More stolen hubs.....Arghhh!

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  1. Act 3 profile image68
    Act 3posted 10 years ago

    After reading the other forums on copied hubs, I ran a check on several of mine. I found two at:
    http://the-alps (dot) us/
    and I suspect there are lots of other hubbers' hubs there. A quick search found a hub by Admiral Murrah, but there are many articles on the site, obviously copied.
    Also one hub at:
    http://www.sarenvers(dot)com/ (Beauty up my Life).
    A quick search found hubs by John Bonan (appears to be inactive), jstankevicz (also inactive) and janderson99. If you have anything health or beauty related, it is worth checking.

    I have sent my first round of DMCA notices.

    1. mochirajackson profile image62
      mochirajacksonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I clicked on the link and it has gone - hopefully this one has been closed down.

      1. Act 3 profile image68
        Act 3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        That's actually an incomplete link.
        sarenvers (dot) com is still up and running and posting "new" content, unfortunately.

  2. mochirajackson profile image62
    mochirajacksonposted 10 years ago

    Oh, yes, sorry - wishful thinking, I guess! I will take another look. Thanks for making us aware of this.

  3. Millionaire Tips profile image89
    Millionaire Tipsposted 10 years ago

    My traffic has definitely gone down, so I am sure there is some content somewhere.  I wasn't able to find it on the other sites that we have been discussing so far.  I'll look here.  Thanks for letting us know.

  4. Act 3 profile image68
    Act 3posted 10 years ago

    In addition to janderson99, there are hubs there from

    healthyannie - yoga poses - sun salutations....
    rontlog - minmalist wardrobe for women....
    my girl sara - types of yoga.....
    janis goad - running warm up exercises from yoga
    avorodisa - My sahaja yoga experience

    ...and many more, including a lot of hubbers with no recent activity. Weight loss, hair loss, yoga, exercise and related health topics are the focus of most of the hubs that have been copied there.

  5. Act 3 profile image68
    Act 3posted 10 years ago

    After my second round of searching, I found the webhost for sarenvers dot com. This is the answer I got back from my DMCA notice:


    Please provide us with the copyright number for your claim so that we can verify this content is copyrighted and is yours...

    Please let us know if you need anything else..."

    I'm not sure what they mean by copyright number. The page url was included in my original email. Any ideas from those that have gone through this with other sites?

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      If you actually register copyright, then you'd have a copyright number.  However as you know, that's not necessary.   

      Did you follow their instructions?

      Assuming you did, then I'd simply reply and say that a copyright number is not required by law.

    2. Writer Fox profile image39
      Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This is the right address to send the DMCA notice to have your content removed:

      Is that the address you used?
      Go to your Hub and add this copyright notice at the bottom:

      Copyright © 2012-2014 Chet Thomas. All Rights Reserved.

      (Use the date of the year you first published in place of 2012 above.  If you published it this year, then just put © 2014.

      Then, if the email was from the address above, reply that your copyright notice is on the webpage and that they are required by law to stop posting your plagiarized content.

      Also, advise them that if your content is not removed from their server within 48 hours, that you will contact Velocity Servers in Buffalo.

  6. RachaelOhalloran profile image82
    RachaelOhalloranposted 10 years ago

    If you file a stolen content DMCA, they only require your link to actual hub, the link to where the infringed work now appears and some text that YOURS starts with and any identifying text you want to include.  It is a short form, with like 7 spots to fill in.  No mention of a copyright number at all. Go to this link: … 4905?hl=en
    select WEB SEARCH
    then select YES, I AM THE OWNER

    This is only if it is not Blogger or a Wordpress site you are reporting.

    Good luck

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That link is only for filing with Google, to have the content removed from the search results.  It does nothing to get the site taken down, and of course the content is still visible on Bing and Yahoo!

      Act3 was asking about filing with the host, so the site can be closed down.

      1. RachaelOhalloran profile image82
        RachaelOhalloranposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Fine. He can still follow Writer Fox's advice in any of the forums where he tells  how to use WHOIS to locate that information.

  7. Act 3 profile image68
    Act 3posted 10 years ago

    Thanks Marisa, Writer Fox and Rachael! Very helpful! I'll follow up tonight or tomorrow morning.

  8. Act 3 profile image68
    Act 3posted 10 years ago

    The webhost for serenvers (dot) com is BlueVM Communications LLC. Here is their response this morning:

    While that's true there is a legal requirement to have a copyright filed with the United States Copyright Office to make a claim of infringement legally. On top of that the article you have written is a combination of 5 other people's work and not your own based on the data presented.

    I'm not trying to argue with you... I just can't take down a website based on this limited information and lack of documentation. I either need a full DCMA request in writing or a legal violation of some form to take someone's site down.

