Question about the transition from Squidoo to HP and 4 months

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  1. Paula Atwell profile image68
    Paula Atwellposted 10 years ago

    I just want to make sure I am clear on the transition information. My stuff transferred overnight, so that means that I have 4 months to clear up skulls etc before the hubs get moderated, correct?

    I am going to have to completely revamp quite a few former lenses due to the fact that much of my information was there via html. I have the original lenses copied so that I can either reinsert the info or change them completely, but I just don't want to run into any deadlines. I have a lot of other work to do and would rather do it slowly and properly than quickly and get so stressed out over it. smile

    1. MariaMontgomery profile image90
      MariaMontgomeryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Paula, this morning I received the usual e-mail with HubPages notifications. The first one on the list was your article, "How to Hunt for and Find Antiques -- Tips". I clicked on the link, and what did I see?  This is what I saw:

      "No longer published
      The article you are looking for is no longer published. The author may have chosen to unpublish it, or it may have been unpublished by a moderator because of a violation of HubPages rules."

      I can't help but question why it was listed, i.e., promoted, by HP when it has been unpublished?  What's going on with HP?

      1. Writer Fox profile image41
        Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Those lists are made before a Hub goes through QAP, so you will see a lot of those, especially if you follow one of the Topics on HP.

        My guess about the Hub you are asking about is that it was transferred from Squidoo, she tried to edit it, it went through QAP and was unpublished.  That can happen if she were trying to edit it in stages and it went through QAP before she was finished.

        1. Paula Atwell profile image68
          Paula Atwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Sorry WF you are completely wrong about this.

          1. Writer Fox profile image41
            Writer Foxposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            On your activity page, it shows that 30 hours ago "Paula Atwell published the new Hub How to Hunt for and Find Antiques - Tips."  So, you really did hit the "Publish" button on that one.

            This is why it came through on your followers' feed pages and the link was also sent to them by email. When a published Hub doesn't pass QAP, the message is posted that Maria saw.

            If you never hit the "Publish" button, it doesn't come up on the feed.  If  QAP hasn't finished and someone clicks on the link to your Hub, they will find your Hub and can even leave a comment before the QAP is finished.

      2. Paula Atwell profile image68
        Paula Atwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Hi Maria, that article was not in my transfer. I moved it myself and it never completely published because there was duplicate content showing on another of my articles. The second article transferred in last night, so that is something that I can fix myself. I had already removed it from another site and from Google, but it still came up as a duplicate. HP probably automatically shows those in the feed assuming they are okay. That was just a weird situation.

        1. MariaMontgomery profile image90
          MariaMontgomeryposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for letting me know. All kinds of weird things seem to be happening. I'm still waiting for my lenses to transfer.

  2. Cari Kay 11 profile image86
    Cari Kay 11posted 10 years ago

    As I found out the hard way, once you edit your hub, they can unpublish it.  I wish I hadn't been so eager to edit and clean up my pages because this has been so stressful.  I'd work on a few at a time so the same thing doesn't happen to you if there are any problems.  It took a few days for them to start adding the skulls and then unpublishing.  For the remaining hubs, I'm not longer in a hurry to edit them.

  3. Craftymarie profile image76
    Craftymarieposted 10 years ago

    I read somewhere else on the forum, Paula, that we get 4 months from when our lenses are transferred - so people having lenses transferred later, still get those 4 months. I'm also taking my time over it all to try and do a good job of editing each page.

  4. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 10 years ago

    As soon as you edit a Hub, you are saying you've fixed it, and the grace period for that one Hub is over.

    You have four months to fix all Hubs imported from lenses before the filters will then just sweep everything.

    1. Paula Atwell profile image68
      Paula Atwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Okay, so as long as I don't start to edit then the hub is left alone for the entire time. That is what I thought, but wanted to be sure. Thanks, relache.

      1. favored profile image55
        favoredposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        So if we do nothing and there are violations won't it be locked? Getting confused as to whether or not we're suppose to edit when they come through.

        1. Marisa Wright profile image86
          Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Each Hub has a 4 month grace period, if you don't touch it.    However as soon as you edit it, that sends it through the QAP and it loses its immunity.

          1. profile image0
            Jason Sositkoposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            A red skull can still appear though, even if not edited? I do have a few red skulls on imported lenses that I have not touched.  No risk of the red skull/unedited hub-lenses being unpublished inside the 4 months right?

          2. favored profile image55
            favoredposted 10 years agoin reply to this

            Well that's scary.  Just getting in the door and already a chase.  Hope that doesn't happen.

            1. Marisa Wright profile image86
              Marisa Wrightposted 10 years agoin reply to this

              Not really.  If you edit one Hub at a time, and leave the others untouched, they will all sit there quite happily until you're ready to deal with them in turn.

    2. Marina Lazarevic profile image80
      Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, relache is correct! smile

    3. MacPharlain profile image81
      MacPharlainposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi Relache, by 'As soon as you edit a Hub' do you mean as soon as the edit button is clicked or as soon as the edited changes are published?

  5. Paula Atwell profile image68
    Paula Atwellposted 10 years ago

    What is the normal amount of time a hubber has to fix a hub with the scary red skull of doom?

    1. relache profile image68
      relacheposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Red skull icons next to a Hub indicate a problem that is worthy of having the hub be unpublished, so people tend to fix them on sight.  I've had a Hub in the past get unpublished within a day of getting a red skull.  It depends on the actual problem and how long it takes a moderator to address it.

      You have longer to fix red skulls on weekends than on week days.

      1. Paula Atwell profile image68
        Paula Atwellposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Good to know. Thanks.

  6. iijuan12 profile image74
    iijuan12posted 10 years ago

    I have the same question as MacPharlain:  Does 'as soon as you edit a Hub' mean as soon as the edit button is clicked or as soon as the edited changes are published? I have started to edit a lens and then realized it's going to take a long time to get it to an acceptable level. I didn't hit the "Done Editing" button. Does that mean it's going to be reviewed and possibly unpublished?

    I know we have 4 months to bring our pages into compliance, but squidoo is taking down their lenses at the beginning of October.  There is SOOO much info that did not transfer over, so I'd like to edit as many pages as I can before the squidoo pages disappear.  Yes, I did save a backup of my lenses, but it's a lot more convenient to work off of my live squidoo lens (in edit mode) than it is to work off the saved copy.

    1. favored profile image55
      favoredposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      iijuan12 that's what I would like to know as well.  If I begin editing and cannot fix everything what happens to it then?  I would hope Squidoo would still be up at least until the four months grace period is up so we could get our information.  There's just not enough time to get it all done by Oct. 1st.

    2. Marina Lazarevic profile image80
      Marina Lazarevicposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Editing a capsule (i.e., clicking its "save" button) counts as an edit and does not require clicking on the "done editing" button. The same is true for rearranging the capsule layout in a Hub. I posted a lengthier explanation of how various edits in the HubTool take effect in this thread. Let me know if this does not answer your question!

      1. MacPharlain profile image81
        MacPharlainposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Thanks, Marina!  That answers my question.


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