I posted this hub about MOPS a few days ago: http://thatmommyblogger.hubpages.com/hu … S-Meeting. It took me hours to write, and I wrote it about a very personal topic. There is no chance that I plagiarized it, and I did not post it on any other site.
I'm getting a duplicate content warning that was not there before. This just showed up an hour or two ago. How do I figure out who stole my content? I ran some plag checks, but nothing is coming up. I'm very upset about this.
Thanks for your help.
This was due to a false duplication issue that we are working to resolve. It was related to 2uidea [dot] com.
Your Hub has been marked as original.
We have made some changes to the site in order to block that site from copying content, so this should hopefully have an impact going forward.
We have also reviewed and cleared all the false duplication moderation related to this site.
If you have any further questions, please contact us at team@hubpages.com.
If your content has been copied without your permission then filing a DMCA NOI may be appropriate.
Are you able to reassure people going forward that:
* every time HubPages issues a duplication notice for a hub that HubPages also automatically checks to see whether or not the domain identified as being duplicated has already been highlighted in another HubPages duplication report (ie there is a possibility of another duplication scam)
* every time you spot hubs being accused of duplicating another site that the thought occurs to HubPages HQ that maybe the hubs are actually being copied by that site
* HubPages has or will become more proactive at going after sites which target HubPages for content to copy so that action is taken very fast by HubPages, working in liaison with hubbers, to get such sites removed from the Google Index and their host BEFORE they have copied hundreds or thousands of other hubs
I ask this because one of the things which I have seen repeatedly said since I was "exported" from Squidoo to HubPages is that people have never ever known a site where so much content is copied and duplicated by other sites.
These are people who have been through this before elsewhere - but not to the same extent as they have experienced here.
These are people who are fast removing their content from HubPages just to ensure they minimise its chances of being duplicated.
That's because as an article site HubPages is a duplication MAGNET - and this issue alone could see HubPages reputation very seriously undermined unless:
* it takes a very proactive stance and
* works efficient and effectively and collaboratively with hubbers to get duplicate copy removed from the Google Index and the site removed from its host.
After all who in their right mind wants to put their content on a site which is a magnet for the copy thieves - and give themselves a lot of grief and extra work?
I doubt they'd do anything like that. Yes, it would help with hubber retention, but you should know by now that businesses like this aren't concerned about it. They'll always find someone profoundly desperate to be heard or desperate for money to survive to replace you if you become discouraged by having your writing served up on a platter for scrapers.
Most corporations don't understand what motivates people beyond money. If they did, they'd understand that they could earn more money by using non-monetary incentives to get better performance and loyalty from those who make the products they sell ads on.
I've never found a large content farm that understands much about what motivates writers or how writers feel about their work. Many don't even understand that most writers take pride in their work or that writers have any feelings beyond a desire for wealth behind their writing. It's a very common attitude to think that writers have no more concern for a completed piece of writing than an assembly-line worker has for a random product he attached something to last week. Put yourself in that mindset, MakingAMark, and then ask yourself why on earth HubPages would put money or even effort into scraper prevention to retain hubbers.
Link to hub gives 404 message, does not exist.
You can run you content through Copyscape.
This one does not require any sign up and is free http://smallseotools.com/plagiarism-checker/
If you see dates, anything but good, click on those lines of text to see where the content is being picked up at.
Anyone else getting a "Maintenance" notification on the site now?
I saw that earlier as well. Hopefully the site stays down!
Thanks. I found the website that plagiarized my content. They even stole photographs of my kids! I am so upset right now. The site is called www.2uidea.com if anybody else wants to look at it. They have tons of articles up there, so they may have stolen articles from some other hubbers.
I filed a DMCA through Google and contacted the fraud department at GoDaddy because they are the ones hosting the site that stole my content. I don't know what other actions I should take. I am extremely upset right now.
Filing a DMCA with google will produce nothing as google neither owns nor hosts the site. Godaddy was the proper place, and with a DMCA as the stolen material is on their server.
HubPages won't unpublish your Hub because someone else copied it AFTER you published it. They will unpublish if they think you copied it from somewhere else.
Is it possible you posted that same article on another site previously?
HubPages do occasionally make mistakes. I had one of mine unpublished after it appeared on another website a couple of hours after it had been published on here.