    If you would like I can pass the request for removal to the owner of the site... then hopefully they'd remove the article, but I can't guarantee it..."

    I am writing back to them, but DMCA notices from others who had had their work stolen would help. Email

    These writers include: janderson99, healthyannie, rontlog, my girl sara, janis goad, avorodisa. There are a lot of stolen articles on health and beauty topics there!

    1. Marisa Wright profile image86
      Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      What do they mean by, " ... the article you have written is a combination of 5 other people's work and not your own based on the data presented."?

      And do you know what he means by a "full DCMA request"?   Did you use the full correct wording on your original email?

      1. Act 3 profile image68
        Act 3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Marisa, thanks for your continued interest. I think he is just trying to be difficult. He may be referring to the photos in the article where I have listed the source of the photos or to the video included. (Note - those photos are not on the sarenvers site. It list the photo source, but they are not there.)

        I did use the full correct wording. I am going to email a pdf that is a notarized copy of the letter tomorrow. Additional suggestions welcome!

  9. Act 3 profile image68
    Act 3posted 10 years ago

    After I submitted a DMCA request a second time to BlueVM Communications LLC (webhost for sarenvers dot com), they became non-responsive. As far as I can tell, the actual website owner is in Panama, but there is no contact info.

    I can contact Google next, but are there other suggestions or next steps? (The content is still up.)

  10. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    This appears to be a wordpress blog--so they might be a bit more responsive?  because this guy is talking nonsense.

    Oops. no, they are .org -- and no advertisers to go after either.

    If you could share a link or two of an original hub and their copy (break the url to avoid a live link) I would be happy to spend some time trying to make their life more difficult smile

    1. RachaelOhalloran profile image82
      RachaelOhalloranposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The url is not a Wordpress dot com site. 

      It is a  Wordpress dot ORG site, which is different from the dot COM site.

      If you go to this page,  wordpress dot org slash about slash contact
      you might get a good result on their form.

      On whois page they have the same contact you wrote above -enom.

      But if you go down further to the Registrant Email, there is a slew of numbers followed by dotPROTECT@WHOISGUARD dot com

      There is another website for abuse of enom's domains.
      Go to http://www dot enom dot com slash help slash AbusePolicy dot aspx

      This is a copy and paste from their page:
      As one of the largest Internet domain name and infrastructure providers, eNom's registrar and ancillary services business have a large and dedicated team constantly striving to improve the security of the Internet. Whether we are proactively taking bad actors offline or investigating reports of abuse, safeguarding the online interests of consumers and organizations is a challenging job that we take very seriously.

      I would fill out that form and give them as much info on the form with links as you can and see if it gets a response.

      I hope this helps. I'll keep an eye out for a better contact

      1. Act 3 profile image68
        Act 3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks - I think I will respond back to the email enom sent me and see if they can/will do anything else.

    2. Act 3 profile image68
      Act 3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      psycheskinner - you are awesome!
      my hub: http://act3.hubpages(dot)com/hub/Yoga-for-Beginners-A-Six-Pose-Sequence
      their copy: http://www.sarenvers (dot) com/yoga/easy-yoga-for-beginners-simple-poses-for-home-practice.html

      my girl sara's hub: http://mygirlsara.hubpages(dot)com/hub/Types-of-Yoga-Choose-One-Thats-Right-For-You
      their copy: http://www.sarenvers (dot) com/yoga/types-of-yoga-choose-one-thats-right-for-you.html

      There are many more, but it seems as if a lot of the hubs are from inactive hubbers.

  11. psycheskinner profile image76
    psycheskinnerposted 10 years ago

    It's .org, and they won't do a thing about DMCA

    1. RachaelOhalloran profile image82
      RachaelOhalloranposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I'd fill out the darn form anyway and  I'd keep filling it out every day until someone answered me!
      And I'd keep filing with Google immediately after.

      Go to http://www dot enom dot com slash help slash AbusePolicy dot aspx

      They have an email for their legal department: I'd shoot them an email too. legal @ enom dot com
      Phone number 425-274-4500
      FAX 425-974-4791

    2. RachaelOhalloran profile image82
      RachaelOhalloranposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Looks like Bubblews is talking about  the same website. This showed up in my search results
        http://www dot bubblews dot com slash news slash 2774599   -catching-the  -thief-  sarenverscom

      1. Act 3 profile image68
        Act 3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Good. I believe that post is from one of the hubbers I notified.

    3. Act 3 profile image68
      Act 3posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Enom was the first place I emailed. They responded right away, but said since they were just the name registrant and not the webhost or ISP, there was not much they could do. They did send me in the right direction to find the webhost (BlueVM Communications).


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