Did The Order of Import Change?

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  1. pkmcruk profile image77
    pkmcrukposted 10 years ago

    I wondered if there had been some change to the proposed order of import? We understood that the people who clicked early on to move their Squidoo accounts to HubPages would be the first to be moved. However, from reports in various groups many people who clicked to do so much later have had their lenses moved over and many of us who clicked early haven't.

    I have been building new hubs in anticipation of the move but am really keen to get to work on my 127 lenses when they come over. Communication and interaction here from the management team has been excellent and we are very grateful for it. But I wondered if there was some way in which you could give an update on the transfer process?

    1. NanLT profile image81
      NanLTposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Must admit, I have been curious about this because I was fairly certain I had clicked the green button and set up a transfer account here within the first 24 hours, yet people who say they signed up 2 or 3 days after have already been transferred, and as of this moment none of mine have moved over.

    2. Aquamarine18 profile image56
      Aquamarine18posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for asking the question I am sure many of us were dying to ask Paul! I was getting quite worried too, seeing that I pressed the famous green button a day after the announcement and I am still waiting for the transfer. I will just have to try an be patient though, since the transfer order seems to be a bit random.

  2. LisaAuch1 profile image64
    LisaAuch1posted 10 years ago

    Thank you for posting this Question Pkmcruk.  I think a few of us are beginning to question....did we press that button? have we set everything up right....

    A little update would sure be appreciated.


  3. TreasuresBrenda profile image56
    TreasuresBrendaposted 10 years ago

    Yes, I am also a bit concerned about whether or not I pressed the button and did everything correctly...an update would reduce that concern.

  4. Paula Atwell profile image70
    Paula Atwellposted 10 years ago

    Me me me *waving hand to join the conversation*!

  5. SheilaMilne profile image95
    SheilaMilneposted 10 years ago

    Yes, me too, me too.  It's quite worrying.  I feel I'm in some sort of suspended animation.

  6. Ramkitten2000 profile image90
    Ramkitten2000posted 10 years ago

    Count me in on this question, also. I clicked on the transfer button ... geez, minutes after seeing the announcement, which I believe was within 30 minutes of it showing up on my Squidoo dashboard. I figured, might as well get on with it. I don't mind waiting, especially if they're working out transfer bugs, but I do admit I've been wondering when this might happen. I have 247 lenses that are soon-to-be-hubs that I'm antsy to start fixing up for their new home (or moving them if they just aren't going to fly here).

    Thanks for asking about this, Paul.

  7. profile image0
    fluffanuttaposted 10 years ago

    If you had successfully pressed "the green button", then you should have an email from HubPages with the subject "Welcome to HubPages".

    "Your HubPages account has been created, but your Lenses will remain live on the Squidoo platform until they are ready to be imported as Hubs. You will receive another email from us when the import process is completed."

    1. pkmcruk profile image77
      pkmcrukposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Tim I think we all got the email confirming the thing had been set up. The issue seems to be that we were expecting the transfer of early clickers and are reading reports from many who clicked much later that their lenses have moved over.

      So we are just seeking a little clarification around what we were expecting to happen. :-)

  8. Dressage Husband profile image68
    Dressage Husbandposted 10 years ago

    I too am wondering, however if you click on the lenses showing on the Squidoo home page about a third of them are in fact now Hubs. Today's LOTD is for the first time actually a Hub. Therefore I am thinking they are still only about a third of the way through the top featured lensmasters.

    So I think around 20 to 30 thousand have been moved so far as an estimate. At this rate it will take 5 to 6 weeks to move them all. Hope the process gets faster as they gain experience.

  9. profile image0
    fluffanuttaposted 10 years ago

    Out of 166k lenses that I'm monitoring, only 8.5% of them have been transferred so far...

    1. pkmcruk profile image77
      pkmcrukposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for that information Tim. As I say, no-one is complaining, we are just wondering whether the HubPages Management Team could bring us up to date on whether things are working differently to how they originally outlined so that we can plan accordingly.