Didn't take too much effort to rectify though, only a couple of emails, and so was republished whilst I was getting copied work taken down
No Marisa, it's not possible that I published it elsewhere. I don't get the chance to write for myself often, so it's easy to keep track of my work. I spend most of my time writing for content mills.
I found the link to the plagiarized content and left a bunch of comments. I also contacted GoDaddy (the host) and reported it. The content that 2uidea.com stole from me has been removed.
I'm just shocked that they stole it to begin with. They even stole the photographs of my kids. They plagiarized my entire article.
Ugh, I had my article plagiarized from 2uidea.com... I was the third article to get copied to that site!! Hub Pages deleted my article, and I thought there was NO change someone could copy it that fast, but they were! Hub Pages didn't even tell me where they got the duplicate content from, they just took it down! I was very upset, as, like everyone, I spent a great deal of time writing a quality article. When I found out it was that stupid website, they had a phone number up. I called that guy immediately (it's a website in Thailand, sells jewelry or something) and he only deleted mine! When I looked at that site further, everything was from Hub Pages!!
Go Daddy is actually not the hosting site, it's just where they bought the domain. The hosting site is domaincontrol.com. I filed the DMCA with them, and they didn't even bother with anything. I notified Hub Pages that all of these Hubs were getting stolen, and their response was that everyone had to file DMCAs individually and they wouldn't step in! They said there was nothing they would do, but I'm sure they kept unpublishing writers' articles! I started emailing writers individually when their articles got stolen, but it was too much to keep up with. So what changed on Hub Pages end? Did Hub Pages finally realize that that idiot was not going to stop stealing and that they were going to have to deal with a bunch of angry writers? Why the heck didn't they do this earlier?!
If you go to this page, it will show you where the copied content was found:
Millionaire Tips, it says that I am not authorized to view that page.
Thank you, ThatMommyBloggger, for finding that 2uidea site. It looks like they are stealing from Hubpages right and left, especially hubs which have been published in the last two weeks. I just started a new thread warning writers here to check it out for their own stolen content.
You're welcome, SmartAndFun. I hope the site gets shut down. It's not fair for them to steal from so many people.
I just had this same problem with a Hub I published on another account. The site mentioned in this post stole it before it had a chance to get through QAP. Now HP has flagged it as duplicate.
Once it was indexed Google seemed to recognize it as the original and it even landed on the first page in the SERPs. In other words, I am losing traffic and $$ because my Hub has been disabled.
I have contacted HP and I hope they certify my Hub as original and reinstate it.
This 2uidea site has to go down. In the meantime, can HubPages do something to protect Hubs while they are in the QAP process? Maybe prevent them from being viewed or accessed until they have passed QAP?
That sounds like a great idea. Not only would it prevent hubs from being stolen before they are featured on HP, I think it might also help prevent some of the raging that goes on regarding low quality hubs, as many of the worst would never be seen by other hubbers who might not understand that these low-quality hubs never gained featured status. It would help also us identify the low-quality hubs that slip through the QAP, as we wouldn't be wasting time weeding through the bad ones that never get featured.
Yeah, I think that would help, but hubs could still be stolen from the Hub Hopping system.
Indeed, it's during the QAP that these newest ones are being scraped and HP does need to address this issue! ++++
If the info in the other thread is correct, this guy does have an HP account. So, that's how he's getting Hubs so quickly. I do hope HP tightens things up so this can't happen again.
I also had my 2 hubs stolen from 2uidea. I too have already contacted hubpages and I'm waiting for them to reply.
I only contacted HubPages with the hope that they would realize the mistake in dinging my Hub as duplicate content and reinstate it. HubPages can't help you with getting your content removed from that website. We have to deal with that ourselves.
I hope they reinstate mine, too. I'm still so angry and upset about this. My hub had more than 2500 words and a bunch of photographs that I took myself. It's infuriating to lose that much work to some scammer.
And I know that HubPages doesn't help us get stolen content removed, but in this situation, I think they should do something. Even if it's just emailing GoDaddy or sending a quick note to Google. This guy/girl has stolen hundreds -- possibly even thousands -- of hubs. That takes a decent amount of potential income away from HP.
I too had a hub stolen that was marked as a duplicate. A friend of mine pointed it out to me and told me that it was on another site. I went to www.2uidea.com found it and told them that they had better take my hub off their site or I would report them. They immediately took it down. However, I still do not know how to "Unduplicate" the hub on hubpages. I wish they made it easier to report these errors on their part.
