survivors" as you suggested.




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