    2. GypsyOwl profile image71
      GypsyOwlposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you, fluffanutta.

  10. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
    Paul Edmondsonposted 10 years ago

    We are moving the people that associated an account with HubPages first, but the order is a bit random.

    We are still working on a few things to speed up the process.

    I'm glad you're anxious to get going on your converted Hubs. We are doing everything we can to do this well and quickly!

    1. pkmcruk profile image77
      pkmcrukposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks ever so much Paul you were posting whilst I was responding to Tim :-)

      Very much look forward to getting my lenses here :-)

      1. pkmcruk profile image77
        pkmcrukposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Looks like my lenses have started importing this evening (UK time) so thank you!

        1. Paula Atwell profile image70
          Paula Atwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Darn, Paul. I don't know how you always manage to get ahead of me. Yeesh! tongue

          1. pkmcruk profile image77
            pkmcrukposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Sorry Paula - probably because my name is one letter shorter than yours :-)

            1. Paula Atwell profile image70
              Paula Atwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this


    2. Dressage Husband profile image68
      Dressage Husbandposted 10 years agoin reply to this


      From what I have seen of the imported lenses so far you are doing a fantastic job of this. It is far from easy to do an automated transfer of this type. Congratulations from a former IT Audit Manager with a lot of experience of this type of thing.

      1. Dressage Husband profile image68
        Dressage Husbandposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        My lenses all came in around lunch time today and do not look too bad superficially. I will need to get on to editing and correcting them now. I clicked on the first day, but had issues due to an existing HP account. Today being 10th September 2014.

    3. LisaAuch1 profile image64
      LisaAuch1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thankyou Fluffanutta and Thankyou Paul for alleviating our anxious worries
      Can you tell we are all desperate to get going? 

      I am not envious of the task you have all had behind the scenes. And I think everyone will agree how fantastic the transition IS going


  11. makingamark profile image68
    makingamarkposted 10 years ago

    My second (small account) has moved. This was the one I clicked on a few days after the announcement.

    I'm still waiting on the big one - but I didn't click the green button on that one until quite late.

    PS Can I say how impressed I am with the ease of formatting and moving stuff around on a Hub. If I knew it was this good I'd have been here years ago (although I suspect Amazon conversion rates may have played an important part in the decision to stick with Squidoo - that and having to rebuild by hand!)

    I am amazed at how much information we get about what is wrong and how easy it is to find the Link that has gone bad etc.

    1. HomeArtist1 profile image59
      HomeArtist1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Let me second that, MAM. smile

  12. Sylvestermouse profile image82
    Sylvestermouseposted 10 years ago

    Thank you so much for asking this question Pkmcruk and thank you for answering Paul. 

    I think many of us are sitting on pins and needles waiting to get to work.

  13. BritFlorida profile image69
    BritFloridaposted 10 years ago

    Thanks everyone - you've saved me from becoming a nervous wreck smile

  14. sockii profile image66
    sockiiposted 10 years ago

    If you're still waiting to get transferred, take the time to double check you've got ALL of your lens content thoroughly backed up and saved for reference!

    I lost all photo galleries on a majority of my lenses that imported. Fortunately I've got all the replacement images to add back. It's apparently a "bug" being "investigated"...so hopefully the rest of y'all still waiting won't have that same mess to clean up like I do right now... :-/

    1. Dressage Husband profile image68
      Dressage Husbandposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I was going to say that your lenses will still be on Squidoo, only you would not be able to access them due to the re-direct! So how do we save all the old galleries as they do not show in the xml backup?

      1. sockii profile image66
        sockiiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        In your webbrowser (Firefox, Chrome, etc), load up the Squidoo lens in question, then choose "Save Page As..." From there, make sure to select that you want to save "Webpage, Complete", not just the html. That SHOULD download all of your images and such - but do double-check.

