Five minutes to help me please?

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  1. LongTimeMother profile image95
    LongTimeMotherposted 10 years ago

    Hi. I'm hoping someone has a spare five minutes (and a good internet connection) to help me please. Because I live off the grid in the Aussie bush and use a slow and unreliable satellite internet connection, I cannot get a youtube video to load and run to the end. All I get is the first 30 seconds, then an error message.

    Someone with a very strange sense of humour has stolen the text of one of my hubs and turned it into a youtube video. Lol. I heard the accent. It sounds nothing like me. (Can't wait until my husband wakes in the morning so he can hear how I sound on video. smile )

    Before I file a DMCA and have it removed, I'd love to know what they are selling - or what they say - at the end of the video.  Would someone please watch it for me and let me know what the punchline is?  Where are they directing people after watching this extraordinarily boring video? (If I'd made it, at least it would have moving pictures!!)

    The address of the link is  ..... with youtube joined to be all one word.

    Thanks, in advance.

    1. The Examiner-1 profile image59
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I watched the video and someone was speaking while a "cube" with the words written on it would rotate each time that the speaker reached the bottom. New words would show up on the next side. That is all that was shown. The words on the cube seemed too small to read.
      Then I went back to your Hub and read it as I listened to the video again. They began at the beginning and read it word for word to the end, even "the photo shows" was spoken, but there were no photos in the video. They did skip a couple of sections/paragraphs which I guess were unimportant to them.
      Nothing sounded funny to me. It was not professionally recorded and there were a few parts that had "word echos" and others where the words were written but not spoken.
      I hope that helps LTM.

      1. LongTimeMother profile image95
        LongTimeMotherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        Yes, that helps enormously. Thank you.

        I appreciate you going to the trouble of comparing my hub to their sound track. In my DMCA I said the entire article was read. From what you say here, I wasn't too far off the mark. Will be interesting to see how long it takes for it to be removed.

        I wonder what people who randomly view it would think when hearing the text read out loud. Seems quite bizarre.

        1. The Examiner-1 profile image59
          The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          You are very welcome, it was no problem.
          Well, unless they are very curious about the plant and its cures, they may lose interest because, personally, I did not think that it was easy to read the writing. Listening to the speaker there is the "echo" and the incomplete sentences plus it says (once or twice?) "in the photo", but you do not see a photo. I do not think it is very helpful.

  2. TheWritingnag profile image43
    TheWritingnagposted 10 years ago

    it's ashver dot com but they aren't directing people to another site, clearly just doing it for the advertising dollars. It looks like many of their videos are just stolen content put to video as they have more than 11,000+ views doing the same kind of videos.

    1. LongTimeMother profile image95
      LongTimeMotherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks, TheWritingnag. I've never heard of hubs being stolen to be read on youtube before, but perhaps there are lots of others. How weird.

      Do they just stop reading and say nothing more at the end?

      1. LongTimeMother profile image95
        LongTimeMotherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        And did they take out reference to my photos?

      2. TheWritingnag profile image43
        TheWritingnagposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I'll attach a screenshot of the end of the video. I'm guessing they read your entire article and is the picture of comfrey yours too? I would look around the channel because if you often write on this topic I imagine they lifted those too.

        1. LongTimeMother profile image95
          LongTimeMotherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

          Good point. Thanks. I will check them out tomorrow.

          I appreciate you giving me this info. This joyous off-grid lifestyle does have its disadvantages when it comes to watching videos online. smile

          Bedtime in Australia. (1am.) Good night, and thanks again.

  3. LongTimeMother profile image95
    LongTimeMotherposted 10 years ago

    Filed the DMCA. Thanks, TheWritingnag. smile

    1. My Cook Book profile image61
      My Cook Bookposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      It really annoys when someone plagiarizes the content. I am now too filing a DMCA again to protect my hubs...

  4. Millionaire Tips profile image89
    Millionaire Tipsposted 10 years ago

    That is really odd.  How did you even find them LTM?

    1. LongTimeMother profile image95
      LongTimeMotherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Hi MT. If they ever invent an award for hubber most likely to file a DMCA, I'm going to be in the running. smile

      I regularly cut and paste small excerpts from my hubs into google (in inverted commas " ") to identify stolen copies of my work. Then I lodge a DMCA.

      I'm on first-name terms with many friendly, helpful legal teams from hosting companies around the world. lol. It must be very disappointing for people who steal my work. It generally doesn't take me long to catch them.

      1. TheWritingnag profile image43
        TheWritingnagposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        I just filed one yesterday so I completely understand.

  5. TheWritingnag profile image43
    TheWritingnagposted 10 years ago

    Just took some time and looked at some other videos there are loads of stolen hubs done the same way. Is there anyway to report the user to YouTube for copyright violations for the whole site?

  6. Blond Logic profile image91
    Blond Logicposted 10 years ago

    This is the first time I have heard of this kind of thing. I am sorry this has happened to you, but I am glad you told us about it.

    I hope it gets pulled down soon.

    1. TheWritingnag profile image43
      TheWritingnagposted 10 years agoin reply to this

      I see other Hubs that have content taken and turned into can I report it so that the community is aware?

      1. LongTimeMother profile image95
        LongTimeMotherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        TheWritingnag, you could start a new forum thread that gives hubbers an overview of what you saw on youtube. Quite a few people will see it. Presumably staff will also get wind of it. Perhaps they'll mention it in their newsletter.

        There's little point in me starting another thread to warn people because I haven't had the chance to actually view it ... and my satellite is not good with youtube.

        Thanks also to the others who have commented on this thread.  smile

  7. LongTimeMother profile image95
    LongTimeMotherposted 10 years ago

    Here's the update. Just checked my email. 19 hours ago youtube advised me they'd removed the video. I returned to the page and it says ...

    "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by LongTimeMother.
    Sorry about that."

    It only took them three days to remove it. I think that's very good service. smile

    1. The Examiner-1 profile image59
      The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

      Congrats! I take it that everything is back to normal now.

      1. LongTimeMother profile image95
        LongTimeMotherposted 10 years agoin reply to this

        lol. 'Normal' might be a bit of a stretch. smile

        1. The Examiner-1 profile image59
          The Examiner-1posted 10 years agoin reply to this

          I meant for that Hub. I know it does not change everything. :-)


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