Traffic Sources For Your Hub Pages

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  1. crazyhorsesghost profile image86
    crazyhorsesghostposted 10 years ago

    I would like to start off by introducing myself. Most of the older people and staff know that I am Thomas Byers also known here and around the web as Crazyhorsesghost. I have made it on the web and made money when no one else could. I was one of the first to make $1000 a day plus back in the very early days of blogging. Back then I did it with free hosted blogs, free sites, and etc. At one point in time I was known as the King of Blogs. Most of that was with adult. I have long since stopped doing adult.

    One thing I love teaching people is how to make money. And yes even today I make money. I won't give an exact dollar figure but I make as much or more than the US President does a year  and I do it all from my living room setting here in front of my computer. Okay now that we have all the BS out of the way I'm going straight to the reason for this thread. I see people post all the time that they only get so much traffic or that Google doesn't like them. Or they can't make money. I say get up off the floor dust yourself off and lets make money. Because yes you can make money. But you can't depend on Google to love you all the time or give you all your traffic.

    You must look for and cultivate alternative traffic sources to Google. The best place to look for traffic is in niche specific forums. For example if you do great Hub Pages on Gardening join forums where you can have a signature and do great posts at those forums with a link in your signature leading back to your gardening Hub Page.

    And make that Gardening Hub Page a mini authority site. It should have photos you produce, videos, polls, and 1500 or more words giving great helpful information on gardening. From the bottom of that gardening Hub Page link out to a dozen or more other gardening Hub Pages each on its own niche specific topic. If you'll do that you will succeed. And in 6 months to a year you can be making enough money to pay a lot of your bills. Its not going to happen over night. Never is. No way. Its going to take a little time and effort on your part to ever get there. If you want to make the big money its going to take a lot of time investment. The money is out there if you'll go for it. 300 - 700 word Hub Pages are never going to make the big money. Buy yourself a nice digital camera and get busy shooting photos. Proofread what you write and check the spelling and grammar. Get real niche specific. And always think outside the box. Try to come up with ways you can promote your Hub Pages on your own. I'm going to stay with the gardening theme for an example. Have business cards printed up with say. Joe Smith , The Gardening Expert, Free Advise, Recipes and More. No that's not my site. Don't even know if it is a real site.

    Buy a domain like that at Go Daddy and go into the settings at Go Daddy and set it up with masked forwarding to forward that domain to your main Hub Page on gardening.  Put out business cards and flyers every where you can. And I mean everywhere. Make signs and put them up at busy intersections. Get everyone and his uncles brother to type that domain in and come to your mini authority Hub Page site. Do a email signature with that domain URL in it. Put that URL out every where possible. Get people to that site. Do anything and everything possible to get people to that URL. Do that and you will succeed. Buy bumper stickers with that URL on them and pass them out to friends and family. Do You Tube Videos on related subjects to what your doing and give the URL out in the video and in the video description.

    Okay digest that and I will be back with more. If you have questions feel free to ask. I will be back. Remember if you build it they will come. But you have to let them know your there. How can you let them know your there. How???????????????

    1. Barbara Kay profile image75
      Barbara Kayposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for motivating me to get busy again.

    2. Froggy213 profile image63
      Froggy213posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Great information. It is about marketing. I love the bumper sticker thing. Business cards placed in odd places also helps. I have used many of these ideas with our website and they work. Listen to what the King says. He may say it is BS, but in all actuality.....

    3. susi10 profile image85
      susi10posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, it seems like you have a lot of knowledge on writing here and getting traffic. Thank you for the motivational post, I have learned a lot from it.

    4. csmiravite-blogs profile image74
      csmiravite-blogsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      The first assumption here, is you will only write about one specific niche, like gardening. I can relate to what you say  since I only write about one specific niche ----National Government Accounting of the Philippines (NGAS)----and the accountancy profession. But reading from other hubbers, I can see that they can write about varied subject matters and still get the traffic. Some of them are good in SEO that they managed to hit the 1M to 10M view counts in many niches. Increasing the number of views is still something that I have to learn. Thanks to this posts as it made me realized that there are still other ways of marketing myself.


    5. LuisEGonzalez profile image79
      LuisEGonzalezposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      This is not new. However, you put it in very simple, no nonsense terms therefore making it easier to apply.

  2. marieloves profile image69
    marielovesposted 10 years ago

    How informative and very inspiring! Thanks!

  3. janshares profile image96
    jansharesposted 10 years ago

    Wow, crazyhorseghost, this is some good stuff. You don't play. I love the 'get serious' message you have here. Excellent advice and strategy points. I've learned in my own hubbing experience that strategy is key. Success is so much bigger than writing a quality hub. I look forward to seeing more.

  4. crazyhorsesghost profile image86
    crazyhorsesghostposted 10 years ago

    First of all no the information is not new but a lot of people don't do the very simple things I outlined above. They set back and hope that Google will smile on them when that's really not going to happen in most cases.

    I have Hub Pages right now that are 2-3 years old that have a million plus views. I have some evergreen topics like gardening and some recipe Hubs that get several thousand views a day.

    And anyone can do this. Anyone.


    If your not using Pinterest you should be. And when you write the description for the photo always use hash tags to tag your photos to make them more visible on Pinterest.

    # that is a Hash Tag.

    For example if I had a photo of growing bell peppers in containers I would add the below Hash Tags to the photo description.

    #Gardening #Bell_Peppers #Growing_Bell_Peppers #Container_Gardening

    Shoot nice large photos for Pinterest. The bigger the better.

    I always put Click Photo For Recipe for example if its a recipe photo right on the photo. I am talking about adding the text to the photo.

    Join groups at Facebook, Yahoo, and Google that are niche specific to what your Hub Pages are about and then post about your Hub Pages in posts you do to those groups. Do it gradually while giving other on topic information and you will find huge traffic coming in.

    Eventually work on starting 3-5 Blogs at Blogger on the subjects you write most about at Hub Pages. You get 100 percent of the Ad Revenue from your Blogger Blogs and I have some that are now paying me hundreds of dollars a month. You can do the same.

    The thing you need to do is market yourself and your work. Always be looking for more ways to do this.

    Okay I will be back with more. If you have questions feel free to ask.

    1. csmiravite-blogs profile image74
      csmiravite-blogsposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, crazyhorsesghost, I've tracked you down in various portals and your work looks great. I have even tracked you in the warrior forum. I'll try to study what you are doing and see If I can apply some of it for myself. Again, thanks for this post.  smile


      1. crazyhorsesghost profile image86
        crazyhorsesghostposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks for your kind words. I hope some of it helps you and I will be back and post more. Remember everyone if you build it they will come. But you have to let them know your there.

  5. SolveMyMaze profile image46
    SolveMyMazeposted 10 years ago

    Excellent post! You've detailed a lot of the vital information that for people of all IM levels to put into action themselves.

    Of course, if you're doing link building for your main site, be it micro niche or authority, you could use HubPages as a cheap and effective way to get a PR7 backlink to each of your individual pages (just make sure the content per hub is unique).

  6. JulieMProvost profile image60
    JulieMProvostposted 10 years ago

    That totally makes sense. Sounds like a lot of work but it would be worth it. I would love to make as much as the President smile


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