        One lens took me 2 hours last night to fix because I had somehow missed it in doing my backup, lost 2 photogalleries from it, sidebar Amazon modules and a Plexo link list. Fortunately it was in the Wayback Machine and I was able to rebuild it from there, but I had to do screencaptures of the images and edit from that in order to get them back to my lens-turned-hub.

        I was not a happy camper.

        1. Dressage Husband profile image68
          Dressage Husbandposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Yes I can understand that. Hopefully the team here can correct this going forward.

          1. sockii profile image66
            sockiiposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Yeah, and it would have been easier if I'd still had the original images I uploaded - but I lost them when I had a harddrive crash last year (and this was before I invested in a TimeCapsule backup drive, hard lesson learned.) So I was totally panicking for a moment that not only was the hub now a mess but I'd lost the last copies of some personally important travel photos.

            So yeah, double-check and make sure you've got full backup copies of your lenses now if they haven't been transferred yet!

            1. Dressage Husband profile image68
              Dressage Husbandposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Done, whew Thank you sockii!

        2. Rhonda Lytle profile image66
          Rhonda Lytleposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you for this!  I had already saved as html but not webpage complete.  I owe you one for this.

      2. MelRootsNWrites profile image86
        MelRootsNWritesposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Is the Wayback Machine an option?  I found one of my lost lenses from 2012 over there and was able recover it.  There were two photo galleries, and although I had to save each photo individually, I did recover them.

    2. Paula Atwell profile image70
      Paula Atwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for bringing that up. smile

  15. Diana Grant profile image95
    Diana Grantposted 10 years ago

    I too am on tenterhooks,and dying to get started on adjusting lenses to hubs - relieved for information that it is all happening, but just a bit slowly.

    As we would say in London :  "I carn 'ardly wait!"

  16. Paula Atwell profile image70
    Paula Atwellposted 10 years ago

    I just want to confirm that the Squidoo lenses do not redirect until after they transfer? If that is the case, I can wait. Not patiently, but I can wait. wink

    1. Dressage Husband profile image68
      Dressage Husbandposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That is how I understand it. I just saved the html for all of mine (thanks sockii). Then you can see a copy generated from your own laptop without the re-direct and ensure all pictures links etc. are where they should be. Follow sockii's directions if you have not done this already.

      1. Paula Atwell profile image70
        Paula Atwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I hope you are right. Just don't want to lose that exposure.

  17. kerbev profile image82
    kerbevposted 10 years ago

    Put me in the game, coach.  I'm ready coach.  I swear I'm ready.

    1. lisavollrath profile image90
      lisavollrathposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      So ready. So very ready...

  18. SheilaMilne profile image95
    SheilaMilneposted 10 years ago

    It must be UK's turn because mine are coming across too!

  19. MelRootsNWrites profile image86
    MelRootsNWritesposted 10 years ago

    Good news for both of you!  I hope mine come soon.  I just had my first Squidoo lens fall back into WIP and now I can't do anything to push it back up. sad

  20. Fiorenza profile image69
    Fiorenzaposted 10 years ago

    Yes, I'm in the UK too and mine came over this afternoon.

  21. profile image0
    Prosperity66posted 10 years ago

    Can't wait to work on those former lenses... and see how the new account is going to perform compared with this one... Oh I wish we would already be at the end of September - though my Halloween season is already ruined on both S and HP.

  22. WriterJanis2 profile image79
    WriterJanis2posted 10 years ago

    None of mine have made the transfer, yet. Glad I'm not the only one.

  23. BritFlorida profile image69
    BritFloridaposted 10 years ago

    Interesting that the UK is winning! I'm a Brit - I might be in Florida but if the UK is getting preference can I be counted in please?


    Does the size of account matter? I have 592 featured lenses (about a dozen of which are Squidoo specific so will have to be deleted). Does, if you'll excuse me, size matter???

  24. profile image0
    mumsgatherposted 10 years ago

    I'm really glad this question was brought up because I pushed that green button very early on, then I started creating hubs to get familiarised with editing my lenses when they arrive but I'm still waiting.

