It is the holy grail of coffee cups. It will become your life long quest.
You will write a hub about your journey and it will be so charming and relate-able, that everyone who reads it will post it on their FB page, and soon after, it will go viral. It will be voted "most awesome hub" ... EVER. Then one day, you will hear a knock at the door, you will open it, and it will be Paul and Robin E. They wont say a word... they'll just look at you... no words are necessary. You know it, they know it... it's your time... your time to shine. They will carefully place a hand-crafted, simple wooden box in your hands... your eyes will mist up. You'll slowly begin to open the box, Robin will look at Paul, and his eyes will meet hers, *this* is why they do what they do. He will give her hand a squeeze as a tear runs down her cheek. You will reach into the box, lift the mug gently out, and like the winner you are, you will lift it high in the sky. Nothing else matters, this is the moment you only dreamed about, but never thought you'd see come to fruition. It's your Hubpages mug moment. We, your fellow hubbers will somehow sense what's happening, and in silence, support, and quiet awe, we will all raise our plain coffee mugs high in the air, in salute.