Some 'silly questions' as a Newbies to Revenue Sharing.

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  1. Raine Law Yuen profile image83
    Raine Law Yuenposted 9 years ago

    I've just had google adsence approved on my hub. I am very new to all this and have read  as much as I can on this topic from fellow hubbers and the learning section but somehow there are pieces that just don't click in my head  - I'm thinking maybe I'm just not getting something - maybe other newbies like me to revenue sharing might share my same confusions but too embarrassed to ask - so I'm going to take the plunge and ask - please forgive me if you think any of these questions are silly.

    Question 1
    Does google adsence and HP select the ads to your HP or does the publisher need to do this?

    Question 2
    I don't see any ads when  I read other hub pages - I know ads must be subtle but I don't see any. Am I blind or do the ads only appear to readers that are not on HP's Sorry this one really stumps me. - LOL

    Question 3
    I am reading that both Google and HP hate affiliate marketing and I understand not to populate a hub with advertising but isn't the revenue sharing program  ultimately what motivates many to write and belong to HP's ?( even although we may  love writing for writings sake).  Are not Google adsence and Amazon affiliate marketers?
    I'm confused because on the one hand we are encouraged to sign up for the revenue sharing program but on the other hand I am getting a mixed  message to not participate in this activity.
    Am I misunderstanding something here?

    Question 4
    if there are no adverts on an approved revenue sharing hub - do you  still earn income from  incoming traffic? What is the earnings ration? IE How does one calculate the amount of traffic in relation to earnings - i'e how many clicks to earn a cent or unit of income..

    Would really appreciate if  you can answer any of these 'silly'  questions?

  2. aa lite profile image85
    aa liteposted 9 years ago

    Hi Raine,

    There is no such thing as a silly question. Here are my answers:

    1. HP and Google Adsense select the ads, you don't need to do anything. Actually, if you use Adsense on your own sites, but not HP, you get some control, you can on your Adsense account page say that you don't want certain types of ads. But this does not apply to your HP hubs. All you need to do is put your Adsense associate number into your HP account and decide whether you want to stick with Adsense or use HP Ads.

    2. Believe me the ads aren't all that subtle. My guess is that you are using a computer with adblock (a browser extension which makes all the ads disappear). Try a different computer or disable your adblock.

    3. Saying that Google and HP hate affiliate marketing is an oversimplification. Google doesn't like excessive affiliate marketing, and pages that have no original content except for the affiliate links. If you put in a few amazon capsules that are relevant to your hub, and a lot of original content, Google won't hate you. HP doesn't like it when you use your own affiliate links, since they don't earn from them. However you are allowed two links to your own associate accounts(I think). HP likes it when you use Amazon modules since they earn from them, as long as used in moderation.

    If you have no adverts on a hub, you won't earn anything. It's difficult to say how much you can earn, the CPM (how much you earn per thousand views) varies widely. Anything from $2 to $10. And HP takes 40% of this as part of revenue sharing.

    1. relache profile image72
      relacheposted 9 years agoin reply to this … y-HubPages

      Above is the link to the Learning center section that discusses all the revenue earning options.

      HubPages has reported that the sidewise CPM average is $2-$4.

      It is inaccurate to say that HubPages takes 40% of the revenue because they do not split the revenue with users, they split the impression share on your pages.  You get 100% of the earnings that occur during a randomized 60% of the impression time.

      1. aa lite profile image85
        aa liteposted 9 years agoin reply to this

        I stand corrected. True HP share the impressions rather than the revenue as such. However, assuming that the impressions are shared fairly and HP don't take their 'share' from the peak viewing times, I would expect 40% of impressions to translate to 40% of the revenue.

        1. relache profile image72
          relacheposted 9 years agoin reply to this

          If no user activity were to take place during your random 60% of the timeshare, you would earn nothing.  Likewise if no user activity takes place during the randomized impression times that HubPages gets, they don't earn. 

          Your assumption that user activity and ad clicks occur evenly across all times and activity of the site is not how actual web traffic works.

          1. aa lite profile image85
            aa liteposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Yep, but as you say the impressions are randomised. Or are you implying that HP takes its impressions at a time when there is the most traffic?

            1. relache profile image72
              relacheposted 9 years agoin reply to this

              I am not implying that, as I said already.  The randomization is truly random.  We've had users in the past actually test their pages.


          2. Raine Law Yuen profile image83
            Raine Law Yuenposted 9 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks Relache for this feedback. I am a little delayed in getting back to you - I found myself on your page and got lost reading your many very interesting  posts.  Ok so when you say inactive - are you referring to a publisher that does not post regularly or a post that is not receiving any viewers?

    2. Raine Law Yuen profile image83
      Raine Law Yuenposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Ah, this really helps. A relief to know that it is my browser that is not picking up the ads -  Thought I was missing something that everyone else assumed to know. Although everything we need to know is probably well covered by HP's - it's always easier to understand things when a fellow hubber also explains it. I forgot to ask whether a publisher is restricted from using the  google adsence  and amazon account on another platform such as a personal website once signed up with HP's?

      Thanks so much for your support - its really encouraging to get such quick feedback and clearly  explained answers.


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