I feel your pain ThatMommyBlogger, I am afraid now to post any new material on this site until we can be reassured this will not happen again over and over. My original post is now on two other sites making money for these crooks, and the one they stole from on this site in locked down as a duplicate here at Hub even though it has now been proven the original post the photos are mine everything was just taken. I had to spend all day rewriting my own article so it would be different from my original post that they stole from me in the first place. Makes me very sick to think about it.
Cygnetbrown please edit your post so that the link to 2uidea is broken. We do not want to help this thief out by supplying him/her with backlinks. Thanks.
How are you guys dealing with the absence of an authorized copy (your hub) to link to in DMCA notices when HubPages has unpublished your hubs? Is the ISP honoring the DMCAs without the original pages existing?
It's too bad HubPages can't put some kind of timestamp on hubs that their automated filters would recognize to avoid this problem. I hope they come up with something soon because I can see how this would quickly cause new users to leave HubPages.
HP should have exactly that. When my hub was eventually indexed by Google they (Google) immediately recognized it as the original and posted a time predating the scraper. I assume they could have only gotten that info from HP.
If HP looks closely they should be able to clearly see that the flagged Hubs are indeed originals. Filters make mistakes, but to a human person this should be evident.
As for the DMCAs, HP could sure help our case by restoring the moderated Hubs. .
Totally Shocked,
This was very upsetting, a site steals my work from my Hub after my Hub was published, then my Hub was deleted as being plagiarism because this site has taken my work from the Hub site, and now my Hub is branded a duplicate because they took my work from right under your sites noise. I then have to rewrite my Hub, do some investigating, and see the site that took my Hub is up with ads and my original Hub is now marked a Duplicate by the Hub site??
Anyhow, when will my certified original "rewritten hub" be scored, or will it forever be penalized because someone hijacked my first Hub on this subject right after it was published from this Hub site. I am still in shock about this ... I am accused of plagiarism because they steal my Hub from the Hub site right after it is published from Hub, this makes me afraid to write anything else on the Hub site. Now my original is on two other sites one called 2uidea, and the other bkgjewelry using my old links???
CERTIFIED ORIGINAL: This Hub has been granted an exception and is no longer considered by HubPages to be duplicated
Despite being identified by our system as having content that is duplicated elsewhere on the web, this Hub has been reviewed and granted an exception.
Very bewildered, perplexed, and confused,
I sent a message to the Hubpages copyright team at 3:04 AM yesterday informing them of the situation, and they responded at 12:03 PM to release my Hub.
It took a few days to have mine reinstated, but it might have been because I emailed HP during the weekend.
Hi Molly Layton,
Yes they release my "rewritten" Hub last night, but my original hub that was stolen is now just making money for the thief's that took it on that evil article stealing site "2unidea dot com". My name is at the bottom of their post, but the contact information is dead because Hub marked my original post as "Duplicated" and "Plagiarism" ... that was the post they took from me that I spent two weeks working on to complete. So basically I am plagiarizing my own work that these people stole from my Hub as soon as my post was posted. So when you post something if someone likes it they can steals it for free, and your post gets the "Duplicated Plagiarism tag" and they get to keep your work up for free, and make money on it, while you spend the day trying to get your work back up by rewriting your own article so it does not match the one they just stole from you. Not very encouraging to continue to work on stories and post for my Hub site
Depressed, Glenn
If this happens to you again (hopefully it won't), don't revise your article. Leave it as you originally wrote it and work on getting the copy taken down instead. Once the illegal copy is taken down, yours will be the only one on the web.
Thank you SmartAndFun for your good advice, I just hope the Hub site can get this issue resolved before they lose a lot of great writers. It is sad evil people take advantage of good hearted people and sites like Hub that are trying to improve the world pool on knowledge. I do not know how "2unidea dot com" was able to do this so boldly to so many people.
Thank you again,
Molly: Yes, some others have already posted that they were seeing it too.
Oh, in case anyone is wondering, here it the guy and a link to his Facebook page. I talked with him on the phone. Not a very smart guy!:
https://www dot facebook dot com/somlarb.tosomparb
Yes! The "site is under maintenance" post just made my whole day. I was really upset about the site stealing from so many hard-working Hubbers. I can't stand plagiarism.
Happy "Day-After-April-Fool's-Day"!
It is true; the site is temporarily unavailable.
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