    Now, the next question is, for the lenses which arrive later, when does the 4 month grace period start? Same as the others or from the time of arrival?

    1. Paul Edmondson profile imageSTAFF
      Paul Edmondsonposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It will be at least 4 months for all transferred accounts.

      1. profile image0
        mumsgatherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thank you for clarifying that, Paul. It is a relief to know. I'll wait patiently for my turn then.

  25. Cari Kay 11 profile image87
    Cari Kay 11posted 10 years ago

    I was thrilled and surprised to see mine made it over night before last.  I only had about 74 or so lenses so maybe they were working on smaller batches first?  Like most here, I did click the transfer button early on as well.

  26. Virginia Allain profile image90
    Virginia Allainposted 10 years ago

    I waited a few days before pushing the button, so I'm not too worried that mine haven't transferred yet.

    It's exciting to see others arriving and that they look pretty good. I admit to being apprehensive about what might fall off in cyberspace during the transfer..

  27. DreamsBloom profile image74
    DreamsBloomposted 10 years ago

    I have two Squidoo accounts. The first I clicked on the transfer button not long after the announcement was made. No lenses from that accoung have been transferred over. It had fewer lenses of the two.

    The second Squidoo account (the one I am writing from here now) I only clicked on the transfer button Today...and yet my lenses from that account have all been transferred over here as hubs.

    1. SheGetsCreative profile image58
      SheGetsCreativeposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      That's a bit unnerving that your second account has already transferred with so many of us that have been waiting for our main accounts to do so for what seems like FOREVER  lol (okay, maybe not forever, but much longer than anticipated)

  28. profile image0
    Snakesmumposted 10 years ago

    Good question, mumsgather.     I hope it's from the transfer time, not the time of the earliest arrival!

  29. profile image0
    Prosperity66posted 10 years ago

    My former lenses were imported two days ago and I'm really impressed with the way they look. Videos are missing but it's the occasion for me to change some of them, so good. Sometimes I'm a bit lost with the order of capsules but all in all I could manage to fix things without too much trouble. I like the way my fixed Hubs look now...

    1. Paula Atwell profile image70
      Paula Atwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I agree. My only real issues are the lenses that were made up primarily with html and now have nothing but a list of links. Those will need complete rewrites.

      1. profile image0
        Prosperity66posted 10 years agoin reply to this

        That is why even though it was suggested to not modify lenses too much before the move, I actually modified a lot of them - removed most stuff of which I knew it wouldn't make it to the new host, and transformed some HTML stuff into something that would fit HubPages.

        Those that didn't know or weren't used to HP could not figure out what to do beforehand, of course sad

        Though pictures and posters used as illustrations are now replaced as well. Luckily I only had 34 lenses to be moved since I deleted the 160+ that didn't get traffic any more on Squidoo.

        By the way I might relocate them on here since traffic is OK. Surprisingly OK big_smile

        1. Dressage Husband profile image68
          Dressage Husbandposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I think it was a mistake to delete those lenses as I have found that many of my non performing lenses are doing surprisingly well here! That is before I have updated them to HP standards. I am pleasantly surprised at the returns from the Ad program here too.

          One thing that amazed me is that HP seems to have a lot more Google love, maybe it is the sub-domain thing where individual writers are identifiable to Google. My social network appears to be helping my ranking a lot more here than at Hubpages. I am also of the opinion that Google authorship, which I still have in place has actually helped the honest writers despite what people are saying. I for one am not about to remove it in a hurry.

          Just my view of course love to hear what others think.

          1. justholidays profile image68
            justholidaysposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            It was probably a mistake, however, I didn't delete those lenses overnight... I deleted form time to time, those that didn't get the deserving traffic any more. Took 18 months.

            Actually I think that Squidoo should have pulled the plug last year big_smile

            ETA - I'm sorry I forgot to log into my primary account to post... (prosperity66)


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