Adding picture/name next to search results increases traffic?

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  1. alexadry profile image90
    alexadryposted 11 years ago

    As others, I am saddened by the recent Google update and drop in traffic,(luckily I have my eggs in different baskets) but what really ticks me off is that articles written recently (like a month ago!) by the average Joe and clearly copied from mine are outranking me! What I noticed is that when I look at the Google search results for certain keywords, many articles that outrank mine have the author's pictures next to the article along with their name. I am assuming Google likes this even though when you click on the picture or author's name little or no credentials are listed. I was wondering if there is a way for us to add our pictures next to the search results along with our name? Also, many have a note about having a total amount of followers in their 'Google circles" is there a way we can have as well a note about being involved in Google circles, and if so, how do we do this? Just trying to figure out what Google is looking for lately.

    1. WorkAtHomeMums profile image81
      WorkAtHomeMumsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Are you referring to google authorship?

      1. Marketing Merit profile image84
        Marketing Meritposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        That's what it sounds like to me at least.

  2. Mark Ewbie profile image61
    Mark Ewbieposted 11 years ago

    Funny how spammers with a Gmail account and Google Authorship - plus a picture of someone else - are plagiarising content and ranking higher.

    Another genius idea from Google.

    Now seriously.  Do you want a company that sells secrets to the US government to have your profile picture?  At what point do you stop and think - how much information do they really need?

    I have Google Authorship but they don't like my profile pic.  Tough.  That's the limit for me of playing their game.

  3. Glenn Stok profile image95
    Glenn Stokposted 11 years ago

    Everything you mentioned can be done for any Hubber. You are talking about Google Authorship. You need to start with completing your Google profile. You already have a Google account if you are using AdSense or gmail email. 

    You need to have a real head shot of yourself in our Google profile.

    Then include a link to your Google profile in the Google URL field in your HUbPages profile. HP will create the appropriate link to Google with "rel=me" in the link. But you don't need to be concerned about that when claiming authorship for your hubs. HP made this step easy.

    Next, you need to place a reciprocal link in your Google profile pointing back to your HP profile. 

    If you do all that correctly you will have Authorship established. Google still decides if they place you image in the SERP listings. But it usually works out if you have a real image.

    Your extra info about how many people have you in their circles will also be included if you are active with Google Plus and are getting followers.

    If you want to understand the entire process, I wrote a hub detailing Google Authorship for HP and other platforms.

    1. Purpose Embraced profile image82
      Purpose Embracedposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Alexadry, if you are interested in Google authorship, you might find this  hub helpful: … rch-Engine

      1. alexadry profile image90
        alexadryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Very helpful, thanks! You provided me with the answer of how long it takes. I did the snippet test and my picture shows but not yet in real search results. Your hub gave me the expected timeframe.

  4. alexadry profile image90
    alexadryposted 11 years ago

    Thanks all, for explaining this to me.  OK, so that's what it is! I have a picture on my Google profile, but it's me surrounded by my doggies, I guess Google doesn't like that because it's not a head shot. Will try to fix that. I am not that active on Google +, guess I will need to be more active there as well!

    1. profile image0
      Jennifer Sucheyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Just so you know, I got my Google authorship set up about a month ago, but Google has yet to decide to actually show my photo next to my results in searches. I hear it can really vary as to how fast it shows up, and can randomly come down and then go back up. Yet another mysterious quirk of Google's.

      1. alexadry profile image90
        alexadryposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Hmm... I changed my picture yesterday and used a head shot. I have yet to see the picture next to my search results. It did say that it may take a while to show, but wow a month seems like a lot of time! I wonder why.. I tested mine in a special "tester" service and it showed that it works, but then when I search it's no where to find. Anyhow, if anybody wants to join my circle, please do and I  will make sure I follow you too!

  5. earner profile image81
    earnerposted 11 years ago

    Never heard of this.  I'm shy and have no photos of me .... I don't want my face plastered on the Internet..... bummer

  6. danciasusilo profile image81
    danciasusiloposted 11 years ago

    Google said it takes time. I've heard many people waiting over a month until it is up which sucks. I'm not sure I did if I did it right or wrong. The tester confuses me too :$


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