Lots of Hubs copied in this site. How to get rid of Plagiarized Conten

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  1. pomodore profile image38
    pomodoreposted 11 years ago

    I made a mistake of posting this on the Questions portion of the feed and don't know how to delete it. Sorry. So this is a duplicate.

    Here's my problem.

    I was in the process for moving my hubs elsewhere and while checking if they were still listed in google I came up to with results to http://www.everythingathomes.com/

    I have about 3 or 4 of my hubs (now deleted) that are copied there. There seems to be a lot more, I can tell because of the format of the Amazon modules (they're converted into a distinct layout).

    So how do you get Google to get rid of this?

    1. Simone Smith profile image82
      Simone Smithposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I am so sorry that happened, pomodore!

      Here is our guide to filing a DMCA complaint: http://hubpages.com/learningcenter/how- … -complaint

  2. relache profile image67
    relacheposted 11 years ago

    First, file a notice of infringement with the site that stole the content according to DMCA guidelines.  If that doesn't work then try filing an NOI with the ISP for the site.  If that doesn't work then file your NOI with Google.

    Then again, the fact that your account is showing zero published Hubs makes all that work seem moot because if you deleted the material from here before filing your complaints, you killed your proof of original ownership.

    1. Pearldiver profile image68
      Pearldiverposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Dead Right!  Don't give up on article thieves... Sadly you have to always be filing NOI paperwork and realistically today, consider that action as being part of your overall management process.  Eventually you win and collectively we can take down the crooks!  Good Luck and thanks for the heads up smile

  3. Judi Bee profile image91
    Judi Beeposted 11 years ago

    This site is one that is mentioned in this list http://hubpages.com/forum/topic/112612 ; the owner has scraped lots of hubs.  DMCAs filed with the last host resulted in the sites being closed, but they are up again with a new host.

    1. radhikasree profile image74
      radhikasreeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, my hub too got copied up in this site run by a new host. Recipe site http://www.foodforcooking.com/

    2. pomodore profile image38
      pomodoreposted 11 years ago

      Wow! Thanks for the help.

      Always loved HubPages for the people that make up the community.

      So apparently this guy's one of those serial plagiarists who earns off of other people's work.

      I'll follow your advice and start on the steps thanks!

    3. info-tutor profile image60
      info-tutorposted 11 years ago

      I also have a copied hub on xxx.bubblews.com. The annoyance of all is the copied content is on the first page of Google whiles the original content which took me two days of research is in 900-1000th in Google rankings.

      1. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image80
        Marcy Goodfleischposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Paul E started a sticky thread asking for examples of copied content ranking higher than your originals.  Check for it in the 'blue' threads at the top of the forum, and follow his instructions for reporting it on that thread.

      2. Marcy Goodfleisch profile image80
        Marcy Goodfleischposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Here's Paul's thread asking for examples of copied content outranking our content:


    4. brakel2 profile image70
      brakel2posted 11 years ago

      If you wrote them first on MS Word, you may be able to prove original ownership. It makes you want to keep copies of statistics page. It may still be cached on the web. Run it in Google search.

    5. Bedbugabscond profile image95
      Bedbugabscondposted 11 years ago

      I just filed a complaint against everythingathomes yesterday. I am sure they have copied a lot more than the two of us.

      1. Judi Bee profile image91
        Judi Beeposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Check the link I posted above.  The guy has scraped from HP wholesale - each of his sites is taken from a topic area here, so scores of hubbers must be affected.  He started at least a couple of months ago and he adds more content each day.

    6. profile image0
      Jeanne Grunertposted 11 years ago

      You don't start with Google. Start with contacting the site directly. If that doesn't work, use a Who Is search to find their host and write a DMCA takedown letter. Google can't do anything to them. You want your content off of the site, so the DMCA to the host is in my opinion the way to go. The host usually takes prompt action to avoid problems and maintain DMCA safe harbor protection.

    7. Marketing Merit profile image84
      Marketing Meritposted 11 years ago

      The site is now hosted in Seoul, South Korea. DMCA has no jurisdiction over there. Removing the entries via Google is your only hope.

    8. luciano63 profile image51
      luciano63posted 11 years ago


      it happened for me with my personal blog..I discovered 2 blogspot blogs that made a full copy of my 5 yeasr posts...can you imagine how I felt? I even wrote a post about it...so I just copied all the stolen links and complained with google....hard work!!! hours of work...but both blogs have been deleted by google!!

      So now some times I check around...I even wrote it on my blog not to dare to copy that I will do everything possible to delete them....

      good luck!

    9. SpaceShanty profile image78
      SpaceShantyposted 11 years ago

      I understand how it feels, I had Youtube videos copied and they had Adsense ads on them too which I didn't get approved for!

      I sent them all messages, about half said sorry and took them down. 

      If they have adversting on the site you could contact the advertisers.


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